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- Skyrim Character Sheet
Skyrim Character Sheet
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About this mod
A Mod that lets you display Player Information in a Custom Window, Faction Ranks, Thane hood and Champion of a Daedric Prince or Princess as well as one in the Inventory that updates with equip/unequip of Gear. Former name ShowStats
The Mod comes with configuration Files for multiple settings p.e. values can adjusted and turned on/off.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Address Library for SKSE Plugins SE or AE Version Pick the one you need Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes SKSE64 Visual C++ Redistributable Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Alen's Mod List (first person - performance - survival - gameplay) Character Sheet Inventory Auto Show Disable Skyrim Character Sheet (PTBR) Skyrim Character Sheet - Ekimolaos' Presets Obviously Skyrim Character Sheet - Russian SKYRIM CHARACTER SHEET - Spanish translation Esto es una traducción, requiere el original. Skyrim Character Sheet - Turkish Translation Ana mod dosyası. Skyrim Character Sheet German 1.1.4 Original Mod wird zwingend benötigt Skyrim Character Sheet RUS Основной мод. Skyrim Character Sheet Ultrawide Version yea Skyrim Character Sheet-CHS-Simplified Chinese Translation 原MOD,硬需求,以及原MOD所需的前置也一并安装(是插件和图标,无需汉化),此处不列出链接了 Skyrim Character Sheet-ITA Mod originale richiesta. Installare prima la mod originale e poi questa traduzione. Tween Menu Overhaul - Character Sheet Tween Menu Overhaul - Traduzione Italiana (Opzionale) Solo se scaricate il relativo Add-On - Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
Released under the GPL-3.0 license
File credits
file Interface/skyui/icons_item_psychosteve_merged.swf is a merged version from skyui icons_item_psychosteve.swf and icons_effect_psychosteve.swf github
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Turkish
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- Italian
- German
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name German Author:Jay91888 Skyrim Character Sheet German 1.1.4 Russian Author:mlthelama Skyrim Character Sheet RUS Spanish Author:Saul-Traduccion SKYRIM CHARACTER SHEET - Spanish translation Turkish Author:kagitmiadam Skyrim Character Sheet - Turkish Translation Mandarin Author:mlthelama-Elum302 Skyrim Character Sheet-CHS-Simplified Chinese Translation Portuguese Author:Granhadd Skyrim Character Sheet (PTBR) Italian Author:MOnSTErLair Skyrim Character Sheet-ITA Russian Author:sepp79 transleted by doordom Skyrim Character Sheet - Russian Polish Author:sepp79 Skyrim Character Sheet Polish translation - Mirrors
Name Github - Changelogs
Version 1.1.4
- fix blade and blunt armor rating calc by @berated-bert
Version 1.1.3
- fixes
- removed duplicate entry of molag bal
- do not take input if cursor is in skyui search
- do not take input inside item menus (for normal menu) if menus are unpaused (Skyrim Souls)
Version 1.1.2
- Bugfixes
- fall damage perk calculation
- Features
- updated for 1.6.1130+
- removed scaleform translation plus plus dependency
Version 1.1.1
- bugfixes
- fixed blade and blunt 3 support #38
- corrected setting for fall damage
- fixed input Issues with the menu constantly opening
- added a blacklist for menu names so the key input is not taken when one of those menus is opened
- ----
- features
- addesd setting "tween_menu_only" to "SkyrimCharacterSheet_Input.json". the mod will only listen for keyinput in the tween menu for the main window. It comes with an additonal hint menu showing the first bound key and the menu name, if "wait menu redirected" is installed as well it its key and name will be shown with this hint menu as well (thanks OsmosisWrench for the flash menu)
- added a new setting file for mod detection "SkyrimCharacterSheet_ModDetection.json" tells if it is allowed to look for the dll or esp of another mod. for example have skyrim souls installed but do not want the automatic unpause set "skyrim_souls" to false in file.
Version 1.1.0
- features
- Icons are now included in the base mod
- the main configuration for the menus has been moved to json files
- all the used menu keys can be set in the json files (the $ShowLoremIpsum Strings). It could be used to get rid of translation files and set it there directly
- a few mods will be automatically detected, changes for to the mod
- -> skyrim souls: will unpause the mod screens.
- -> skyrim unbound: will change the detection for thane of whiterun
- -> blade and blunt: calculation for damage resistance is adjusted (calculation seems to be incorrect currently according to reports)
- -> armor rating rescaled: reads its config files and should mimic its calculation
- -> hand to hand: pickpocket to security, lockpicking to hand to hand config
- better and more configuration what can be displayed. also support for additional setting files. this means the mod reads SkyrimCharacterSheet_Player.json but also SkyrimCharacterSheet_Player_lorem.json and if the configration is valid it will be added and shown (documentation)
Fixes- open/close inventory menu now if zoom is used for an item and if an book is opened. If the menu has been closed manually (= button press) it will not be reopened or if auto open is set to false.
- wrong connection for inventory menu for magicka rate, stamina, ..
- Boethiah did not show, config was missing
- showing resistances now if they are 0% more info here
- additional actor values can be configured now. see github wiki
- allowing key combinations now too. see github wiki
Version 1.0.3
- added Armor Rating Rescaled SKSE Remake support, config has to be done for this mod as well
- dummy translation file with english key added for czech, french, german, italian, japanese, polish, russian, spanish
- fixed typo that failed to read the config for "iMagickaRatePer"
Version 1.0.2
- changed config from toml to ini
- clib update
- ae and se in one dll
- small changes for the new skyrim version
Version 1.0.1
- changed config value so besides the normal value the base and/or permanent value
- the lotd decks add the values with a special effect, but you can see the difference between value and base value (base value is without the deck)
- added new keys to translation file
- added config for hand to hand (under mods)
- icons and text will change for pickpocket -> security, lockpicking -> hand to hand (with config enabled)
Version 1.0.0
- added some gamesettings to damage resistance calculation
- readding translation file
- removed not needed config parameters
- changed menu files, added icon and translation support
- icons will not provided with the mod
- icons and text should not stay "stuck" on the list
- added icons support to inventory menu version
Version 0.0.9
- * ShowStats/Inventory: fixed base damage calc for weapons (needs to be turned on in the cfg)
- * ShowStats/Inventory: added fall damage mod, added weapon crit damage rating (needs to be turned on in the cfg)
- * ShowStats/Inventory: added permanent ActorValues to stamina, magicka, health and perks (needs to be turned on in the cfg)
Version 0.0.8
- * ShowInventory/Stats: added Stagger and Reach
- * ShowStats/Faction: will be rendered over, healthbars and other UI Items
- * ShowStats/Faction: could be triggered in Crafting menu
- * ShowStats: in a rare case it could happen that it was opened if you pressed any other button that opens a Menu and the StatsMenu Button nearly at the same time
- * ShowFaction: fixed wrong formid for dawnguard faction
Version 0.0.7
- * ShowFaction: rework of all Quest checks, because it might fail after different
- Characters were loaded, therefore the thane and champion information
- might be wrong
- * ShowFaction: apply changes also about quests to the faction checking as well
- * ShowFaction: fixed wrong questcheck for the rift
- * ShowStats: set default value for stat menu value
- * ShowFaction: clear thane and champion list, would result in wrong data
- * ShowInventoyStats: added event to check for weapon/armor/ammo equip/unequip
- * ShowInventoyStats: added Menu
- * ShowInventoyStats: refresh of the new menu will be done when the player equip/unequip
- armor/weapon/arror/bolt
- * General: reworked configuration, removed some not needed ending, the true false
- for each config can be done now (if menu is set 0)
- * ShowStats: minor bugfixes for gathering data
- * ShowInventoyStats: fixes to reload the ui
- * General: minor fixes for getting values from config
- * ShowInventoyStats: atm showing slotid and what item is currently equipped (just armor,
- shields, accessories, clothing)
- * ShowInventoyStats: another key config (could be set to the same as openMenuButton, but
- skyui search would trigger it too )
- * General: adding buttons for stats and faction (close, next, prev)
- * General: updated all flash files
- * General: removal of outdated config parameters
- * ShowStats & Show Faction: fixes to make menu changing work
- * ShowStats & Show Faction added buttons Close, Next or Previous
- * InventoryStats: build paper versions for the InventoryStats
Version 0.0.6
- removed not needed code
- added trace and debug logs
- checking prequests for whiterun and eastmarch now
- config change, added skyrimUnbound to turn on a different check for thane of Whiterun
- config change added Special->showResistanceCap (default: true)
- resist damage, fire, frost, shock, magic and poison use the values
- game variables are called fPlayerMaxResistance and fMaxArmorRating
- removed spaces from % endings
- added calculation for damage resistance #5
- wip added handler to read settings for resistance caps from game
- minor code cleanups
Version 0.0.5
- updated commonlibsse and h and cpp files into src
- will not try to open menu when typing, it will not display but code will trigger in the background
- build clean ups
Version 0.0.4
- fix for crash when using a text field from the AdditemMenu search or when naming a character (issue #7 )
Version 0.0.3
- removed esp and papyrus from mod
- setting moved into toml file
- removal of old files
- added config switch if the game should be paused or not if a menu is open
- some exception logs
- removed unused functions and code
- lowered general log to debug, can be adjusted in config
Version 0.0.2
- closes menu if another one opens
- added multiplier for some values for better readability
- not all factions in game deliver rank information
- value multiplier config for some values
- added config for faction ranks (where the game does not provide them)
- reordered file structure a bit
- moved some general functions to a util file
- thanes and faction need a seperate window
- added menu for faction
- added config for faction menu
- added config for menu swap key
- flash cleanup
- cleaned up config
- preparation for esp and mcm removal
- additional trace logging
- update background images
Version 0.0.1
- added fomod
- added paper and paper_light options
- list configuration
- each value under showStatsMenu can be assinged a value (1-6, is a menu, 0 will not be shown )
- player(1),defence(2),attack(3),magic(4),warrior(5),thief(6)
- add weapon speed for left weapons (+other missing AV)
- added gamepad and mouse button support
- fixed CTD fixed CTD when no weapon or arrow was equipped
- initial build
- Donations
No donations accepted
Please use Wiki to check for the basic configuration as well for detailed and custom configuration.
The mod Dear Diary Dark Mode - SkyUI Menus Replacer SE provides a reskin of the menus and the other skins of it.
Thanks & Source
The mod Source can be found on Github with a readme, please also add bug/features on Github.
for Rim Stats for the Idea of the Stats Menu
for Viewable Faction Ranks for the Idea for the Faction Menu
for uesp for the Explanation of some Stats/Values
My Other mod(s):
LamasTinyHUD - A Quick Slot Mod with Elden Souls Option
Skyrim Character Sheet
Body Slots - SkyUI
Body Slots - NORDIC UI
Body Slots - SkyUI Weapon Pack Merged
Dialogue More NPC Info
The mod Dear Diary Dark Mode - SkyUI Menus Replacer SE provides a reskin of the menus and the other skins of it.
Thanks & Source
The mod Source can be found on Github with a readme, please also add bug/features on Github.

- To my Cats
- SKSE Team
- CharmedBaryon for CommonLibSSE-NG
- Ryan for CommonLibSSE
- Also Everybody who basically contributed to one of the CommonLibSSE
- meh321 for Address Library for SKSE Plugins
- Parapets for MCM Helper
- used font in thumpnail "Hack Nerd Font Mono"
- OsmosisWrench for the tween hint menu
- powerofthree for translation code
- alandtse for the crash logger and the ng fork
for Rim Stats for the Idea of the Stats Menu
for Viewable Faction Ranks for the Idea for the Faction Menu
for uesp for the Explanation of some Stats/Values
My Other mod(s):
LamasTinyHUD - A Quick Slot Mod with Elden Souls Option
Skyrim Character Sheet
Body Slots - SkyUI
Body Slots - NORDIC UI
Body Slots - SkyUI Weapon Pack Merged
Dialogue More NPC Info