About this mod
Do you remember thinking during the Intro sequence "Oh, wouldn't it be cool if I could travel around Skyrim in carriages like theese?"
I do!
So, without further ado, we celebrate the grand opening of the Nordic Carriage Company!
- Requirements
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So, without further ado, we celebrate the grand opening of the Nordic Carriage Company!
Each of the Hold capitals now have a Nordic Carriage Company sign by their entrances. Use these signs to hail a carriage! Talk to the driver, pick which city you want to go to for the measly sum of 35 septims and enjoy the ride!
When on a carriage, you can:
- Skip to your destination
- Speed up (slightly)
- Exit the cart temporarily
- End your journey early
- Enjoy some of the random comments the custom voice-acted carriage driver has to say!
You can only pick other major cities as destinations, but that doesn't mean you can't end your ride early!
I'm a little hesitant to mark this as version 1 because sometimes pathing can be a bit off (And I'm working on it!), but functionality wise the mod is complete!
Important notes:
- I've tried to make the journey be as smooth as possible by placing a huge amount of waypoints around the world. However if you run into any wonkyness, let me know where and I'll touch it up!
- You cannot save or load your game while on the carriage (Just exit the carriage and you'll be able to, no problem!)
- If the carriage is in motion and you wait beside it, there is a good chance the carriage will become a lethal projectile. Be warned!
- When travelling through towns, you may want to tell the driver to slow down! Some townsfolk can be clumsy.
- To SSEEdit users: You'll see that my mod has edited a large amount of exterior cells - This is intentional and all I've done is add in waypoints. I've not touched anything else in them and as such, don't worry about incompatibilities. If in doubt, have my mod high up in the load order - That'll be fine. Just don't undo the edits, you'll break the pathing!
Known issue(s):
- On the path from Whiterun to Markarth, at one point the horse will stop and wander back and forth for a minute or so, and eventually continue the journey. Trying to figure out why, but it's not game-breaking!
- Not compatible with any "Better Roads" type mods (At least for now)
Version 2:
- Enabled 3rd person while on the carriage
- Hostiles are no longer passive while you're on the carriage
- Enabled map and inventory viewing while on the carriage
- You'll exit the carriage quicker when using the "Exit Cart" option
- wasteofspace95 for the awesome Nordic Carriage Company logo!
- Ali Oram for the great voice acting and the absolutely epic trailer!