Long ago in the Dawn Era when Nirn was in its infancy and before the advent of civilization, there were ancient beasts roamed the ancient continents that would later form the continents known today. They came in all shapes and sizes, some as ferocious as Daedra and others much bigger than dragons.
One of these beasts is the Ceratopsid; a Large robust herbivorous beaked saurid equipped with horns and frills extending over the neck for protection. Historians of Tamriel often speculated if Ceratopsids and Clannfears are related, being that ages ago the Clannfears were molded from Ceratopsids using chaotic creatia.
Before the creation of Mundus was finalized, the Et'Ada that participated made several 'rough drafts' of the universe. These drafts are actually an astral realm composed of several layers of reality within it. The Creation of Mundus was based on the most recent final draft which is like Mundus in its most pristine state without the interference of humanoid civilization and with all the original primal life that once flourished in Mundus in the Dawn Era.
A group of Druids, (Related to the Forsworn) and some Hagravens sought a way to access this place due to its powerful energies within the Dreambones. They looked at how sigils were used to create the gates to oblivion, but instead of oblivion, they wanted to reroute the connection to this astral realm. When their sigil was made they created a gateway to the realm and brought back many of these beasts into Mundus.
Ceratopsid types:
- Triceratops; Are the sluggers among them and hit very hard and knock you back a large distance and they're the hardest to take down.
- Styracosaurus; Do slightly more damage, but their knockback is much less and so is their health, However, they're the most aggressive and some might attack you if you get close so proceed with caution.
- Pachyrhinosaurus: They're medium size and have medium health and are the most evasive, they can either be the easiest or the most difficult to fight. Usually, they'll run away, but if it decides to attack you they release pheromones in the air that causes all the animals nearby to come to the aid of the Pachyrhinosaurus and attack you.

- Triceratops with four variants.
- Pachyrhinosaurus with seven variants.
- Styracosaurus with 6 variants.
- The Forsworn employ some of them as sentries.
- New ingredients and loot.
- 8 new custom sounds.
- Marked as .esl
Everything is standalone including its own leveled lists, it only makes a small addition to the predator faction to accommodate the ceratopsid factions. This means it should still be compatible with everything else.

Tyranachu, Demon Hunter, Andrew12, Luca9108, Ultamaterex2, HENDRIX (original models, textures, and sounds). Sam, Alvin Abreau, Ludozoo (original sounds).
(released as public domain on ZT2RoundTable, initially for mods made for the game Zoo Tycoon 2)
amodinosaur.com (original sounds).