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About this mod

Like my other mods, this one makes use of the worldspace behind the Skyrim border and truly expands the game to Cyrodiil, Morrowind and Solstheim. This mod offers you 4 new towns with NPCs, 2 dungeons, 6 quests, a players house near Solstheim, a Castle south of Riften, fully voiced followers and more.

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~ Travel south, cross the border and see new places. ~

~The Border Gate ~

You want to know what's behind the border of Skyrim? Tired of hanging around in Riverwood and Whiterun? Then this might be the mod for you!

~ Huge chunk of landscaped Land behind the Skyrim Border ~

~ In Cyrodiil: Nyhus village and area ~
~ In Skyrim: Grondal area with a castle for the player, south of Riften ~
~ South of Solstheim: island Tel Eyrith with a house for the Player ~
~ A total of 4 towns with NPC's and 6 Quests ~
~ Three fully voiced followers in Nyhus ~
~ 2 Dungeons, 5 spellbooks, a Draugr follower ~
~ AS-LAL Extension to start a new life here (by Jknjb) ~
~ Much More ~

DLC Dragonborn is required to play this version. You also have to unlock the Skyrimborders.
This mod expands the territory of Skyrim a bit to the south, giving The Rift a mountain locked area.

Also downloadable from this site: Alternate Start Extension Nyhus gives you the opportunity to start a new life with your character in one of these locations! Credits go to Arthmoor, jknjb and Izzik!

Exploring New Provinces Skyrim | Nyhus and the border of Cyrodiil by Frosty on Youtube
Nyhus and the border of Cyrodiil by me on Youtube
A showcase of Nyhus ported over to Xbox by CtPirateCreeper on Youtube


Nyhus is located in Cyrodiil, south of the Rift, Skyrim. A town taken by mainly, hardened Nordic warriors under leadership of Folkvar. This town contains a few houses, an Inn with local beverage, a blacksmith, an apothecary and a shrine of Mara.
To go to Nyhus, travel from Riften to the border of Morrowind. There will be roadsigns behind the bridge. Just follow the roadsign to Nyhus and you will enter an abandoned gate which guards the border Skyrim / Cyrodiil. When you enter the gate, you'll discover dead bodies; one of these bodies contains a diary which informs you about Nyhus and it's environment.

~ Nyhus, just across the border in Cyrodiil. Claimed by Nordic warriors, loyal to Ulfric Stormcloak. Or are they just adventurers? ~

It is a dangerous environment. When approaching Nyhus, you'll notice the Nordic colonists struggling with an army of Thalmor Elves . After killing it's commander, you'll be on a quest. Where do these Thalmor elves come from? Where are they hiding? The quest will lead you to the wastelands where you have to fight the Thalmor, but you'll encounter also other sorts of enemies.

Not only the Thalmor and even Ogres, located in an abandoned fort, but also a group of vampires under Mordor's leadership, is a real threat to Nyhus. These vampires claimed a small village, ruined the houses, digested the people living there and draining the lifeforce of trees around them. They noticed the adventurers in Nyhus and decided they will be their next victims.

Notable NPC' s in Nyhus are Folkvar (leader and questgiver of the group of hardened Nords), Rygar (a crazy, anti-social warrior), Karita (a Breton/Nordic warrior and potential follower) and Brother Marcus (works in the temple of Mara in Riften, but visits Nyhus in the weekends, potential follower).

The area near Nyhus has a lot to offer: a Mara Shrine, an Ogre Fort, a dead village, and some areas to explore. When you are tired of your Skyrim-life, you can decide to jump from Dive Rock, after you drank some Riften Blood (worth to try this out!).

GRONDAL (SKYRIM)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This mod also expands the Rift Hold to the south, by adding a mountainlocked area: GRONDAL. You can enter this area through a cave passage, from Nyhus or, for real adventurers, through the mountains. Grondal area, bordering the Cyrodiil mountains, has lower latitude and it feels/looks a tad warmer. You can visit a Talos Shrine with crazy Talos worshippers, rebuilding the small village of Grondal, which was laid in ashes in the beginning of the Civil war in Skyrim.

~Grondal area, a mountainlocked area which is the southernmost part of the Rift, bordering Cyrodiil.~

Grondal has a history and had it's own Thane, loyal to the jarl of Riften. It's Thane is dead and what's left is an abandoned, haunted castle. This castle could be yours. The player may choose to discover it's background but it is not necessary. When you have found the key, you'll enter a dark, haunted castle. It has lightable fireplaces and braziers, so you can light up the place a bit and might be good enough for the player to stay here. Might be a perfect castle for a vampire.

~A haunted castle. Could be yours. Located in Grondal, this castle contains a dining room, sleeping room, a large room on the first floor, a small garden and has little extra's like lightable fireplaces and braziers....and wandering ghosts. ~

~Like I said, a haunted castle ~

PRYAI VILLAGE & TEL EYRITH (MORROWIND)__________________________________________________________________________________________

This mod doesn't only touch Cyrodiil, but Morrowind as well. Just behind the border of Cyrodiil, in Morrowind, there is a small Dunmer village located, called PRYAI VILLAGE. This village is ruled as a southern outpost of The Redoran House. You can trade with these Dunmer, who are farmers, miners and fishermen. A powerful mage is guarding this village from a hill.
From Pryai village you can take the boat to Tel Mithryn (Solstheim) and claim your abandoned playerhouse on an island in a small Telvanni town, TEL EYRITH, an archipelago south of Tel Mithryn.

Last but not least: you can travel from Tel Mithryn to Morrowind (the continent) by uploading this mod! All you have to do is use your rowboat from your playershouse on a Island south of Tel Mithryn.

~ Near the Cyrodiil / Morrowind border ~

AS-LAL EXTENSION FOR NYHUS, PRYAI VILLAGE & TALOS SAFE HAVEN_____________________________________________________________________

This additional mod, which is downloadable from this site: Alternate Start Extension Nyhus gives you the opportunity to start a new life with your character in one of these locations! Credits go to Arthmoor, jknjb and Izzik!

Your character will spawn at the map marker in Nyhus (watch out for the Thalmor!), or the map marker in Pryai, depending on what you select. You will start with a basic suit of iron armor, a set of steel weapons, a woodcutter's axe and a pickaxe, a set of clothes, 10 lockpicks, 10 restore health potions and 500 gold.

To play this mod, you need the Alternate Start-Live Another Life from Arthmoor .
Alternate Start-Live Another Life

THIS MOD CONTAINS:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • An abandoned gate with a diary about Nyhus.
  • Nyhus village with 2 quests, a dungeon, NPC's, and a shrine
  • Expands the territory of The Rift, Skyrim, to the south; adding a new area Grondal with a abandoned castle to live in.
  • A Dunmer Pryai Village with guards, prison, harbour, shops and inn, just across the border in Morrowind.
  • Many followers, 5 spellbooks and lovely weather.
  • A ship from Pryai Village to Tel Mithryn.Tel Mithryn has an harbour and shop.
  • A small town on an island south of Tel Mithryn, called Tel Eyrith, with a player's home with chest, your own rowboat (to Blacklight, Morrowind!).
  • Brewing your own beer: Riften Blood and another Talos Shrine with a friendly dragon with a One way ticket to Sovngarde
  • Dive Rock (Oblivion) with a fort and a pelgrim (looks not exactly the same as the one in Oblivion, but it is very high and I think this is a nice Rock to Dive from)


- Skeleton Guardians: stronger skeletons with armor. Tough enemies for low level players
- Black Spitter: small black spiders. If you encounter just one, that wouldnt be much of a problem. But mainly they can be found in packs of ten or more. Even for medium level players, a pack of black spitters is a problem.
- Zombies: Weak undead which can be found in the dungeon near Nyhus.
- Zombie wolves: little stronger than the wolves found in Skyrim
- Bush Trolls: These smaller, green trolls wander in packs. They can be found near ruins and they shit all over the place.
- A yellow dragon called Shulagdiiv, guarding a hidden entrance to sovngarde (when you elegantly wish to finish your character)

~Pryai Village, Morrowind, not far from the Skyrim border ~

INTERESTING LINKS AND SITES:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chinese translation of Nyhus, Resent One

There could be some grammar mistakes; I am sorry. I am Dutch, not English.

Don't drink and dive & may Talos guide you;


YOU WANT MORE? THERE IS MORE....:_______________________________________________________________________________________________

If you like this mod, you might like:
Folkstead and the border of Hammerfell.
Haafstad and the Border of High Rock.
Both mods are built behind the borders of Skyrim.

PS.: I want to thank:
- keithinhanoi for merging Talos safe Haven and Nyhus!
- jknjb and Izzik for making the AS-LAL Extension! And of course this couldn't have happened without Arthmoor, who made the Alternate Start-Live, thank you for your permission!
- Astakos for learning me how to use the tes5edit in a right way, haha.
- For voicerecording: jknjb, Absentmindful, Sophia, Tomoko & Brother Bas and ReDhordes for doing some voicerecording.
- MihailMods for using his zombies (normal- and headless) from Zombies- Mihail Monsters and Animals (SE-AE version) (''undead'').
- Thank you all people, for giving me useable feedback. I really appreciate this.
- Team of the mod Shadow of Morrowind for the permission to connect Nyhus with that huge mod of yours!
- Bethesda for the fantastic game and Jeremy Soule for the beautiful music.

~Player home in Tel Eyrith, an island south of Solstheim ~

JoopvanDie Trilogy Mods