About this mod
A high poly head overhaul of male NPCs from Falkreath, Riverwood, Whiterun, Dark Brotherhood, and Couriers
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Men of Whiterun, Falkreath, Riverwood, Dark Brotherhood and Couriers

I've decided to combine the two mods into one page since I got them both done at the same time. This includes all men from Riverwood, Whiterun, Falkreath, Dark Brotherhood, and the five couriers. This now makes a total of 300 NPC replacers I've done. PHEW! My game never looked better.
I have created a video that showcases all the men I updated and provided it below (See below after my tedious instructions). If you want to know who is who, just check out the image section.

Please endorse if you love this mod. It keeps me motivated to create more.

Please read thoroughly before downloading
Seriously... DO IT
1. APPEARANCES: There are NO skin textures attached to this mod. That means you will have to suffer atrocious vanilla skin textures if you download. The good news is, it will accept any skin mod you wish to use. Please be aware that your NPCs will look a bit different than mine using different skin textures. I also use Silent Horizons ENB and Cathedral Weathers, so your images may look different from mine.
2. ANIMATIONS: I am using High Poly Head Version 4 and it requires Expressive Facegen Morphs and Expressive Facial Animation Male. High Poly Head is baked into the mod, but not the animations. With that said, some have used this mod without them with no problems. If you find beard clipping or weird eyes, install these mods. If not, you should be fine.
3. EDITING: Please do not ask me to change appearances or remove tattoos, or ask me to remove NPCs. I won't do it and you can't make me. Please... just stop asking. Thank you!
4. LOAD ORDER: These do NOT work with other NPC mods that change the appearance of any men from Whiterun, Riverwood, Falkreath, Dark Brotherhood, and the Couriers. NPCs should go down towards the end of your load order.
5. REQUIREMENTS: You will need to have USSEEP downloaded. Seriously, everyone should have this by now. It just makes my life a heck of a lot simpler that I don't have to do patches and extra files.
6. All the men in the images use Tempered Skins with SOS Light, KS Hairdos, and Apachii SkyHair.

Mods to avoid:
Same NPC overhauls - blackface issues
Mods that change the body size - neck seam issues (floating heads)
Improved Eye Reflections (Oldrim) - cataract looking eyes

My other NPC Replacer Mods:
Men of the Thieves Guild
Men of the Companions
Men of Riften
Men of the Reach
Men of Winterhold
Men of Windhelm
Men of Solitude
Men from Small Towns

Vanilla NPCs Without Headgear
(to remove helmets and hoods from NPCs)
Expressive Facial Animation Male
Expressive Facegen Morphs
Silent Horizons ENB
Cathedral Weathers
High Poly Head
KS Hairdo's
Apachii SkyHair
Skin Feature Overlays
Immersive Armors
Apachii Devine Elegance
Shiva's Clothing Replacer
NordWarUA's Vanilla Armor Replacers
Yyvengar Bodypaint - Designs of the Lupine
Blanket Scarf Earth Tones Edition
Recommended Mods for skins:
Tempered Skins with SOS Lite
SAM Lite
SAM High Poly Conversion

I would love to see your screenshots of these bad boys using whatever skins and ENB's you use. Images welcome.