About this mod
I couldn't believe it's the year 2021 of our Lord Talos and you still couldn't pet dogs in Skyrim. Well, I say NO MORE.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations

Immersive Interactions already includes "Pet The Dog".
Only reason for installing Pet The Dog is if you DON'T want the full Immersive Interactions.
I realize this might seem like a joke mod given the date, but I assure you it is NOT. After 10 years, we've seen all sorts of ehem, interesting mods but there is one key aspect that was always missing, so I made it happen:
Dragonborn, take off your iron gauntlets, for today is not the time to be dauntless. Forget about the greybeards and the voice, your duty is now only to rejoice. Yes, you heard it right: Tell Alduin, to put the apocalypse on hold, for I am proud to announce: "Yes, you can pet the dog!"
"Woof, woof!" The dogs of Skyrim approve of this mod.
If some kind animator soul wants to reach out and improve these or provide new ones, please do so!
How it works
This way you can talk to the dog, if the dog can be talked to in vanilla (most dogs just bark at you and have no dialogue) (I just realized how weird that last sentence was - Please, don't send me to the asylum)
3 Different Animations
However, doggo is gonna doggo and sometimes, doggo will decide to suddenly stand up leaving you looking funny :)
This should not happen too often but you know.
Soft Requirements
FNIS and Nemesis are not needed for this mod.
- Can we pet cats? Can we pet chickens? Can we pet horses? Can we pet guards?
No, this is solely focused on dogs. This version is a standalone version of a bigger mod I'm working on. Main version will include other animals and lots of different interactions with objects and NPCs.
- No for real, why won't you let me pet the Jarl?
Jarl Balgruuf deserves some respect! You don't know what goes down at Dragonsreach when the dragonborn is not around. Swag.
- Does this work in first person?
Only third person animations are included, this means it will only work in first person if you have a sort of "see your body in first person" mod.
- Why release this now instead of waiting for the bigger mod you're working on?
That's an excellent question, my imaginary friend! I keep adding more and more things to the main mod and it seems it will take me some decent amount of time to release it. and also... it will be quite extensive and cover a lot of things, it likely won't be everyone's cup of tea and some people will want it just for the "pet the dog" side of things, so here's a standalone version already.
Too much talking, not enough dog petting! Enjoy and have fun!