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About this mod

This mod is an ESO-inspired replacer of Skyrim Doomstones and their locations.

Permissions and credits
  • French
Hello everyone!

I decided to make a port of my old mod that replaced Skyrim Doomstones and their locations for SSE with a little updates and some bugfixes.

At first it was just a port, but then I read the comments of users who downloaded my old mod and I realized that it requires not only a port and bugfixes, but also a little update which should replace other Doomstones which was not included in my previous Oldrim version.

21.06.2021 V.3.1 with sseedit autoclean and little bugfixes is released.

What does the mod do?

Some of you may already be familiar with this mod for Oldrim. That mod replaces default Doomstones' appearence to make them look more ESO-like designed. But this mod is a little update of the previous one.

The locations are slightly changed and updated to give them a fresh new look.

Diversify the Skyrim landscape a bit!


The Murloc King review:

Centurión-Esp review:

Trugbild TV review:

Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim - there are no conflicts, as my mod does not affect any scripts, only the appearance of Doomstones..
Obviously compatible with any mods that do not replace the doomstones. If there are mods editing Doomstones, then put my mod below them in the load order.

If you really enjoy my work, you can support me on patreon:


My father, who showed me how to work with a computer when I was 7 years old.

Mihailmods, to whom I am grateful for supporting the implementation of my work. If it wasn't for him, I don't think my models would have seen the light of day.

Bethesda softworks for creating The Elder Scrolls series.

And thank you so much for downloading and supporting me!