About this mod
Adds three new cartographers who sell maps of various regions of Skyrim/Solstheim. Purchasing and reading the maps show locations in that hold, but do not discover them.
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This relatively simple mod adds a cartography shop to Skyrim on the outskirts of Whiterun owned by the Dravarol Family. Here, you can purchase maps of different holds of Skyrim. When read, these maps will reveal all the locations in that hold on the map, though they cannot be fast traveled to. The maps are each worth 500 base gold, with the exception of the Solstheim Map (400), Military Camp Map (200), and Dawnguard, Revised Map (250)
For DLC integration, there are two other cartographers. One of them is found in Haelga's Bunkhouse in Riften; he sells a map that reveals new locations added by Dawnguard. The other is found in The Retching Netch on Solstheim and her map reveals Solstheim locations. Originally these vendors were included in separate ESPs, but since SE includes all DLCs, I saw no reason not to merge the whole thing together and fix it up.
This was a really neat mod on LE and I wanted to see it realized in Skyrim SE, so I have done just that and cleaned up some issues with it. I will correct more issues as they arise and probably expand the mod's features itself as I see fit. I am always open to new suggestions so please provide feedback!
How Does It Work?
After buying the maps from the various vendors, you must then read them to reveal the locations on your map. This is done via script and attached script properties, but it only runs when the map item (they are considered books) are opened and should not cause issues in your game. You should have no performance loss, no polling, or other nonsense.
Fun Fact: This is actually a mechanic in Vanilla. If you read the book Explorer's Guide to Skyrim, four Standing Stones will be marked on your map. Based on this I presume Christobis used that script as a base in originally creating this mod.
Mod Integration & Patches
This mod is compatible with everything except for the mods that edit the same exact exterior location in Whiterun Hold. This mod only adds a singular house with a carriage static, but see the images tab for more details. Below is a list of compatible, incompatible, or partially compatible mods. Note that some patches are optional, and not all of the mods below are compatible with eachother!
Whiterun Outskirts Market - Unknown (Needs Testing)
Elysium Estate - Partially Compatible - Patch Provided - Ensures landscape and navmeshing compatibility.
Dark's Whiterun Market - Partially Compatible - Patch Provided - Ensures landscape and navmeshing compatibility.
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Compatible, Optional Patch - Adds new museum shipment crate and applies keywords to maps.
Helps To Have A Map - Compatible, Optional Patch - Adds maps to vendors.
Helps To Have A Compass - Compatible, Optional Patch - Adds maps and compasses to vendors.
Capital Whiterun Expansion - Compatible - No Patch Needed!
Run of the Mill Inn - Compatible - No Patch Needed!
Future Plans
Although the original scope of this mod is basically feature complete, I would like to expand it in the future. If you have any suggestions on how this can be done, please let me know. At the very least I would like to add custom dialogue for the NPCs, perhaps even a few quests that allow you to earn the maps rather than just buying them.
I will also add patches as needed, with a patch for Atlas Map Markers almost complete!
This mod has been form compacted, flagged as an ESL, and packed into a BSA. Your mod manager must support ESPLite files for the installation to be smooth. I can only offer support for Mod Organizer 2 users, as this is the mod manager I use personally. Vortex should be just fine, though. Just follow the FOMOD installation instructions and you will be fine.
I would not recommend uninstalling ANY mods mid-game unless you are willing to face the consequences of doing so. I cannot guarantee a stable game if you mod this way, although utilities such as Fallrim Tools may be able to help you out.
Known Issues
The interior cell of the Cartography Shop is a little dark for my tastes, but it is nothing game-breaking and YMMV. Also, please note that the vendors are NOT essential and can be killed, locking you out of obtaining the maps other than cheating them in. Let me know in the posts or bug tracker if any issues arise. I will do my best to resolve them!
The maps may also be missing some locations. Please let me know which locations these are (name and hold region) so that I may correct it.
Since the mod is flagged as an ESL, any mods that overwrite the newly added cell (WhiterunMapseller) can cause some weird issues. Best to avoid doing that.
Special thanks to Christobis for the original idea and upload on the Skyrim LE Nexus. I would also like to thank ElminsterAU and the creators/contributors of xEdit as it is a very powerful tool that was instrumental in ensuring this port was possible.