About this mod
Patches Reforging -To the Masses for consistency with other mods.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
What has been added?
For now just patches for:
1. WACCF- Patch:
Reforging -To the Masses - To the Masses is a cool mod which adds cool weapons to the game.
The Levellists in the mod aren't really balanced, because u could find ebony gear level 1.
I changed that and make it so the Levellists are more in line with WACCF, and it's distribution.
2. CCOR- Patch:
Adds Support for RFM to use crafting categories from Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered
3. Breakdown- Patches for some mods:
Vanilla Skyrim
Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered
Tinkers Forge - Smithing Overhaul
Should be compatible with all mods.
Bash Patch for merging Levelist may be required, if u use other mods that change Levelists of weapons.
- Why do I need this ?
All things need to be:
- Will you make more patches ?
I'm open for ideas