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About this mod

A vampire overhaul designed for stackability with other vampire overhauls. Adds 51 perks in 4 brand new perk tree, 7 Blood Potency levels which each add their own new powers, alternatives to vampirism like becoming a dhampir, adds vampire clan system and 1 extra vampirism strain.

Permissions and credits
If you wanna be a part of this mods continuing development or to see what's coming in the future join us here on Discord:

If you wanna see what other projects I'm working on primarily outside of Skyrim such as my upcoming game World Vein come join me here:

Designed as an expansion on top of vampirism rather than a rewrite of the system this mod is for the most part stackable with other vampire overhauls. Most customization is made into a gameplay feature allowing you to build up your ideal vampire in gameplay rather than by spending time in menus; but a configuration book is also included for a few options and to quickly test mod features. Adds four vampire perk trees each with twelve perks to unlock, Blood Potency levels that work like vampire ranks unlocking things like turning others and creating thralls, added a clan system featuring the Volkihar and Cruxnii clans. Vampires don't die unless burned or staked making vampire hunting feel more satisfying (optional); stakes can be crafted at a forge. Added a Dhampir system. Created an optional version of the Sanguinare Vampiris strain and also created the Sanctus Vampiris strain which feeds on other vampires. Added a tutorial to guide people through the basic systems, the tutorial is if you'd like to see an explanation on how to do things without going through the tutorial:
Vampire Perks are earned by feeding, there's an active effect to track how much experience you need from feeding to unlock another perk point, how many points you have, and your Blood Potency level. To spend your perk points Hibernate at a coffin to be taken to a world space with a perk tree. Around the central perk tree are three coffins laying down each one allows you to access another perk tree but they must be unlocked with Ascension Points. You start off with one Ascension Point so you can choose an extra perk tree from the start. Ascension Points are earned by reaching Blood Potency level 6 and then using New Blood to reset back to Blood Potency 0 and work your way back up. Ascension Points can also be spent to master a perk tree. Blood Potency levels will go up by one for every 10 player levels when you sleep at a coffin or join a clan. (A level 20 player who just became a vampire will have Blood Potency level 2 immediately after sleeping.) Clan can be joined by using a filled Bloodstone Chalice owned by that clan, so to join the Volkihar clan you have to side with Harkon to complete the first quest to fill it. Clans rank increases automatically when Blood Potency increases but reseting Blood Potency does not reduce Clan Rank; you can also only be in one clan at a time.

All vampire bites also deal 50% of your targets health in damage to them so you can choose to feed until they die for extra perk progress or let them live so you can feed on them again later.

Note: on occasion when you accept Harkon"s gift to become a Vampire Lord for some reason the VL power is not given to the player. Seeing as I didn't alter any forms related to that quest or the power itself my best guess is that the mod has a bit too much content that it has to work through when becoming a vampire which messes with the vanilla script to give the player the power. Thankfully this isn't at all game breaking as you can just go up to Harkon and he should present you with the choice to get the power again even during the tutorial to learn how to use the power. I've also heard that if you were already a vampire when you joined him you should get the power without any problems.

Vampire Perk Tree:
This perk tree contains many perks to customize your vampires strengths and weaknesses with unique effects like racial vampire powers, earning skill points by feeding, burning in the sunlight, and more.
Full Perk List:

Bestial Hunger
You can now feed on deceased animals, doing so reveals your true nature for 4 hours making all people hostile towards you.

Blooded Alchemy
You can now craft blood potions at cooking pots.

Blood is Life
Absorb the 3 highest skills and 2 random skills from feeding targets but regular skill progression is reduced by 90%.

Enter a state of blood frenzy increasing damage for every kill and draining stamina based on vampire stage. Your blood thirst is now more difficult to control, going 72 without feeding will drain stamina until you're forced to feed on nearby targets.

Dead Body
Gain increased resistance to normal weapon damage based on vampire stage but all natural healing effects are reduced by 90%.

Death's Flavor
You can now feed on human corpses, suffering a penalty to magicka and stamina for doing so.

Potent Blood
Gain increased melee damage, attack speed, and movement speed based on vampire stage. But direct sunlight now burns you based on vampire stage.

You can now feed while sneaking if you're undetected dealing 20% of your targets health in damage.

Tainted Bloodline
You can now earn special vampiric racial abilities by feeding on living members of your own race. 5 feedings for each ability and 2 abilities total.

Unholy Being
Gain increased health, magicka, and stamina based on vampire stage but holy shrines now burn you while nearby.

Uninvited Guest
Mesmerized targets can now be commanded in conversation but entering into a house uninvited deals 10 points of damage per second.

Vampire Senses
Sneaking now detects nearby targets while using Vampire's Sight but direct sunlight now burns your eyes.

Blood Perk Tree:
This perk tree is themed after blood magic and contains perks to fortify your body through blood and powerful blood magic spell like conjuring a Black Hole or infecting targets with a blood plague. (Must be unlocked by reaching Blood Potency level 6 and ascending and incurs a Curse.)
Full Perk List:

Blood's Curse
Feeding now offers unique benefits based on the races blood you consume but feeding on the same race 3 times in a row will cause an addiction, while addicted you'll get no benefits from any other races blood but the one you're addicted to and will suffer a penalty to stamina and magcika regeneration for feeding on a different race, but you'll also be given a constant boost from the races blood on top of a temporary boost after feeding. Going 72 hours without feeding will cure your addiction.

Blood Mastery
Feeding on a race you're not addicted to no longer brings a penalty, spell costs are reduced by 25% for every nearby corpse, and Blood Magic no longer damages you if you're near a corpse.

Blood And Hunger
Unlocks the spells Bleed and Consume. These spells can be combined with each other and with Plague and Hex for different effects.

Blood Magic
Increase spell magnitude by 1% for every point of health and spells cost 30% less but you spend 5% of your health when casting per second.

Blood Skin
Armor rating is increased by 20% of your health points in combat.

Attacks with weapons inflict Bleed on targets dealing 5 points of damage per second for 20 seconds.

Curses And Disease
Unlocks the spells Plague and Hex. These spells can be combined with each other and with Bleed and Consume for different effects.

Hemokinetic Feeding
Unlocks the spell Ravage. Ravage lifts the target into the air draining the blood from their body, killing them counts as a feeding.

Recieving fatal damage while Mortality isn't active will turn you into an invincible mist for 30 seconds and apply Mortality. Mortality reduces max health by 30 points until you next feed. 2 minute cooldown.
-15 seconds per Blood Potency level.

Mist of Ages
Turn into an invulnerable mist while sprinting with your weapons out. Also adds the Vanish power to dash forward as mist.

Adds the ability to feed on targets below 25% health or that are fleeing dealing 20% of your targets health in damage.

Unnatural Strength
Power attacks have a 40% chance to send targets flying.
+10% chance per Blood Potency level.

Void and Torment
Adds the Black Hole and Blood Cauldron spells.

Death Perk Tree:
This perk tree is themed after necromancy and stealth and contains perks that let you raise the dead, forge Death Hounds, and even become a Gargoyle.
(Must be unlocked by reaching Blood Potency level 6 and ascending and incurs a Curse.)
Full Perk List:

Death's Curse
Sleeping in a coffin will restore 3 points of stamina and magicka per second for 24 hours, after this you'll drain 6 points of stamina and magicka per second until you sleep in a coffin again.

Death Mastery
Going without resting in a coffin no longer drains 6 points of stamina and magicka, souls increase your health, magicka, and stamina by 5 points, and when your health drops below 10% use 10 souls to automatically heal 100 health points.

Abysmal Shield
Standing still in the dark while sneaking with your weapons down during combat will generate a powerful barrier. While active you restore 5 points of health per second.

Auto Vampirism
Feed on yourself, satisfying your thirst but reducing max health by 80 points for 2 hours.
-10 points of per Blood Potency level.

Coldharbour Ritual
Spend 5 souls to summon a Skeleton Champion to fight alongside you. If you do not have the souls required, the Skeleton Champion will attack you.

Dark Hunger
Feeding on the dead now restores 10 points of health per second for 30 seconds.

Dark Servant
While your weapon is out and you're sneaking activate a dead target to sacrifice 35 points of your max Health to resurrect the target for 3 days. Targets revived by this don't count towards your summon limit.
-5 points of max Health cost per Blood Potency level.

Death Forge
Can now craft Death Hound Callers and Filled Death Hound Collars at a forge. Placing a Filled Death Hound Caller in the inventory of a deceased dog or wolf will create a Death Hound companion. Placing a Death Hound Collar on a deceased horse will create a Death Horse.

Mark one of your Dark Servants to reincarnate from should you die, destroying their body and bringing you back to life.

Shadow Demon
While sneaking you can possess a targets body taking control of them for 30 seconds. While possessed your targets take 3 points of damage per second, if they die your blood thirst is satisfied.

Shadow Soul
Become one with the shadows while sneaking in darkness, becoming invisible and equipping the Shadow Walk power teleporting you to your target location when used.

Soul Eater
You can now devour the dead's souls storing their soul in your body, increasing how many corpses you can reanimate by 1 for every soul. Reanimating a corpse consumes 1 soul.

Tomb Haunter
Take the form of a gargoyle. Attacks in this form absorb 10 points of health.
+5 points of health absorption per Blood Potency level. Can also craft Gargoyle Hearts, placing a Gargoyle Heart into a dead vampires inventory will create a gargoyle that you can command.

Night Perk Trees:
This perk tree is themed after the powers of night featuring powers to control bats, manipulate minds, summon nightmares, and more.
(Must be unlocked by reaching Blood Potency level 6 and ascending and incurs a Curse.)
Full Perk List:

Night's Curse
At night health, magicka, and stamina increase by 50% of your health but during the day they'll decrease by 50% of your health.

Night Mastery
Night's Curse no longer reduces your attributes during the day, Night Essence is gained by feeding on live targets, and spell potency is increased by 10% for every Night Essence.

Wings of Night
Transform into a swarm of bats draining 12 points of Health per second until you reach 20%, by crouching while looking up.
-2 points of damage per Blood Potency level. Sprinting with your weapons out will transform you into a swarm of bats dashing towards your target and feeding on them. Dealing 20% of your targets health in damage. Costs 60 stamina.
-10 stamina cost per Blood Potency level.

Night Powers
Use to send out a pulse detecting nearby creatures for 10 seconds when your weapons are down, turn into a wolf when sneaking, or dash as a bat swarm. Costs 1 Night Essence. Night Essence regenerates every 2 hours at night at a max of 4.
+1 max Night Essence per Blood Potency level.

Standing still with your weapons put away slowly breaks the will of your target eventually pacifying them. You can also now hypnotize targets by asking them to look into your eyes once every 2 hours, those with strong faith can resist this effect.

King of Bats
Adds the King of Bats spell, send out a swarm of bats absorbing 8 health, magicka, and stamina per second to your target.
Also while blocking bats feed on nearby targets.

Adds the Masquerade power, allowing you to mask your identity through illusion creating an alter ego that tracks crimes seperately. Also adds the Night Vault power that can be used to store a set of equipment that will automatically be equipped when using Masquerade.

Moonlight Healing
While in direct moonlight getting hit will cause you to regenerate 2 points of health per second for 3 seconds.
+1 point of health per Blood Potency level.

Nightmare Weaver
When combat starts there's a 10% chance that your targets fear will manifest and fight along side you for 15 seconds.
+10% chance per Blood Potency level.

Night Step
After jumping you can jump again if timed correctly now. Jump height is also increased.

While at 100% Stamina, any melee attacks against you slow time for everyone except you.
-15% Stamina requirement per Blood Potency level.

Unearthly Fog
Adds the power Unearthly Fog, allowing you to breathe out an other worldly fog that obscures the sun and absorbs 10 points of stamina per second from targets trapped inside once a day.

Lunar Rite
Consume 4 Night Essence to satisfy your thirst and allow you to apply one extra enchantment while enchanting.

Blood Potency levels increase the power of certain perks and unlock new abilities such as turning others into vampires and creating thralls. Blood Potency levels are earned every 10 player levels by sleeping in a coffin, after reaching level 60 and using New Blood it takes 5 player levels for every Blood Potency level.
Full Blood Potency Level List:

Blood Potency 0: Fledgling.
I may be dead, but the ancient blood running through my veins had just begun to spark true potential.

Blood Potency 1: Vampire.
I know what I've become. The power tastes so good... I should share it.
Unlocked: lesser power Blood Awakening. Tap into your vampiric blood, increasing your Supernatural Physiology's strength. While active you can choose to sire others turning them into vampires and giving extra perk progress. Max of 16 new vampires. This power reduces your stage by one for Vampyrium vampires or deals damage equal to 25% of your max health for traditional vampires. Each vampire sired takes some of your vitality, reducing max health by 20 points.
Unlocked: passive Master's Call. When health drops below 50% there is a chance one of your turned vampires will show up to aid you in combat.

Blood Potency 2: Blood Vampire.
I can feel the life of so many others flowing through me, giving me strength.
Unlocked: passive Blood Fortification. Resting in a coffin will increase your health, magicka, and stamina by 1 point for every feeding you've had as long as it hasn't been over 24 hours since your last feeding.
Unlocked: power Summon Coffin. Summon a coffin at your target location to rest at.

Blood Potency 3: Nightstalker.
I have become one with the night, no mere mortal could ever best me.
Unlocked: lesser power Call of the Night. Animals and creatures fight for you when used during the night.
Unlocked: passive Patagium. Negate fall damage and fall slower while not sneaking.

Blood Potency 4: Vampire Master.
The weak shall be dominated by the strong, I shall rule as king.
Unlocked: passive Enthrall. You can enthrall targets that are bleeding out, turning them into your thrall. You can feed on thralls at will and they can be brought with you as followers.

Blood Potency 5: Vampire Lord.
Molag Bal has looked upon my deeds and granted me favour. I will dominate and devour everything in my path!
Unlocked: lesser power Vampire Lord. Transform into a powerful vampire lord, gaining access to new perks and powers.
Unlocked: Spell Summon Gargoyle. Summon a gargoyle that'll fight beside you for 60 seconds.

Blood Potency 6: Progenitor.
I have reached the height of vampiric power, on par with even the daedra.
Unlocked: lesser power Lifeless King. Command any undead to serve you for 60 seconds.
Unlocked: passive Lord of Terror. Weaker enemies flee at your approach.
Unlocked: passive New Life. The recently deceased can now be resurrected as a sired vampire. If you've reached your limit of sires, your blood will reject them, burning them for 1 minute.
Unlocked: power New Blood. Revert back to Blood Potency level 0 but gain an ascension point that can be spent to unlock a new perk tree.

Clans are joined by activate a filled Blood Stone Chalice owned by the clan. For Volkihar you'll have to do the quest to fill it after joining Harkon's Court. For Cruxnii it's found at the end of the Fort Dawnguard Dungeon added by this mod.

Volkihar Clan: cruel and cold the Volkihar have been a terror across Skyrim since ancient times.
Full Clan Rank List:

Volkihar Clan Rank: 0
Unlocked Cursed Frost: Frost spells deal 1% more damage for every destruction skill point.

Volkihar Clan Rank: 1
Unlocked Ice Path: Adds the Ice Path lesser power. Leaves a path of ice behind you and allows you to walk on water.

Volkihar Clan Rank: 2
Unlocked Frozen Blood: Melee attacks have a 5% chance to freeze targets.

Volkihar Clan Rank: 3
Unlocked Frozen Breath: Adds the Frozen Breath spell. Blast the target with icy winds, freezes the target if they run out of stamina.

Volkihar Clan Rank: 4
Unlocked Ancient Ice: Adds the Ancient Ice spell. Summons an Ancient Frost Atronach.

Volkihar Clan Rank: 5
Unlocked Cruel Magic: Fear spells last twice as long and targets effected by fear spells take 30% more damage from magic.

Volkihar Clan Rank: 6
Unlocked Volkihar's Cloak: Adds the Volkihar's Cloak power. Conjures a blizzard at your location.

Cruxnii Clan: a mysterious clan that once fed on vampires and other undead, there no longer any known surviving members. They are still sometimes known and feared amongst older vampires but are thought to be little more than myths. Becoming a Cruxnii allows you to forge Cruxnii clan apparel at a forge.
Full Clan Rank List:

Cruxnii Clan Rank: 0
Unlocked Pure Soul: Restoration magic is 1% more powerful for every skill point in restoration.

Cruxnii Clan Rank: 1
Unlocked Venomous Blood: Poison lasts for 1 extra attack for every 100 health point.

Cruxnii Clan Rank: 2
Unlocked Rigor Mortis: Adds the Rigor Mortis lesser power. Paralyzes undead targets.

Cruxnii Clan Rank: 3
Unlocked Spirit Guardian: Adds the Spirit Guardian lesser power. Summon a Spirit Guardian to fight along side you but that you share damage with.

Cruxnii Clan Rank: 4
Unlocked Noble Will: Adds the Noble Will lesser power. Chance to over power the minds of living targets forcing them to fight for you.

Cruxnii Clan Rank: 5
Unlocked Spirit Drain: Adds the Spirit Drain spell. Works like Sanctus Vampiris's Soul Drain but absorbs stamina and magicka.

Cruxnii Clan Rank: 6
Unlocked Crimson Blades: Adds the Crimson Blades spell. Unleash blades of blood at your target dealing large amounts of damage.

Dhampirs: half-vampires dhampirs are still living creatures but are able to learn to use the powers from their vampiric past. Positive combat and positive defense vampire stage based effects are strongest while fed and negative effects are strongest when not fed. To become a dhampir, after getting cured of vampirism while you have Recently Cured contracting Sanguinare Vampiris will turn you into a dhampir. You can also instantly become a dhampir by using the configuration book to role play being born half vampire.
Full Dhampir Rank List:

Dhampir Rank: Half Breed
As a half vampire I'm despised by other vampires. I have some of their powers but it'll take time to master these abilities.
Resting allows me to focus on what I've learned and grow.
Unlocked: spell Drain Life absorbs 8 points of health per second, killing a target with this spell earns perk progress.
Unlocked: passive Dhampir Blood my blood gives me immunity to disease.
Unlocked: passive Powers of a Vampire. I'm capable of unlocking Vampire Perks by hibernating at a coffin.

Dhampir Rank: Dhampir
I've grown accustomed to what I am. Vampires may have seen me as being a lesser creature but unlike them I am not cursed.
Unlocked: passive Blood Magic I, Drain Life is 25% more powerful.
Unlocked: lesser power Sense Undead. Senses nearby undead while active.

Dhampir Rank: Midnight Son
As I reflect on my experiences the true nature of what I am becomes clear.
Unlocked: passive Blood Magic II, Drain Life is 50% more powerful.
Unlocked: lesser power Call of the Night. Animals and creatures fight for you when used during the night.

Dhampir Rank: Day Walker
Vampires envy me, I have surpassed their curse and mastered their powers.
Unlocked: passive Blood Magic III. Drain Life is 100% more powerful.
Unlocked: passive Focused Bloodlust. When health drops below 50% while under the effects of Bloodlust enter blood frenzy until combat ends. Getting at least five kills in this state will satisfy your bloodlust.

Sanctus Vampiris strain: an extremely rare type of vampirism that only thirsts for vampire blood. Positive combat, positive defense, and negative effects based on vampire stage are at their peak when fully fed but at their weakest when not fed. Vampire stage progression speed is based on Blood Potency level. Can be contracted by going through the Fort Dawnguard Dungeon added by this mod and interacting with the Blood Chalice at the end.
Sanctus Vampiris Abilities:

Soul Drain
absorbs health from the undead, killing with this effect counts as feeding.

Kresnik Blood
Reduces fire resistance based on vampire stage.

Kresnik Magic
Increase restoration potency based on vampire stage.

Supernatural Regeneration
Increases health regeneration based on vampire stage.

Nightstalker's Footsteps
Harder to detect while sneakingbased on vampire stage.

Sun's Curse
Health, magicka, and stamina are reduced based on vampire stage and do not regenerate while in direct sunlight unless your fully covered.

Vampire's Sight
Improves nightvision.

Whispering Hearts
With your weapons drawn in combat you can listen in to the whispering of a vampires dead heart letting you learn their True Name.

True Name
Call out a target vampire's True Name after learning it, pacifying them and allowing you to feed on them.

Kresnik Lord
Take on the form of a Kresnik Lord while you have Fresh Blood gaining new powers. (Works similarly to Vampire Lord but only has 2 spells and no special perks.)

Sanguinare Vampiris strain: native vampirism strain of Skyrim, they primarily live apart from mortals and hunt travelers at night. Vampyrium comes with it's own version of this strain that's not much different than the Vanilla version but has the vampire stage progression speed tied to your Blood Potency level. Positive combat abilities and negative effects are stronger when not fed but positive defense abilities are strongest when fed.
Sanguinare Vampiris Abilities:

These are the abilities used by Vampyrium's version of this strain.

Vampiric Drain
Absorbs health, killing counts as feeding.

Vampire's Sight
Improves nightvision.

Vampire's Seduction
Charms targets up to level 8 but can be used multiple times a day.

Sun's Curse
health, magicka, and stamina are reduced and do not regenerate while in direct sunlight unless your fully covered based on vampire stage.

Vampire Blood
Reduce fire resistance based on vampire stage.

Champion of the Night
Illusion spells are more powerful based on vampire rank.

Nightstalker's Footsteps
Harder to detect while sneaking based on vampire stage.

Cold as the Dead
Increases frost resistance.


Fixed bug with not being able to transform back from wolf form occaasionally. Fixed bug with not getting Summon Gargoyle spell at Blood Potency 5. Turned progeny no longer have an eye change applied if Race change is active. Added Cruxnii Mask and Robes.


Added Kresnik Lord Power. Added Night Powers perk. Added Lunar Rite perk. Added perk tree mastery. Added a message in the tutorial to explain Ascension Points and unlocking new perk trees. Added Gargoyle forging. Added Death Horse forging. Turned Sanctus vampires now have unique eyes. Added option to increase Blood Potency levels. Made Lord of Terror a toggle. Added option to force apply the vampire eye texture to Sanguinare vampires. Fixed bat form to dispel when out of health. Fixed Sanctus Vampiris doesn't effect vampires anymore. Fixed King of Bats properly deals damage. Fixed Vampire Clan doesn't complete when joining a clan even if you haven't done any other steps. Added an option to command progeny to hide or reveal their vampirism if you're using race change. Fixed Death's Curse can no longer be recast. Slight Improvements to the Staking system script.

Not yet tested with most vampire mods.
Any mod that makes changes to the Player actor form will likely be incompatible. Vampire mods that don't use 24 hour feed cycles and have different ways to feed might not work well with vampire perks that use vampire stage to determine their effects.

Some vampire mods when used won't start the tutorial so you'll probably want to use the book to force start it.

some vampire mods won't start this mods background stage tracking so you'll need to do that manually in the book.

There have been reports of potential issues when used with AFT, though I haven't experienced them during testing.

Alternate Start's option to join Castle Volkihar seems to cause a bug where you aren't given the VL power. If this happens just try and initiate conversation with Harkon and he should offer it to you again regardless.


Chesko - for the perk art plane, perk star, and perk line resources.
Proverbs15Thirty - for the Bat Form perk.

Special thanks to TheDarkOne1047 for help with testing, ideas and feed back and to all those on my Discord server who helped to get this mod to where it is!

Suggestions and bug reports are welcome!

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