About this mod
Caranthir Tower is a huge wizards tower located in the mountains of Winterhold. The tower offers features never seen before, customisation, and is more than just a player home. The tower must be restored through a Hearthfire style crafting system or you can simply purchase everything you need. This mod is based heavily around player choice.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Caranthir Tower Reborn is a wizard’s tower that is hidden up in the mountains of the Winterhold region of Skyrim. Many centuries ago, a high elf named Lucan Caranthir decided to seek the help of some of the greatest minds of Tamriel to create his legacy. Shortly before his death, he hid the tower from others until such day as a powerful mage could uncover its secrets and restore it.
CTR includes a number of great features for mage characters such as spell tome creation, the conjuration of powerful beings, recharging of weapons and much more. You’ll also find most of the features that players have come to expect from player homes like auto-sort, unique item displays, mass storage and again, much more.
The most highlighted feature of the tower however is the ability to restore it by building the structure back up and creating furniture and other items for the tower. The process is similar to the build-your-own-home style system you can find in Hearthfire and the other mods that I have created. Caranthir Tower Reborn includes the latest version of my crafting system and is the most advanced that I have made to date.
For those who don’t like the idea of having to craft their tower, do not worry as there is a way that you can restore the tower without having to be the best blacksmith in the land.
CTR is much more than a player home, however; it’s a huge undertaking for your main character which will take a fair bit of time to master. The tower is filled with secrets, back stories and other things to keep you coming back for more.

This mod comes with a great number of unique features which make this mod so much more than just a player home. I will attempt to list as many of the main features so that you have an idea of what this mod has to offer.
Animations || Auto-Close Doors || Auto-Sort || Auto-Loot Crafting || Crafting System || Conjuration Altar || Customisation || Custom MCM || Dragon Riding || Dynamic Interiors || Dynamic NPCs || Immersive Storage || Member Recruitment || Portal Travel || Realistic Bookshelves || Realistic Construction || Scroll Creation || Spell Creation || Unique Storage

The official mod guide can be found in the files section of this mod page and will help guide you through most sections of the mod. It's NOT a complete walkthrough but it will help you understand elements throughout the mod that the mod's tutorials may not cover in full detail.
If you wish to watch a walkthrough of the mod, please be sure to check out the amazing series by CouchwarriorTV as Stu does a great job playing through and highlighting everything Caranthir Tower has to offer with Zatu. You'll find the first episode in the video section on this mod page.
For videos on finding the collectables throughout the tower, check out my video series for finding everything you may have missed. These can all be found in the video section of this mod page.

Any mod which may edit the same cells as Caranthir Tower Reborn can potentially have compatibility issues. Known mods include Inigo (minor visual clipping) and World's Dawn (container manipulation). I won't be taking any additional time to create patches for these or any other mods as I simply do not have the time. Information regarding existing patches and creating your own can be found in the below section.

As is standard practice with mods, any mods which edit the same cell space are going to have potential conflicts, so be sure not to install any mods in the same area as Caranthir Tower. If you do have another mod that conflicts and you want to use them both, you can check the patches page and see if there’s anything there that can help.
There are already some patches already built into the mod which will detect whether or not you have that mod installed and make the necessary changes. One example is the music section in the MCM which already supports Additional Music Project & Symphonies of Skyrim.
When you discover the tower, the “Houses Owned” statistic in the game menu will be increased by one which makes the mod compatible with mods like Simple Taxes.
On the release of the mod, there will be several compatibility patches available for various other mods like Unique Uniques and various other mods, however, I do not plan on making too many patches myself.
This mod will have a sister page for hosting patches for Caranthir Tower Reborn called the CTR Patches Page as was briefly mentioned above. This is where you can find the latest patches for Caranthir Tower and also request to have your patches uploaded.
This makes it far easier for people to find patches for the mod and allows the community to pitch in with making CTR work with other mods.

To update Caranthir Tower Reborn, download the latest main file if you don't already have it. Then you need to install any updated files to that specific version. For example, if you're running version 2.0 then you need to download and install 2.1 over the top of those main files using the mod manager of your choice.
Mod Organizer users need to make sure they merge the files and Nexus Mod Manager users must be sure to overwrite when prompted. Any other mod managers should be close to the same sort of system.
You can distinguish the main version from an update from both the name and the file size. The main files are around 200MB+ in size, and the update files will be far smaller.
Sometimes a clean install is a good option that involves you removing the mod entirely from your system and then re-installing the latest main file and adding update files on top as mentioned above.
Updating mods can be a bit of a pain for mod authors as well as users. Sometimes certain changes you make to your mod may not take effect on existing saves and I'm not aware of a way around this. To that end, a fresh character will work best with the latest version of the mod. I try my best to make sure as much as possible plays nice with existing saves, but it's not always possible.
Be sure to check the changelogs of CTR over on my website which lays out what you can expect from the latest version of the mod and which elements of an update may not work with save games.

First and foremost, I have to thank simsim899 who I would never have finished this mod without.
She’s helped make the mod what it is today with her amazing meshwork, scripting assistance,
bug testing, general support and much more. She is a treasure to the modding
community and personifies what this modding community is all about. Go and give
her some kind words and digital hugs.
Before I continue with the credits here I want to state that keeping track of the
files for this mod and resources used has been a very difficult task. To that
end, if I appear to have left anyone out for whatever reason, please get in
touch and let me know so that I can rectify the problem.
Aarchduke, Blary, BrettM, Bellyache, cad435, DDProductions83, dimon99, Elianora, ECETeam, Hanaisse,
InsanitySorrow, Jokerine, K13RaN64, Lilith, lolikyonyu, LondonRook, mikegemini, mrpdean, mrsilka, Oaristys, Radioragae, sjogga, SKS, stoverjm, Stroti, Sydzilla, Tamira, tco1za, thefunktasm, tueffelachtein, Urwy, Vicn, wildtextures.com
Other Contributions & General support:
AlassinSane, BlueDragon, Bozzer, Dave0523, Enirac, Jenniyi, Leianne, LordofAllFrogs,
MadPleasure, Nozi87, PlagueHush, RagnarokV2, Xander9009, Zylice
Mod & Trailer Music:
Mark Petrie