About this mod
A redesign of the Triple Triad cards from Dylbill's awesome Triple Triad Mod.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod redesigns the cards from Dylbill's awesome Triple Triad mod.
Huge fan of his work, but I wasn't too happy with the look of the cards which looked too menu-like for my tastes.
I tried to keep the design close to the original source; the Final Fantasy 8 Cards.
Friendly cards are blue, enemy cards are red.
Card Rarity was changed to a more legible and more popular design of colour-coded gems.
Card Rarity goes from White => Green => Blue => Purple => Yellow
Character Cards were mostly redesigned after Modded appearances. Some popular overhauls and some of personal preferance. I understand personal tastes vary, but I don't have any plans to re-do any of the cards for other people's tastes.
I have however attached a Resource Folder with all of my .dds work files if anyone wants to change them for personal use.
1: Install Dylbill's Triple Triad Mod.
2: Install this mod
3: Make sure my mod is in a lower mod order.
1: Delete this mod, that's it.
I'm not 100% happy with all cards, and may go back to change some of them up again, but probably later,
as I'm pretty burned out from all the endless cropping.