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Epic Crab

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Toxic adds new alchemy ingredients to creatures who use venomous attacks, allowing you to use their venoms for your own poisons and antivenoms.

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If you were to actually make a poison (do not actually make poison), you'd probably pick the most poisonous things you could think of to use as a base. With Skyrim's ingredients, this works fine for plants. But you'll notice pretty quickly that none of the enemies who attack you with their own venom - Frostbite Spiders and Chaurus mainly - give you a venomous ingredient. You get little bottles of Frostbite Venom, but that seems like a waste since it bypasses the Alchemy system so completely and they aren't even good.

Toxic adds 4 new ingredients that can be harvested from poisonous enemies. Each of these has poisonous effects and can be used to devastate other enemies. These ingredients are:
  • Spider Venom Sac - harvested from Frostbite Spiders and found in merchant leveled lists.
  • Chaurus Venom Sac - harvested from Chaurus of all types and found in merchant leveled lists.
  • Spriggan Nectar - harvested from Spriggans and found in merchant leveled lists.
  • Afflicted Bile - harvested from the Afflicted.

Excepting Afflicted Bile, which is simply too toxic to have any positive effects, each new ingredient can also be used to create anti-venomous compounds.

A Hunterborn patch is available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58185/