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Tate Taylor

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About this mod

A simple follower mod featuring a strange khajiit and a friendly goat.

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"This khajiit yeets."
— Bee
Asya'la the Nordic Khajiit is a simple follower mod that stars the titular Khajiit with a unique heritage. Unlike most Khajiit you encounter in Skyrim, Asya'la has never been to Elsweyr. She was raised by a Nordic family on an island off the coast of Skyrim. This upbringing meant that Asya'la has more in common with a burly Nord than her Khajiit kin. 

However, Asya'la is not entirely out of touch with her heritage. She honors Khajiiti traditions and holds them to great regard alongside her Nordic customs. This blending of Nord and Khajiit leaves Asya'la quite different from any other Khajiit you've met before. Journey to the Windhelm Docks to meet Asya'la for yourself!

This is a pretty simple follower mod. Don't expect anything grand on the scale of Lucien or Inigo. I originally had more character development planned around her struggling between her Nordic culture and Khajiiti roots as well as a whole personal quest. These were unfortunately unable to come to fruition. I won't bore you with the details here, but if you're interested in learning more I've written out a short summary of the history of Asya'la development here.

While you shouldn't expect content updates out of me, I will be dedicated to squashing any bugs that may arise. This was my first mod, so it may be a bit rougher than my newer stuff. The audio quality for this follower is a little crunchy at the moment. I may look at attempting to clean it up in the future. Feel free to clean it up yourself and send the files my way if I don't get around to doing it myself.

  • A new Khajiit follower named Asya'la with around 200 lines of custom voice acting.
  • Locational dialogue where Aysa'la will occasionally comment on her surroundings.
  • Unique armor for Asya'la reminiscent of her homeland.
  • A friendly goat.

Recommended Mods

If you want to give Asya'la a more unique look, I highly recommend SassiestAssassin's Project ja-Kha'jay - Asya'la the Nordic Khajiit Addon

Plenty of fur for the cold of Skyrim!

Asya'la uses a custom follower framework and should NOT be imported into follower framework mods such as Amazing Follower Tweaks, Extensible Follower Framework, or Nether's Follower Framework.

The Windhelm Docks and Guardhouse have been lightly modified via adding new NPCs to the respective locations. They will only be present for the duration of Asya'la's short recruitment quest.