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The Maggot Guy

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About this mod

(Whoops, ignore this) The Dragon Priest Mask Morokei is supposed to double your Magicka Regen AND reduce Shout Cooldown-- Unfortunately it accidentally has a generic enchant instead of the unique, intended one named after it. The UESP *says* this was fixed by the USP, but it wasn't. So I fixed it.

Permissions and credits
uhhhhh looks like I messed up folks. The problem is that the Argonian Dragon Priest Mask mesh mod I downloaded, which itself is an old unmodified port from oldrim from before the DLC were released, overrode the USP fixes for some reason. I have actually made a patch for it, which re-fixes the issue again, but I'll fix this whole mess tomorrow.

Original Title:

Temporary Morokei Fortify Shout Fix Patch until the USP gets its act together

Original Description:

The Dragon Priest Mask Morokei is supposed to double your Magicka Regen AND reduce Shout Cooldown-- Unfortunately it accidentally has a generic enchant instead of the unique, intended one named after it. The UESP *says* this was fixed by the USP, but it wasn't. So I fixed it.

How to Install: uhhhhh just drag and drop it into the Skyrim folder and activate it in the launcher, or download it using your mod manager of choice.

Uninstall: Just delete it I guess or uninstall using your manager

Should be compatible with VR. IDK why it wouldn't be.

Related/Reccomended mods:

Dragon Priest Masks for Beasts, use it if you play argonian or Khajiit. Make sure it loads AFTER this mod or Morokei will make your head invisible.

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch: Fixes like every other possible bug lol

probably works with VR, don't know why it wouldn't