About this mod
The ENB to give your game the touch of Cinematic feelings.
A lot of simple Customization is possible, to create your own style.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Cinematic Tamriel ENB is designed to work with the weather plugin NLA SSE.
It is optimzied for Screenshotting and Gameplay purposes.
To get your own personal preference of style, use the PostPass.fx in the shader window.
You can change the LUT to get the most drastic change, aswell as severel other shaders like
Border, Grain, Sharpening, manual color balancing, Contrast, Chromatic Aberration.
It uses nearly all effects of the latest ENB Binary to get the best possible graphic result.
In combination with ENB, Reshade is used to get effects which couldnt be added to ENB.
Hard Requirements: - Latest ENB Binary (Follow the installation instructions below)
- Latest Reshade Version (Follow the installation instructions below)
- ENB Helper
- Weather Plugin from NLA SSE (To get the intended look)
Soft Requirement: - Enhanced Lights and FX (With Enhancer)
Recommendations: - Obsidian Mountain Fogs
- Improved Clouds Mesh
- Improved Atmosphere Mesh
- Enhanced Night Sky
- ENB Light
- Particle Patch for ENB
1) Install / Download the Requirements.
2) Open the WrapperVersion of the ENB Binary and take only the d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll files from this folder.
Drag and Drop them in the Skyrim Root Folder, where the SkyrimSE.exe is.
3) Download this ENB and exract the files to your Skyrim Root Folder aswell.
4) Now execute the Reshade.exe to install the core files from it to your Skyrim.
Select SkyrimSE.exe as your application, choose the dx11 runtime.
Now check the box of the Legacy Standart Effects Shader Bundle.
You only need the shaders Ambient Light, Filmic Anamorph Sharpen and Gaussian Blur for this Preset.
If you are Ingame, press Pos1 and choose the Cinematic Tamriel Reshade on the Preset tab.
- Boris Vorontsov for creating ENB Binaries
- LonelyKitsune for his PostPass
- Ady for his Prepass
- MartyMCModding/Fly for his DepthOfField
- Kingeric1992 for his SMAA Header
- napoleonofthestump for his RevoLUTion Lut's
- Obsidian Dawn for his Photoshop Frost Brushes
- JawZ for his LensDirt Textures
- Christoph Peters for his Blue Noise Textures
- MaxG3D for his Bloom
- Crosire for Reshade