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About this mod

2 skateboard weapons, Skatesword 1+2
As the title suggests, a skateboard brought to Skyrim to help you kill stuffs =D
It definitely isn't lore friendly or good for immersiveness but its fun as hell!

Permissions and credits

I give you...... Skatesword!

As the title suggests, a skateboard brought to Skyrim to help you kill stuffs =D
It definitely isn't lore friendly or good for immersiveness but its fun as hell!

Called Skatesword but was actually originally a Mace so equips as such and sheathes on the right hip

An old mod I loved for Oblivion that I spent a painstaking 5 days bringing to Skyrim, with a modern deck and griptape, enjoy \m/

How To Obtain Skatesword:
Skatesword can be found in all their glory at the top of the steps to the Skyforge.
Or you can use console - help skate - player.additem (code without brackets) 1 (or however many you want)
There is the updated Skyrim board and also the original Oblivion textured deck too :D

This mod provides 2 skateboard weapons, Skatesword 1+2
Only use right handed! It still works left but it sits weird in the hand xD

Known Issues or Bugs
-Looks weird in the left hand
-Clips through the body a little when sheathed
-Skatesword 2, the old Oblivion deck doesn't have an in menu item (can't fix it lol) Skatesword 1 is fine and no other known glitches

-Its a skateboard in Tamriel lol...

