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QueenacademeUploaded by
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About this mod
My rendition of Cynndal's lovely "Falkreath Treehouse;" A cozy, intricately decorated, and fully exterior (no load door) treehouse dwelling designed for an alchemist, druid, hunter, ranger, or woodland mage.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Outside of Falkreath. You can travel either to the base of the treehouse or on the porch. There is no purchase price; just show up with your knapsack!
- Loads of custom assets and unique crafting stations (fully equipped smithing, alchemy, and enchanting)
- Interactive markers (transcribe, sit ledge, and sit cross-legged). These must be activated in 3rd person or you won't see the animation.
- Automatic animations: sit in the throne to whip out a book and read or sit at the dining table stools to munch on some bread
- Activators (i.e. "clickies"): set the table, open the shutters, light the fire pit, or unroll a bedroll to camp under the stars .
- Storage aplenty
- 5 soils and tons of plants ripe for the picking.
- Many of the assets featured in this mod were BY PERMISSION ONLY and you MUST contact the original mod author
- for use. Do NOT unpack the .bsa and treat it as a resource repository.
- Any assets found in the “Queenacademe” folder will be released in a modder's resource pack. If you'd like to use them before the pack launches please contact me; I just want to know how my assets and the ones I spent weeks tirelessly converting from Sketchfab will be used.
Additional Notes
- Screenshots were taken using Imaginarium ENB for Cathedral Weathers and Seasons. My character is using the Runa - Nord Assassin Follower - High Poly Head preset and wearing The Alchemist's Vestments - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics).
- The position of the tree supports and tree bench were calibrated for Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants, but I don't anticipate any major incompatibilities with other tree mods and there is no major clipping in vanilla.
- Requires both DLCs
- Tamira (sit cross-legged, read, and transcribe markers; converted Oblivion assets)
- cunny1975 (Strongbox)
- aviform (Honeycake slice)
- QuillweaveMods (Alchemist Vestments)
- EvilEyedKyo (Harvestable jars, BCS books, soulgems)
- Elianora (Alchemy tablet)
- LorSakyamuni (Witcher Assets)
- Oaristys (Witcher assets, miscellaneous)
- jet4571 (Miscellaneous)
- Jokerine (Miscellaneous)
- Estroya (bucket planter)
- Blary (books, alchemy assets)
- stroti (furniture, washing)
- SDlutz (dining set)
- BrettM (smelting pot)
- LucidAPs (high poly food)
- Cyphe (hanging mage satchel)
- mathy79 (crates, pottery, lanterns)
- pheo3309 (animated cauldron)
- Khamee (food statics)
- lolikyonyu (Miscellaneous)
- Estroya (Astronomy resources)
- kelretu (alchemist backpack)
- LWatson95 (staves)
- InsanitySorrow (window box, Morrowind soulgems)
- lolikyonyu (miscellaneous)
- quilb (scroll textures)
- Saerileth (windchimes)
- LeianneG (food)
- Xaa1962 (read and eat scripts)
- OrinLinwe (hanging winter decorations and for a tremendous amount of modding support)
- Cynndal (For graciously allowing me to use the treehouse structure she agonizingly pieced together)
- Febrith Darkstar (for troubleshooting, being a dear, and her Skyrim HGTV Youtube channel: