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About this mod

Ethereal is a medieval/pastel Reshade aimed to make Skyrim dream like and rustic.

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Ethereal Description:

  • Ethereal is my personal Reshade aimed to make Skyrim dream like and rustic. 
  • This Reshade requires the latest Reshade and Rustic Weathers
  • Should be compatible with all interior lighting mods

Questions About Interiors And Misc:

Why are my interiors so dark?

A. You can adjust interior brightness by hitting the home button and scrolling down to PiecewiseFilmicTonemap
From there scroll down to Gamma and adjust from there.
NOTE: adjusting gamma changes exterior gamma as well

Q. Is RLO Required?

A. No. I just adjusted this Reshade with RLO in mind.

Q. Why does my intro video "Spazz" out when running Skyrim?

A. Reshade loads your shaders when starting the game. If you are bothered by this try a intro remover mod.


To get the best performance and load times with Reshade be sure to delete all un-used shaders inside your reshade-shaders within your
Skyrim directory.