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About this mod

Patches Path of Sorcery for compatibility with Audio Overhaul and Immersive Sounds Compendium and brings the Tomebound - Patch up-to-date.

Permissions and credits

So, Audio Overhaul and Immersive Sounds are two amazing mods that enhance your gameplay, but they also conflict with mods like Mysticism or Path of Sorcery. So, I made a patch for that.

In addition, I found, that the Patch of Sorcery Patch on the Tomebound isn't up-to-date. I fixed that as well and integrated the sound-y stuff (or not - all for your convenience!)

Should you use Path to Ordinance, then the Tomebound Patch here is all you need, no need for the Ordinator Patch or a special Path to Ordinance patch from what I gathered!


- The Path of Sorcery Audio Patch requires both Audio Overhaul and Immersive Sounds (and Path of Sorcery - obviously)
- The Path of Sorcery Tomebound Audio Patch requires Immersive Sounds (the two obvious requirements shall not be named here). It supercedes both the Path of Sorcery and Immersive Sounds patches that come with Tomebound's installer
- The Path of Sorcery - Tomebound Patch has no additional requirements

Load Order:

In case you use both files, make sure that the Tomebound patch loads after the Audio patch.

Version - Check:
I reserve my right to be a lazy bum, so these are the mod-versions the current patches are supposed to work with:

- Path of Sorcery: v 2.4
- Tomebound: v 1.2.3

Higher versions - especially for future updates of Tomebound, might not be supported (or neccessary, as the mod itself might include up-to-date patches)