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  1. WhiteWolf424242
    • premium
    • 256 kudos
    How to report a bug properly:
    - "Hey, this quest is stuck, pls help" is not the way to go. Please include as much information and details on your issue as possible, there is no such thing as "too much" here. This includes but is not limited to: the quest you are working on, its stage, your dialogue choices that led there, where it occured, whether you use any of the patches, any other mod conflicts reported by TES5Edit and your load order with them, or really any specific thing that could be of importance.  Often a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
    A very good summary on how to write a good bug report can be found here.
    Be aware that it's very likely that I will ask you to do a couple of things (mostly some console commands) and tell me what happens then, to help track down the cause of your issue. If you just comment then leave forever, your issue might never get resolved.

    Known common issues:
    The scripted patch for the Immersive College of Winterhold mod does not seem to be working in Skyrim Special Edition. I have yet to find out why this is happening.
    Until then, if you want to use the mods together, the Art of Blood quest in my mod will be impossible to complete because of environment changes at the college.
    When you are prompted to get some tools, you can only get past that stage with console commands:
    setstage ww42dbartofblood 40

    This will let you finish the quest. For the time being this is the only workaround for Immersive College users.
  2. WhiteWolf424242
    • premium
    • 256 kudos
    How to use the Save the Dark Brotherhood patch:
    For people who use Save the Dark Brotherhood - Skyrim Special Edition:
    Installation order:
    1) Download and install said Save the Dark Brotherhood SSE.
    2) Install my mod's main file. When prompted about 2 conflicting scripts, overwrite. (Main file wins and overwrites the already installed Save the DB scripts).
    3) Download and install the patch from the optional files. When prompted about 1 script, overwrite. (Patch wins and overwrites the already installed Save the DB script).
    Load order: SaveTheBrotherhood.esp -> ww_AlternateDBEnding.esp -> ww_AlternateDBEnding_SaveTheDBPatch.esp. This load order is set in stone for a reason, and anything else will give you issues. Double check that your load order is correct! MO users: Triple check!
    LOOT users might have to set custom load rules, for me it guessed wrong!
    LOOT screenshot:

    After installation, you can and should check in the in-game MCM's Patches section that the Save the Dark Brotherhood patch is activated.

    For people who use a custom port of PrinceShroob's LE edition of Save the Dark Brotherhood:
    DO NOT use the optional patch. The main file will automatically detect and patch itself for this edition of Save the Dark Brotherhood, but it does still need correct load order. Load my mod after Save the DB:  Save the Dark Brotherhood!.esp -> ww_AlternateDBEnding.esp
    The mod checks this each time a save is loaded and will give you a warning if your load order is incorrect. If you receive no such warning and the MCM reports that the Save the DB Patch is active, you're all good to go.
  3. ghostofrimera
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos

    Your mod and the Brotherhood of Old mod have inspired me so much I feel the need to write a fanfiction using elements from both.  Would you be mad if I did so?  I will, of course, credit you in the introduction...

    1. WhiteWolf424242
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      I wouldn't have anything against that. Glad it inspired you!
    2. Edword0311
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  4. Edword0311
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  5. 7OOTnegaTerces
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Two questions:
    1. How does Immersive College break the "Art of Blood" quest, and does this patch fix (from the ICW Patch Hub) that:
    1a. If it does not, could I (someone who knows the CK and basics of modding, but not anything specific about your mod or ICW) "fix" the patch/make one, or should I not even bother trying, it would be too much work to learn what I need to know to know how to fix it?
    2. What does the Good Guy's mod break in this one (the forum post link is dead), and could I patch it?!?
  6. AlbertthePaladin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    before i download this, can someone tell me hoe much AI-voice slop is there? 
  7. VenixHD
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Im assuming this doesnt work with SkyrimVR? The mod mentions SKSE as a requirement, but not what version of SKSE.
  8. kzht95
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Yooo.. this mod is amazing. I never expected the alternate ending. I always play it vanilla. The fully voice alternate ending really like it was part of the vanilla. Never expect the plot twist LOL! I saw that many people commenting about the Gabriela's quest with the mod Immersive College of Winterhold. I also have that mod installed. That is the only quest that haven't appear to me. Anyway, great mod man!
  9. zerorage1983
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The art of blood quest with ICOW still not fix? 
  10. GMOZER
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey so, I dowloaded the Mod after ending the Main Quests but the Pop up did not appear to me to set the ending and none of the extra post killing the emperor quests such as reforming the black hand and such...
  11. shalifer
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    while the voices need to be redone, there needs to be a patch for ostim lovers, there are two Astrids running around and no option to give the other survivors the silencer role.
  12. jakedonian
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Should probably mention that "fully voiced" is a bit of embellishment, VA is complete ass consisting of spliced lines and robotic lines read by microsoft suite 2011. I was intigued to start it and chose this instead of Brotherhood of Old, due to good descripion, but ended up just ditching DB entirely once I heard the state of VA. ElevenLabs is cheap and wayy better, all modders should probably use that these days
    1. WhiteWolf424242
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Voiced dialogues, using vanilla and xVASynth assets.
      Which part of the description was misleading.