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About this mod

This adds Emerald to your game as a follower or preset

Permissions and credits

Emerald grew up in the thieves guild, slowly going through the ranks alongside her only friend Sapphire. Though through her time in the thieves guild she grew restless, wanting to venture out into skyrim's lands, far away from the cramped and bustling city of which she's grown to resent. The thieves guild is falling apart, and it's only a matter of time before the whole town turns on them. She resides at Haelga's Bunkhouse, planning what to do next...

Name - Emerald
Race - Breton
Voice - Female Even-Toned
Level - 5 to no limit
body - 3BA, CBBE
Weight - 57
location - Haelga's Bunkhouse in Riften
is marriable

Emerald ditched her guild armor in favor of some fur clothing as to not arouse suspicion in the other towns. She brings with her a war axe she stole from the castles barracks, along with a confiscated imperial bow

Emerald knows how to wield a weapon, preferring a sword or knife, she can cut through any opposition. However she can use a bow when she needs to. She's able to take 4 or 5 hits from a giants club (knowledge based on "research")
In terms of magic, she has learned a lot from Wylandriah the court wizard. Only able to cast a few spells at a time, she has a fondness for Destruction magic, able to use all elements to her advantage. She can also summon swords and bows from the planes of Oblivion. And don't worry about giving her a torch, she enjoys using her Alteration magic to light the path forward.
Her years of being a thief have also suited her well, she has learned not to step on pressure plates, and her sneaking is respectable.

BDOR pack by team tal -[tag]=Skyrim%20Armor%20MOD
Colovian Leather Armor and Outfit -
The Lily - Armour Mashup -
Nibenean Armors and Outfit -

Brows -
KS hairdos -
Mikan Eyes -
Bijin Skin CBBE -                   
Pocky's 4k human makeup -  

Mikan Eyes
KS hairdo's
Diamond Skin
Pmeagher for fixing issues with the mod and providing an ESPFE file