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About this mod
Complete modern vanilla plus npc replacer (wip) - hair physics only
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition- for the old version only ! FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP hard requirement (except for the old mod) SMP-NPC crash fix hard requirement (except for the old mod) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - USSEP Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch for SE 1.5.97 For 1.97 - also vr users Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Beards of Power - Sons of Skyrim - Male npc replacer Russian Translation Оригинальный мод Beards of Power - Sons of Skyrim - Vanilla Hair Remake SMP - French Obligatoire IMMORTAN - Beards Females and Physics - French VO nécessaire - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
Feel free to patch, fix, etc. And are free to earn donation points
I do not allow Serana changes or any other use.File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Russian
- French
- Changelogs
Version 5.5
- MAIN MOD - Fixed beard/mesh explosion across several npcs - this was a specific mustache used in different options across different npcs. p.e. Erik the Slayer
- Carried over nearly a hundred changes for skin that did not get carried over from ussep automatically - facegen and esp updated. AE complementary updated. p.e. Commander Caius
- PATCHES - Added Ai overhaul patch, cutting room floor patch updated, added cutting room floor patch+ ai overhaul patch, added unofficial skyrim modders patch
- COMPLEMENTARY - added more of Schlitzhors mods. Cracked Tusk Stronghold, Lainalten, Laintar Dale, Greymoor, Hvislharan Whitling mine
Version 5.4
- Fixed the remaining issues with freezes with the mod, had forgotten one record. Some re-exported npcs for this.
- Removed superfluous files inside the mesh bsa.
- Uploaded new complementary addons for mods file with more content
Version 5.3
- Made a sweep through the mod to fix all freezes once and for all and its done. This was achieved by removing from the config an early experimental base model for some mustaches meant for no poly heads. Sorry about the bad starts.
- Anyways, the main focus will now be to add more complementary mod npc replacers which can be found in the optional files
Version 5.2
- Fixed some residual broken shaders (these asset exports are large so this can happen), resulting in no textures
- Fixed a leftover issue causing freeze for a unique mustache across a few npcs (Hemming Black-Briar, one of them)
- There is now an update only file to avoid that huge download again
Version 5.1
- This update fixes the freezes and a dozens of issues in the previous version. I made a sweep for what was causing the errors and fixed them.
- The problem was one, I had changed to different tri files in the esp config, while already having exports using other files, thus causing the freezes.
- Also some broken shader exports fixed, some improvements on some npcs, some fixed scar clippings, etc. Too many details to list here.
Next time this mod page is updated is to add a ton of content and fix potential issues. For the moment I do not have the time for more.
Version 3.5.1
- Removed the sons of skyrim armor mod from this mod. No longer needed.
Version 3.5
- Cleaned masters for main file.
- This is to avoid problems for those who don´t use AE content.
Version 3.4
- Ai Overhaul patch update - Only main ai overhaul version supported
Version 3.3
- Fixed face/body tint mismatch for Harkon
Version 3.2.9
- Reverted stats/difficulty from npc villains to vanilla.
Version 3.2.8
- Included bald Avenici as a part of the main file with updated ai overhaul patch for it.
Version 3.2.7
- Updated Ai Overhaul patch to v +1.8
Version 3.2.6
- Fixed Kodlak tint mismatch, plus edits
Version 3.2.5
- Removed now redundant Harder Thaneships patches
I believe this is the last of things to do.
- Removed now redundant Harder Thaneships patches
Version 3.2.3
Fixed Cicero body-face tint mismatch - Fixed Skald the Elder body-face tint mismatch
- Fixed Ulfric´s underbeard color mismatch
- Included Cicero in the patch IW - Ai Overhaul
- Updated the esp for this update.
- Safe install.
Version 3.2.2
- Marcurio - de-swagged his right eye, edited small hair-ear clipps
- Jarl Balgruuf better hair-beard colour match - looks older now as a result
- Leif Wayfinder soften chin edges - this was needed
Version 3.2.1
- Belethor: hair edits to fix an annoying clipping in the back when the head is turning.
Version 3.2
- Fixed a few mesh typos and hair-beard color mismatches.
Version 3.1
- Reverted Ulfric to be blonde as before.
I don´t intend to update this mod or any other any further. This is to say support is more or less over at this time.
- Reverted Ulfric to be blonde as before.
Version 3.0
- Added Ultimate College of Winterhold Patch
Version 2.9
- Ulfric´s height was from the older versions and somehow got through recent versions. Default height is 1, it was 1.14 and now is 1.06. This should eliminate any issue with animations or getting stuck., or plain disproportions.
- Increased height for Galmar and Ghorbash to 1.03.
- Fixed Ulfric´s underbeard colour mismatch, it was darker than the rest.
- Fixed colour mismatch between Ulfric´s hair-beard. Changed tint and alphas for the hg hair.
- -----these reports were made by users-----
- Edited Kodlaks beard. Ruffled it, more volume, adjustments.
- Edited Kodlak´´s hair from hg hairs to match the beards tint. Changed tint and alphas.
- Updated Esp and Opening scene patch.
- Anything to report do it so in the comments section and I´ll take a look.
Version 2.8
- Proventus: mustache was clipping through.
- Farengar: slight clipping
- Farkas: ruffled the beard a bit.
- If it clipps it does not mean there´s nothing to be done or that it sucks. If you find clippings do report, if you want.
Version 2.7
- Included a patch for the mod Opening Scene Overhaul - since the mod needs to be very low in the load order, this patch ensures the facegen from bop sos is used.
Version 2.6
- Fixed a ctd with Irlof, pirate2, that appears in Dawnstar.
Version 2.5
- Improvements to: Kodlak, Athis, Torvar, subtler smirkes from Belethor.
Version 2.4
- Made a fomod installer.
- Remade the patches - they are now separate from the main file.
- Updated patch for AI Overhaul to version 1.6.7. Chose not to forward protected npcs changes from it.
- Improvements to: Brand-Shei, Hod, Marcurio, Embry and Vulwulf.
Version 2.3
- Unfixed and fixed
Version 2.2
- Same thing but working
Version 2.1
- Fixes Athis colour mismatch
- Durak´s mustache is now durasteel
Version 1.9
- Included previous aesthetic updates on half a dozen npcs.
- 1.9 fixes the body face mismatch for Farkas and Vilkas.
- Vilkas is back to is older version, with a(the) proper beard.
- Both of them have had their beards tweaked for better aesthetics and look better overall.
Version 1.8
- Removed Ulfrics custom outfit. If you have plundered that outfit, boots were missing for the player. Outfit is back to vanilla.
Version 1.7
- Fixed Ulfrics clothing
- Made main file and patches as compacted esls. Extra patches flagged esls.
Version 1.6
- Changed outfits for 2 npcs, one was naked - unassigned. Should be a hoodless outfit version of the base vanilla now.
Version 1.5
- Fixed an issue with Karl
Version 1.4
- Added Farengar´s outfit - forgot to introduce it in the newer mod version
- Fixed Isran´s head mesh missing the hair textures.
- Savos Aren ghost had another head shape, this has been corrected.
- Safe update. Replacer esps have been changed and the extra esp patches still work as intended.
Version 1.3
- Very big update.
- Changes are:
- Fixed previous freezes and clipping issues.
- Removed BoP dependency for compatibility between head meshes. Added efa requirement.
- Added new content. Many new npcs custom made and otherwise. Updated the list in the description by location.
- Previous npcs that were exports only with added beards have been tweaked and also converted to high poly head meshes.
- Newly added replacers are either scultped/custom heads or re-imagined and tweaked from vanilla with the features listed above.
- Edits to almost all of the previous replacers, subtler tints where needed, adjustments to colours to better match beard/hairs; general mesh adjustments all around.
- Exports for Dark elfs with fixed partition for a specific vanilla hair. To the most known npcs.
- Reverted a change to vanilla outfit for Nazir and Falion.
- A considerable number of beards are tweaked from the original models, shape and volume. A few are custom variations.
- Patches have been done.
Version 1.2
- Reverted back to version 0.8 due to freezes and other issues. This brings back mustaches.
- Added missing facetint for pirate Gjuk.
Version 1.1
- Many edits to fix clippings. Hopefully the last of them.
Version 1.0
- Fixed a clipping bald head.
Version 0.9
- This version removes custom mustaches from 9 npcs and adds beards to them instead.
- I reckoned the mustaches can be hard to be accustomed to.
Version 0.8
- Removed redundant data from the esp.
- Added 15 new npcs with beards - * tagged on the list
Version 0.7
- Restored some meshes deleted by accident from the bsa in previous versions. This fixes some npcs mouths and a naked Ulfric.
Version 0.6
- Removed unused meshes
- -------------
Added ACE patch
Version 0.5
- 0.5 removes a couple tint erros in the esp for Mercer introduced in 0.4.
- Minor edits to a couple npcs stats from 0.4.
- ----------------------------
- Ai-Overhaul 1.6.4 patch upload
Version 0.4
- Restored a deleted custom outfit for court wizards from the esp - enabling them again for Farengar, Falion and Melaran.
- Fix for Farengar.
- -------------------------------------
- Slight buff to villains to be consistent with the minimum perks added to the followers.
- -------------------------------------
Version 0.3
- 0.3 Adds
- -the alternate head meshes fo Kodlak that were missing.
- -fix for Roggi
- -Balimund´s outfit now to default
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Did a sweep from scrap, encountered no issues.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Toggled 2 mustaches as playable - forgotten in Beards of Power.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- 15 new npc replacers with beards.
Version 0.2
- Fixed locked body skin tint on 2 npcs. 2 small final edits to a couple meshes.
- Gave followers the bare minimum perks.
- Finishing touches to the esp and the mod.
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
This mod replaces every npc in the game (all of the males for now, females still ongoing) - everything except children and the beast races (Beasthhbb will be updated to complement this); Serana and Valerica have a dedicated file.
Complementary addons are replacers for mods that add npcs to the game (males and females are replaced)
Features - unsung diversity for vanilla +
- Full use of beards of power beards, new update included, hundreds of options distributed across all npc groups
- Full use of vanilla hair remake hair and vanilla hair remake unlocked, hundreds of options handpicked across all npc groups
- high poly heads, beards and high poly hair where needed, with some custom fixes and edits for the exports
- makes use of the most complete eye mod I found made by LeelooMinai´s Eye overhaul (and other mods there in the workshop to check out) you should use it nonetheless as it fixes everything related to the eye mesh, textures and configuration (esp) - and its the most natural looking, including lashes (texture strenght) and eye sockets (mesh) (my opinion only)
- Khisartins Ddsworkshop realistic facial hair by Khisartin facial hair, beards and eyebrows retexture
- uses bnp teeth meshes and textures and distributes 8 different teeth retextures to many many npcs; also features high quality orc teeth meshes and textures
- natural hair colors exports, almost completely mitigating beard-hair color mismatches
- uses a variety of scar retextures from Khisartins workshop
- high quality tintmasks and warpaints and quality compression tint exports
- vanilla npc clones are gone - vanilla had a lot of them, now each npc is trully unique across all leveled lists
- fixes a variety of mismatched errors in vanilla between correct headparts and races, one case between gender, and other inconsistencies for vamps; also vanilla sometimes gave default heads for keeping them disguised.
- I´ve gone through each npc individually - top level diversity
- bandits and enemies in general, like in vanilla, as their tier is higher the appearance they have reflects it, I exarcebated that further - baddies look baddies, p.e. better tattos/layered warpaints, awful teeth, hairs, more complex beards/staches and makeup to be on point for an arch cryomancer,p.e., not all of them high levels as to not saturate your game with excentricity end game, but close. Or that you´d be run over by a mass of toothless bandits. You can enjoy a progression with a gradual change from npcs fearsomly.
- mods that use the leveled list entries from vanilla will have these npcs spawn
(if you do not like some of the retextures used there, you can replace them with what you prefer into the designated folders; eye, beard, eyebrow, teeth, scars)
Many of the proeminent named npcs have sculpted faces, which have been updated from the old mod (check the image gallery - black background imgs)
The total number of males is 1900+, including unused npcs that do not count.
Serana and Valerica are a mod apart. Read more below and see more in the image section (at the start and at the end of it)
Complementary Addons file (this list will grow) - both males and females replaced - esl flagged files
- Anniversary Content
- JKs Skyim
- Jk New Gnisis CornerClub
- JKs Raven Rock
- Dawn of Skyrim
- The great cities minor cities and towns ; also individual Old hroldan, Kynesgrove, Ivarstead, Dragon Bridge, Mixwater Mill
- Capital Windhelm Expansion and Capital Whiterun Expansion
- Wyrmstooth
- Schlitzohrs small villages mods (all)
- Blue Palace Terrace
- Obscure´s College of Winterhold
- Immersive College Npcs
- Better Skyrim Parties
- Inn-Tegrated Npcs
- SkyKing Granite Hill
- Enhanced Solitude Docks
- Alternate Perspective
- Interesting Npcs
- Arthmoors Towns and Village mods
- make a request..
- Ai overhaul
- Cutting Room Floor
- Ai Overhaul + Cutting Room Floor
- Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch
- Artificer
- Legacy of the Dragonborn
- The Choice is Yours
- Cotn Falkreath
- Mysticism
- Hunterborn
- make a request..
Requires cbbe or unp
Changed from Serana...
No spammy spells, basic complementary perks added. This mod does not make her op.
Requires cbbe or unp
- cbbe or unp
- 3 skin options
- 2k or 4k
- hair physics or no physics (hair physics are Vanilla hair remake models - performance friendly hdt)
- 18 hair options
- human eyes, glowing eyes, and cured eyes
- facetints
- hoods or no hoods (visible hair underneath), bd´s armor support
- optional patch for cc Bloodchill manor
- also replaces Valerica
Changed from Serana...
No spammy spells, basic complementary perks added. This mod does not make her op.
Before we start
The npcs on this page use any body mesh or skin textures you have installed (except Serana).
Compatible with any game version
What skin mod you use will have the final say on the outlook of the npcs along with use of different enbs/no enb - I left some recommendations below
Compatible with any game version
What skin mod you use will have the final say on the outlook of the npcs along with use of different enbs/no enb - I left some recommendations below
What I use for males - tempered skins harsh hard life options
What I use for females - ehhh
Newest images and at the time using picho enb azurite - crispiest and clearest npc image
Old version -
available in old files
Beards of Power - Sons of Skyrim
This mod is compatible with any body mod and any game version
Beards of Power - Sons of Skyrim
A male npc replacer mod that distributes beards from Beards of Power and gives the npcs more characterization.
Some don´t have beards (27).Stylization. Overcome with beards. Most of them do.
Greybeards npc sample from BoP is included
Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (you can find a link to pre-ae ussep in the sticky post) and the mod Expressive Facial Animation - Male
Recommended/should be used with: Tempered Skin for Males with the options hard life and weathered;
Some don´t have beards (27).
Greybeards npc sample from BoP is included
Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (you can find a link to pre-ae ussep in the sticky post) and the mod Expressive Facial Animation - Male
Recommended/should be used with: Tempered Skin for Males with the options hard life and weathered;
This mod is compatible with any body mod and any game version
BoP - SoS - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Ace - Armor and Clothing Extension
? BoP - SoS - Better Vampire Npcs
? BoP - SoS - Cutting Room Floor
? BoP - SoS - Guard Armor Replacer
? BoP - SoS - Hammerfell Armory
? BoP - SoS - Harder Thaneships - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - Harder Thaneships
? BoP - SoS - Immersive College of Winterhold
? BoP - SoS - Immersive Fort Dawnguard
? BoP - SoS - Immersive Weapons - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - JK Winking Skeever - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - JK Winking Skeever
? BoP - SoS - NordwarUA - Immersive Weapons - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - NordwarUA - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - NordwarUA armors
? BoP - SoS - Opulent Thieves Guild
? BoP - SoS - Pirate Cutlasses - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Pirates Cutlasses
? BoP - SoS - Redbags Morthal - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Skyforge Shields
? BoP - SoS - SkyforgeShields - Immersive Weapons - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - SkyforgeShields - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - Skyrim Revamped Rebalanced
? BoP - SoS - The Choice is Yours
? BoP - SoS - The Great Village of Kynesgrove - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - The Great Village of Kynesgrove
? Bop - SoS - Redbags Morthal
BoP - SoS - Sos Patch
BoP - SoS - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Ace - Armor and Clothing Extension
? BoP - SoS - Better Vampire Npcs
? BoP - SoS - Cutting Room Floor
? BoP - SoS - Guard Armor Replacer
? BoP - SoS - Hammerfell Armory
? BoP - SoS - Harder Thaneships - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - Harder Thaneships
? BoP - SoS - Immersive College of Winterhold
? BoP - SoS - Immersive Fort Dawnguard
? BoP - SoS - Immersive Weapons - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - JK Winking Skeever - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - JK Winking Skeever
? BoP - SoS - NordwarUA - Immersive Weapons - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - NordwarUA - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - NordwarUA armors
? BoP - SoS - Opulent Thieves Guild
? BoP - SoS - Pirate Cutlasses - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Pirates Cutlasses
? BoP - SoS - Redbags Morthal - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - Skyforge Shields
? BoP - SoS - SkyforgeShields - Immersive Weapons - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - SkyforgeShields - Immersive Weapons
? BoP - SoS - Skyrim Revamped Rebalanced
? BoP - SoS - The Choice is Yours
? BoP - SoS - The Great Village of Kynesgrove - AI Overhaul
? BoP - SoS - The Great Village of Kynesgrove
? Bop - SoS - Redbags Morthal
BoP - SoS - Sos Patch
Files in use and last esp between load order, if these two conditions aren´t met appropriately there will be issues.
Overwrite the same files other mods use or let this be overwritten. The esp placed lowest between them on your mod list must coincide with this choice. files in use=esp is use
Files in use and last esp between load order, if these two conditions aren´t met appropriately there will be issues.
Overwrite the same files other mods use or let this be overwritten. The esp placed lowest between them on your mod list must coincide with this choice. files in use=esp is use
Credits (many of the credits are for the old version of bop - sos still available in the old files and are not used in the new mod)
- High Poly Heads by VectorPlus
- Expressive Facial Animation - male (EFA) and Expressive Facegen Morphs and Expressive Facial Animation - Female by Niroku.
- traa108 - Tempered Skins for Males
- Apachii Hairs - ApachiiSkyHair SSE
- Kalilies - KS Hairdos
- OrinLinwe aka jasperthegnome - Salt and Wind textures for Ks Hairdos and Shiva182 for the KsHairdos port
- LogRaam - Eyes of Beauty and docteur87 for the port
- GuidethisoneKalaheria and Eyes of Aber by Aberin- Kala´s Eyes - Elf Eyes and Orsimer and Kala´s Eyes
- albinowalrus64 for Feral Eyes
- Hellosanta for Sg Eyebrows
- Maevan2 for Maevan2´s Eye Brows
- missjennabee and Nazenn - Improved Eyes SE
- Domainwolf - SkFO - SE freckles and scar overlays Vanilla Warpaint Absolution and HD vanilla makeup and Vanilla Warpaints Absolution
- Holiday Gift Hairdos
- Outfit Studio
- Racemenu
- jg1 Vanilla hair Remake
- Khisartin for the eyebrow texture and facial hair and swefrida and Fridam and Khisartin for Alt1/Alt2 and (BnP) Female Skin and Ddsworkshop ; and also for Bnp - Teeth Overhaul - Scar retexture and also orc teeth and bnp teeth Spoiler:ShowVoblaHeroedeLeyendaPema123TetrodoxinLunyraGearhogMaevan2 NuskaBakafactory and HaeunCOCO - DaymarrNikoli grimmKartoffelsFuse00HHaleyy ScrollTron1cNovelyst ElliseKoralina Xs2reality S4rMs Sumner Rxkx22 and Shiva182 TheFriedturkey Anini n Regenbot03 Ren and Vamjfd (NSFW site)Darrentstone m4mk203 aka TrixterRiddler (NSFW site)RenVR (NSFW site)Syrinxo (NSFW site)These assets have the license CC BY-NC-MonsterShinkai (NSFW site) These assets have the license CC BY-
- LeelooMinai´s Eye overhaul check out her other workshop mods
- Pandorable for Lamae´s Gaze - Vampire eyes
- BD´s Armors and clothing replacer - hood adaptation
- Serana hood plus for inspiration and shape guidance
- scarlettdays21 for Lovely makeup 2 - racemenu overlays
- pockypunk forPocky´s 4k human female makeup
- vhr hairs unlocked
- theshiningabsol for inspiration for the bloodchill manor patch - made my own.
- DuskyB for Natural hair colors