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Created by

NordwarUA - Kreiste

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About this mod

HIMBO Bodyslide for NordwarUA's Guards Armor Replacer.

Permissions and credits

HIMBO Bodyslide for NordwarUA's Guards Armor Replacer.

Requires both HIMBO and the original mod, obviously. 

The file structure and the plugin setup confused me a little; so if I did any mistake or missed any refits, please let me know. I basically conformed everything that has M label, as I believe those belong to the dudes. 

HIMBO Conversion of NordwarUA's armor packs :
Vanilla Armor Replacers | Unplayable Faction Armors | Guard Armor Replacers | New Legion

  • Launch Bodyslide.
  • In Group Filter, tick HIMBO NordwarUA - Guards Armor Replacer.
  • Hit Batch Build.
