About this mod
This extensive mod features two small and simple player homes near Riverwood for beginners, a fabulous treasure hunt, new quests, unique NPCs and followers, real master trainers, powerful equipment, weapons and spells. There are new locations to explore, several Easter eggs and much more to discover.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- Mirrors
- Changelogs
- Donations
"Riverwood Manor is the scene of an old legend. Rumor has it that Riverwood Manor was once built by a Dragonborn. Not much can be said about the former owner, except that he mysteriously disappeared and is said to have left behind a fabulous treasure. Perhaps the new owner will find the legendary treasure one day, should it really exist." (Author unknown)
This extensive mod features a small and simple player house near Riverwood for beginners, a second player home as an alternative, an epic treasure hunt, unique NPCs and followers, real master trainers, powerful equipment, weapons and spells. There are new locations to explore, several eastereggs and much more to discover.
Requires Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.342.0 or greater. NOT SUPPORTED ON OLDER VERSIONS!
Main Features:
Player Home
A small player home near Riverwood with everything you need for a good start. The estate contains things like forge, workbench, smelter, grain mill, garden with fertile soils for planting, an oven, a functional butterchurn for homemade butter as well as training dummies with which you can improve your skills and many other features. The Armory in the basement has lots of weapon racks and mannequins to display your weapons and armor.
In the trophy room you have the opportunity to display your collectibles such as dragon priest masks, dragon claws and so on.
The estate is located west of Riverwood and is marked on the map. In order to get the key for the house, read the note at the door. This will start the quest.
The house is fully Hearthfire compatible, which means your whole family can move in, but you need to install the MOD [/url]Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions for this to work, which is optional. If you don't want your family to move in, you don't need to install that mod.
A second alternative player home has been added in version 1.9.
Treasure Hunt
The treasure hunt features a fabulous treasure with powerful enchanted equipment, weapons and spells, which you will normally not find in Vanilla Skyrim. I don't want to reveal some details, because there would be no surprise and you should have fun to find things out on your own. The treasure is meant for mid and end game, but if you manage it to find the treasure on lower levels, you can consider yourself lucky. But be warned: Some things may be a little bit overpowered then. In order to find the treasure you can use your quest marker, but only up to a certain point, then you will be on your own.
To start the quest read the note in the basement.
Powerful Equipment and Spells
The treasure contains powerful equipment and spells which are optimal for end game or higher difficulties. Beginners will profit massively from new gear provided that they manage to find the treasure and other goodies. Here a list with some equipment you may find (contains spoilers):
Daedric Gauntlets - where to find: Treasure
- Carrying capacity increased by 50 points.
- Bows do 50% more damage.
Daedric Armor - where to find: Treasure
- Increases Magicka, Health and Stamina by 100 points
- Grants Lightning Cloak in combat
Note: Lightning Cloak is automatically granted when entering combat. Stacks with other cloak effects.
Daedric Helmet - where to find: Treasure
- You can breathe underwater
- Magicka, Health and Stamina regenerate 100% faster
Daedric Boots - where to find: Treasure
- Carrying capacity increased by 50 points
- Wearer is muffled and moves silently
Daedric Shield - where to find: Treasure
- While blocking, creates a ward that protects against spells for up to 50 points
- Increases Magic Resistance by 25%
Dragonscale Gauntlets - where to find: Treasure
- Carrying capacity increased by 50 points.
- Bows do 50% more damage.
Dragonscale Armor - where to find: Treasure
- Increases Magicka, Health and Stamina by 100 points
- Grants Whirlwind Cloak in combat
Note: Whirlwind Cloak will fling enemies away when in melee range. Automatically granted when entering combat. Stacks with other cloaks effects.
Dragonscale Helmet - where to find: Treasure
- You can breathe underwater
- Magicka, Health and Stamina regenerate 100% faster
Dragonscale Boots - where to find: Treasure
- Carrying capacity increased by 50 points
- Wearer is muffled and moves silently
Dragonscale Shield - where to find: Treasure
- While blocking, creates a ward that protects against spells for up to 50 points
- Increases Magic Resistance by 25%
Dragonborn Gloves - where to find: Ice Grotto
- One-handed and two-handed attacks do <25>% more damage.
- Destruction spells cost <50>% less magicka.
Dragonborn Robes - where to find: Ice Grotto
- Increases Magicka, Health and Stamina by 50 points
Dragonborn Hood - where to find: Ice Grotto
- Magicka regenerates 150% faster
Dragonborn Boots - where to find: Ice Grotto
- Sneaking is 50% better
- Wearer is muffled and moves silently
Dragon Priest Mask - where to find: ???
- Created potions are 133% more powerful
- Weapons and armor can be improved 133% better
Daedric Bow - where to find: Treasure
- Does 50-75 points of fire damage in a 40 foot radius.
- Grants Flame Cloak in combat.
- Surrounds the wearer with an aura of radiant light at night.
Note: The light effect works in interior cells regardless of the time of day. This will help when entering dark caves during daytime.
Daedric Sword - where to find: Treasure
- Absorbs 30-45 points of health during the day and inflicts bleeding damage for 30 seconds
- Does 30-45 points of fire damage at night and sunlight damage for 30 seconds
Daedric Greatsword - where to find: Treasure
- Does 50 points of additional bleeding damage
- Envelops the wearer in a cloud of bats that feed on enemies within melee range
Dragonbone Bow - where to find: Treasure
- Targets in a 40 foot radius take 3-5 points of fire damage for 30 seconds
- If the target dies within 20 seconds, it fills a soul gem
Dragonbone Sword - where to find: Treasure
- Does 50-75 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina
- Grants Frost Cloak in combat
Note: Frost Cloak is automatically granted when weapon drawn. Stacks with other cloak effects.
Dragonbone Greatsword - where to find: Treasure
- Targets take 5 points of bleeding damage for 20-30 seconds
- Chance to paralyze the target for 7-10 seconds
Frost Giant Club - where to find: Frost Giant
- Targets take 30-45 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina
Note: Does massive damage, probably the strongest weapon in game, but ugly as hell...
Staff of... - where to find: Treasure
- Chain lightning that does 60-90 points of shock damage to Health and half to Magicka
- Targets take 2-3 points of shock damage for 30 seconds
Wooden Sword - where to find: Cursed House
- Summoned Daedra up to level 50 are sent back to Oblivion
- Powerful creatures, undead and people up to level 50 flee for 30 seconds
Daedric Arrow of Mass Paralysis - where to find: Treasure, Katja, Craftable
- Targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 15 seconds
Daedric Arrow of the Supernova - where to find: Treasure, Katja, Craftable
- Sunlight explosion that does 50 points of damage in a 100 foot radius
- Targets in the area of effect take sunlight damage for 30 seconds
Note: Be careful with this one. Because of the large area effect it may kill people which are not hostile to the player.
Daedric Bloodcursed Arrow - where to find: Treasure, Katja, Craftable
- Absorb 25 points of health.
- Targets in the area of effect take bleeding damage for 30 seconds and attack anyone nearby
Daedric Hallowed Arrow - where to find: Treasure, Katja, Craftable
- Does 40 points of holy damage in the area of effect. Undead take additional damage for 30 seconds.
Dragonbone Arrow of Fire - where to find: Treasure, Katja, Craftable
- Explodes for 30 points of fire damage
Dragonbone Arrow of Frost - where to find: Treasure, Katja, Craftable
- Explodes for 30 points of frost damage
Dragonbone Arrow of Shock - where to find: Treasure, Katja, Craftable
- Explodes for 30 points of shock damage
Amulett of ... - where to find: Treasure
- All spells cost 50% less magicka.
- Carrying capacity increased by 100 points.
Ring of the Dragon Priest - where to find: ???
- Summons a "dragon priest" when health drops below 75%
- Increases your Stamina by 50 points
- Carrying capacity increased by 100 points
Ring of ... - where to find: Treasure
- Carrying capacity increased by 100 points
- Increases your Stamina by 50 points
- Increases Fire, Frost and Shock Resistance by <50>%
Ring of Invisibilty - where to find: Underground Cave
- Grants permanent invisibilty when sneaking.
- Activating an object or attacking breaks the effect shortly for 3 seconds, then reactivates.
- Sneaking is 50% better
Note: To get this ring, you have to start a funny hidden quest.
Silver Ring of Enchantment - where to find: Treasure
- New enchantments are 24% stronger
Conjure Army of Darkness - where to find: Riverwood Cave
- Summons an Army of Skeletons for 120 seconds
Conjure "Dragon Priest" - where to find: Treasure
- Summons a "Dragon Priest" for 150 seconds
Conjure Draugr Death Overlord - where to find: Treasure
- Summons a Draugr Death Overlord for 60 seconds
Conjure Frost Giant - where to find: Frost Giant
- Summons a Frost Giant for 60 seconds
Note: The frost giant turns into a ghost at night.
Conjure Gargoyle - where to find: Ice Grotto
- Summons a powerful Gargoyle for 60 seconds
Conjure Gargoyle Sentinel - where to find: Treasure
- Summons a Gargoyle Sentinel for 60 seconds
Note: This is the more powerful version and the Gargoyle differs in appearance.
Conjure Mighty Skeleton - where to find: Treasure
- Summons a mighty Skeleton for 300 seconds
Note: This the more powerful variant of the Army of Darkness spell.
The skeleton is able to conjure up to 4 skeletons, can cast Fire Breath shout, Fireballs and Whirlwind Cloak.
Conjure ...'s Wolf - where to find: ???
- Summons a very powerful Wolf for 120 seconds
Note: The Wolf will turn into a ghost depending on the time of day.
Detect All Creatures - where to find: Riverwood Cave
- You can see all creatures through walls including undead, daedra, and dwarven automatons
- Shows whether they are friendly (blue), or hostile (red), in combat (yellow) or searching (green)
Regeneration - where to find: Underground Cave
- Regenerates 15-24 points of health for 300 seconds
- Regenerates 15-24 points of stamina for 300 seconds
- Regenerates 15-24 points of magicka for 300 seconds
Teleport Celli - where to find: In Celli's inventory
- Teleports the fox Celli to your postion
Teleport Ghardril - where to find: Deceased Dunmer's body
- Teleports the mistman Ghardril to your position
Teleport Marcellus - where to find: Marcellus sells it
- Teleports the merchant Marcellus to your position
Teleport Marcus - where to find: In Marcus' inventory
- Teleports the sabre cat Marcus to your position
Teleport Myrcella - where to find: In Myrcella's inventory
- Teleports Earth Mother Myrcella to your position
New NPCs and Followers
I created some new NPCs, such as merchants and trainers as well as unique followers with particulary powerful abilities that will aid you greatly in combat. Some of them are able to change shape. All NPC's are essential and cannot die.
New locations and more
- Added some caves in the area which you have to explore in order to find the treasure
- Added the ability to do something with your hard earned dragon souls!
- Added more than 28 mod related loading screens
Training dummies
You can use the training dummies in the area to quickly train your combat skills.
There is also a funny spell that will allow you to practice your skills very quickly too ;)
Furthermore, there is a way to increase your sneak skill very fast.
New and improved blessings
Blessing of Nocturnal: Added a better version - Sneaking is now 50% better. Lasts 8 real hours (where to get: basement)
Vanfriddh's Blessing: Time between shouts is reduced by 50%. Carrying capacity increased by 200 points. Lasts: 8 real hours (where to get: Ice Grotto)
Master Trainers
Trainers can now improve your skills up to 25 times per level. This affects all trainers in the game. If you have a mod that does something similar, you will likely need to change your load order. All trainers in this mod can improve your skills up to the maximum of 100.
New Quests
Several new quests have been added.
There is also a small funny hidden quest that you may stumble on during the treasure hunt. There are multiple ways to start and resolve this quest. Simply talk to everyone instead of killing everything in sight ;)
Easter eggs
In order to find them, you have to look in every crate and corner, read all notes, books and talk to everyone. ;)
Tipps for Beginners
Save often! You might encounter some enemies which are extremely powerful even for a high level character. If you have problems to defeat them there are multiple ways in this mod to do so.
If you have just started a new game, look into the chests and cabinets at the beginning. There you will find plenty of useful ressoures for a good start.
- Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.342.0 or greater including all free DLCs. NOT SUPPORTED ON OLDER VERSIONS!
- Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions (optional)
Recommanded Mods
- SkyUI (optional)
- moreHUD SE (optional)
- Simply drop the .esp and .bsa's into the Skyrim Data folder and activate it in your load order.
- There should be no problems when updating to a newer version of this mod mid-game.
Deinstallation / Restarting the mod from scratch
- Make sure to remove items and things you want to keep from all of the containers in this mod.
- Move your spouse and family to a new location.
- Delete the above files and remove it from your load order.
- Make a clean save and close the game.
- Reload.
Thanks to MrDanSG1 for the Modder Display Compendium modders resource
Thanks to Artisanix for the Paintings and Frames modders resource
A special thanks goes to the Nexus community which helped me with some scripting.
This mod is not compatible or may conflicts with mods that alter the exterior northwest of Riverwood, namely the wilderness cells 2,-11 / 2,-12 / 3,-11 and Riverwood Edge01 (4,-11)
Known Conflicts
Not compatible with RS Children
Not compatible with Willow Creek Cottage
Conflicts slightly with JK's Riverwood
My other mods:

Visit wahnfried.online for more details of this mod and walkthroughs (currently in progress):