About this mod
Healing spells will damage the player instead of healing, if he/she is a vampire.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
The mod does what the name says: The vanilla healing spells "Healing", "Fast Healing", "Close Wounds" and "Grand Healing" will not heal vampire-players. The spells will instead damage you.
There are three other spells from the Dawnguard DLC which won´t have any effect. Namely: "Sun fire", "Stendarr's Aura" and "Vampire's Bane". You will be able to cast them but the spells won´t have any effect.
Health related potions will damage you alsor. In detail following potions are changed:
Potion of Minor Healing
Potion of Healing
Potion of Plentiful Healing
Potion of Vigorous Healing
Potion of Extreme Healing
Potion of Ultimate Healing
Potion of Health
Draught of Health
Solution of Health
Philter of Health
Elixir of Health
Potion of Regeneration
Draught of Regeneration
Solution of Regeneration
Philter of Regeneration
Elixir of Regeneration
Potion of Minor Well-being
Potion of Well-being
Potion of Plentiful Well-being
Potion of Vigorous Well-being
Potion of Extreme Well-being
Potion of Ultimate Well-being
Potion of Escape
Draught of Escape
Philter of Escape
Elixir of Escape
Grand Elixir of Escape
Prime Elixir of Escape
The second/third effect of potions, that have more than one effect (X of Escape & Well-being) will still work as usual.
Optional Files for Spells from the following mods (spells will damage you instead of healing, if you are a vampire):
Added 4 Tomebound Restoration Spells "Salve Self, "Remedy Self", "Rejuvenate Self" and "Revive Self". (Credits to Elyem!)
Added 2 Forgotten Magic Redone SE Restoration Spells "Divine Light" and "Healing Touch". (Credits to Agee1981!)
Added 10 Apocalypse Restoration Spells "Breath of Arkay", "Healing Blossom", "Infinite LIght", "King's Heart", "Lamb of Mara", "Leech Seed", "Resurgence", "Meridia's Wrath", "Tree Rings" and "Wild Healing". (Credits to EnaiSiaion!)
Due to the complexity of some of these spells, they will not hurt you, if you are a vampire/undead. Others will though!
As of version 1.3 the above mentioned changes apply to undead players in general (works with "Playable Skeleton Races" e.g.).
My mod should be compatible with any Vampire overhaul as long as the player is flagged as a vampire. I tested it with Sacrosanct and it worked fluently.
The mod and the optional files are ESL flaggt, btw.
I am a pretty n00b modder, so please let me know if there are any issues. Otherwise have fun and thank you for the download and the endorsement ;-).