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About this mod
Weapons Pack and (optional) new blacksmith NPC and shop
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
This is a bundle of all the weapon mods (plus the Scarecrow Masks) I've released so far.
The full version features Hrodeberht the blacksmith in his shop near Morthal. He sells all of my stuff plus standard blacksmith merchandise. All items are craftable as well. He now also sells a Hrodeberht's-Forge-brand shield and blacksmith-hammer (weapon).
The light version includes just the craftable items (and is flagged esl).
The full version of Hrodeberht's Forge now has a mini-quest: "Harkon's new sword"
Our vampiric blacksmith needs your help to deliver a new sword for Harkon to Garan Marethi, who adds the same enchantment as on Harkons usual sword. The new sword is a unique version of the Migration Period Sword and made of ebony, so quite a bit stronger. It can NOT be crafted, only retrieved through this quest. To start simply talk to him after joining the Volkihar. (Other choices are accounted for, for details on the possible routes see the spoiler below)
As of now the quest is unvoiced (it's a very short quest with minimal dialogue anyway) - I'll play around with SKVA Synth, but I wanted to get this released (and Garan isn't available yet).
V1.7: Added non-hostile option for DG players. Changes will most likely NOT work on existing saves, if you already entered the forge before.
Possible Routes:
Volkihar-Player, prior to Kindred Judgement:
Get unenchanted Sword from Hrodeberht -> Deliver to Garan Marethi for enchanting -> get reward. The Enchanted Sword can then later be looted from Harkons ashes.
Volkihar-Player, after Kindred Judgement:
Get unenchanted Sword from Hrodeberht -> Garan can enchant it for you, or you tell him you'll do that yourself if you prefer the unenchanted version (you should still talk to him to end the quest). This also applies if you got the sword while Harkon was alive, but chose to keep it until he's dead.
If Harkon is still alive the sword will be auto-delivered to him, and can later be looted (enchanted). If Harkon is already dead, Hrodeberht will still have the sword (not enchanted) - it can be bought, pickpocketed or looted from his body, however you wanna play. (To make this work I had to make his unique hammer even stronger, so he doesn't equip the sword (equipped items are never sold), so beware^^)
Killing Hrodeberht before joining either side, or killing him as a Volkihar without accepting the quest:
Same as Dawnguard.
Note: Quest will not progress while Kindred Judgement is active
-Draugr - The sword from "The Northman" (Replica Version)
-Bella's Dragonslayer Shield
-Sword from "The Mummy"
-Spellsword Blade (Full: Spell Tome can be found in the forge; Light: Spell Tome crafted at tanning rack)
-Quillon Dagger
-Gramr - sword of Sigurd (non-Eldergleam version)
-Argonian Macuahuitl (standard version, desaturated textures can be found on the mod's own site)
-Harkon Sword Replacer
-Atmoran Migration Period Sword
-Spathion (REDUX version)
-Gilling Sword
-Reachmen Noble Sword
-Langeid Broadaxe
-Langeid Sword (2K, can be overwritten with the 4K textures found on the mods own site)
-The Dovahkiin's Langseax
-Furious Granny's Arsenal
-Hrodeberht sword
-Type XVI sword
-Dragon School Witcher Sword (steel version only, the other one is just too unfinished)
-(Not-so-)Little Thwacker
-Dragon Scimitars
-Roman Reman (polished version - can be overwritten with the weathered version from the mod's site (use only the textures, not the esp))
-Leaf Blades
-The Messer
-Ancient Bronze and Iron Sword
-Scarecrow Hoods
-BIG thank you to fattyzhouse for pointing out, and fixing, my amateurish navmesh edits
-For the assets used in the featured mods, please see their respective mod sites
-Bella for the logo, and occasional PS work
-Koveich for the Sovngarde font
Water Mods (like RW2): Load these AFTER Hrodeberht's Forge
Q: Why is the guy a vampire/Why does he wear that hood
A: You'll find a journal in his shop that explains everything
Q: I can't find him in the cave
A: He sleeps 8h in his coffin each day. It can be a liitle hard to see, but it's there. Just wake him, he sells and buys 24/7.
Q: I'm a vampire hunter, can I kill him and his hound?
A: Yes, they are not essential, just protected. Dawnguard members can also trigger a fight by dialogue.
Q: Will this be updated, when you release new weapons?
A: Yes
Q: What about leveled list integration or a replacer version?
A: Might do those in the future. First I need to figure out how the weapons would fit best into the world.
Q: ESL for the full version?
A: Possible, since no other esl overwrites the added interior cell. Facegen data would need to be reexported if you choose to compact the esp yourself. I won't do that while I'm still actively updating the mod.