Hey fellows!
Have a look on my improved rocks and mountains:
Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax SE
Finally I found the time to adapt my old Skyrim stuff for the Special Edition.
Took a lot longer than anticipated but it was surely worth it...
editing the texture from the base by using new tecniques to enhance quality and sharpness
made them look so good that I have to update my old Skyrim mods as well ;)
you won't experience a performance drop while using this mod, actually you should gain some fps in many areas... lol
have fun playing!
I'm going to add more parallax stuff over time
thanks a lot for your support, you people are just great!
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Check out my other mod for SE:
Vivid Landscapes - Imperial Forts SE
Vivid Landscapes - Whiterun Grounds and Walls
Vivid Landscapes - Whiterun's Gildergreen Tree
Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area SE
Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins SE
Vivid Landscapes - Woods SE
Vivid Landscapes - Snow
Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Region SE
Vivid Landscapes - Orc and Farmhouses
Rocking Stones and Mountains
Vivid Landscapes - Field of Grass
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The package contains everything I made since and changes:
- Mountains
- Cliffs
- Creeks
- Dungeons
- Ruins
- Imperial Forts
- Birthsigns
- Orc and Farmhouses
- The Volcanic and The Tundra region.