About this mod
A separate page to handle the more complex patching cases for combining JKs Interiors with PCE for the five main palaces
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
And yea, thus did one of the pantheon of Skyrim Modding look down upon the interiors of cities and proclaim "These interiors require more interesting and unique objects! They desire banners and curtains and things of interest with which to delight the senses!" And thus he blessed the interiors one by one, with the players of Skyrim rejoicing upon every new interior which received his touch. And Janquel and others within the community raced to maintain order amongst the patches with each successive release, and harmony was maintained.
But upon reaching the first of the great castles, Dragonsreach, JK did improve upon the base, but in a manner incompatible with the beloved Palaces and Castles Enhanced. "Fear not!" spake DrMonops, "for I shall create a patch for those who wish to enjoy both!" And NexusUser7B2 also spake "And here is another option for those who want more PCE" and SetteLisette shared it on the PCE page, and there was peace amongst the community. However, upon looking unto his existing patches for both JK's Dragonsreach and Palaces and Castles Enhanced, some worked well with the combinations while others did not, and thus Janquel created the Article which explained which patches to use in what cases and how to edit existing ones. And it was....sufficient, but merely okay.
And then JK's Blue Palace came out, Janquel took one look, and said "fuck that."
Time passed, and the remainder of the major Palaces were filled, and combination patches of increasing complexity were brought forth, with the final one brought forth by Czasior. And while the Article grew, the complexity of cases continued to grow as well, with many players of Skyrim no longer being able to fully rejoice as there were many places they needed to check, and simplicity to enjoy the fruit of all the labor was no longer as readily available. Thus, Czasior suggested creating a separate page, isolating both the questions and the patches necessary to enjoy the combinations, to assist in simplifying things. And there was much rejoicing at the idea. Thus began the labor of unified patches so manual editing would no longer be necessary. But the neglected labor of the Blue Palace weighed heavy upon the shoulders of Janquel, and with the day of promise coming near, he said "fuck it" and got the suite completed.
And thus order was restored to the players of Skyrim once more, and they shall (hopefully) rejoice once more, because it (hopefully) is good.
Nah, but seriously, it was getting a bit unwieldy to track things in both PCE and JK Patch Collection pages, the actual effort needed for folks to pick and choose was going through the roof, and this was a great idea he had.
All patches will assume you have the corresponding PCE patch (assuming one exists on the main page or my PCE page - if there's others out there I missed for these things, key me in and we'll try to make it accordingly), but will assume you do NOT have the corresponding JK patch. The JK Interiors FOMOD will auto not-install anything for the given JK's <Palace or Castle>, and will give you a warning that it detected PCE in your load order so it's doing so (so if you check those boxes it's your own damn fault :P). I had a straw poll in the sticky for JK's Interiors on how best to handle this for a few days and it got a whopping zero votes, but this is the method which should most cut down on what would otherwise be redundant patches, so that's how we're moving forward.
And thus, without further ado:

Neither PCE or JK's Dragonsreach change the layout of the building significantly, but where it was the patch takes JK's layout - the extra room upstairs, the dragon skeleton toggle, the double brazier, etc. Some of the laundry downstairs and some of the items in the kitchen are carried forward from PCE, but the primary conflict was in Farengar's room. Originally this is where we saw the primary deviation, where the JK patch forwarded JK's stuff mostly and the PCE patch forwarded the PCE stuff mostly. I started from the JK patch base, but restored/rearranged things to include a bit more PCE - I hope folks will find it a happy median now. :) DrMonops made the original patch, and I've worked on an update to include more PCE with his blessing.

A monster of a patch which is probably the most involved thing I've ever made. Check the images for more details, but the primary gist of it is this:
- Overall layout in terms of depth of building is maintained from PCE
- Extra wings which lead to the front balcony (including the library) is maintained from JK
- The dining area from JK behind the throne room has been repositioned to be in the same position from PCE
- Accordingly, the location of the door from PCE to the Jarl's chamber has been repositioned, and the AI packages which had NPCs eat in the parlor from PCE have been moved to be in that dining area.
- Both the JK and the PCE kitchens have been repositioned to be near the dining area, and are included (PCE is not a separate cell). The PCE laundry was also moved over, so that cell is no longer used'
- The PCE steward's chamber has ALSO been moved into the main cell, in the JK's Jarl's location, to allow for the joining to the wings.
- Since the kitchen was moved to another location, the JK kitchen/servants area has been repurposed as a small armory for the guards.
- An additional passage for servants allowing them to get from the front of the palace to the back without having to walk through the throne room was added.
- The bedrooms which were added from either were joined, packages are pointing to the appropriate places, etc
- As part of a request, I was able to successfully replace the wood stairs from PCE with something that seems to better match the aesthetics.
- And finally, because room markers were a goddamn nightmare with those, they have been disabled and replaced with a plethora of occlusion planes - in testing, draw calls seemed to peak in the 15-16k range, which is more than we'd want, but it was doing so while looking in the main hall, so it will simply have to be tolerated

One of the lesser patches, but honestly I don't know what all else could be done with it. JK adds a second story which overlooks the main chamber. PCE completely re-sizes the main chamber, in every dimension. The two can literally not fit together (it would involve completely remaking one or the other in the spirit of the other one, a more involved thing than the Blue Palace I already described). As such, I took JK's as a base for the main palace and instead took the main motifs from PCE and set them in the new placement - the throne, the bears, some of the kitchen and study items, etc. Any changes in OTHER cells for PCE were forwarded wholesale, so the remainder of the castle added by PCE is its original grandeur.
This release has a few bug fixes since the last release.

The first of my more involved changes, this one is a proper combination of the two. Increases the size of Wylandriah's room to fit everything added by both. Forwards the bathing area from PCE. Tweaks the main room to have PCE's depth and JK's balconies, shifts things slightly so the added rooms all connect in via the side hallway, without having extra traffic behind the throne. Lets PCE "win" for upstairs and on the Jarl's balcony. In some ways it's a minor change - it's almost effectively everything from both - but the changes necessary to allow them both to fit aren't insignificant.

Patch provided by Czasior - thankfully, these two actually had a decent amount of compatibility out-of-box. The patch resolves conflicts, takes care of some clipping, but largely permits the added features from both mods to work together without issue.
,<insert fancy picture here, probably tomorrow>
Truthfullly not a whole lot interesting going on in this one. PCE's Castle Dour was always a bit....labyrinthine (and not all the walls aligned so you could see into the void in a couple spots), and it and JK's Castle Dour honestly implement a ton of the same stuff, just in different ways. I preferred JK's layout, so I left it mostly in-tact, but included some of PCE's kitchen (there's two cooks now), the armory, the second row of beds in the barracks, and the connection to the sick ward cell (in a different spot), along with tying together packages, etc. There's a few other things (the rando dudes who die if the stormcloaks win, etc), but I'd say a good 90% of this one is just JK's wholesale.
Patches are included for the following mods:
- AI Overhaul
- Animated Armory - DAR Edition
- Additional Hearthfire Dolls
- Amulets of Skyrim
- Arcanum
- Art Imports
- Art of Magicka
- Artifacts Revised
- BadGremlins Collectables
- Cheesemod
- Cloaks
- EasierRiders Dungeon Pack
- Enhanced Lights and FX
- ELFX Enhancer
- ELFX Hardcore
- Embers XD
- Enhanced Solitude
- Guards Armor Replacer
- Holds The City Overhaul
- Holidays
- Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
- Immersive Wenches
- JK's Skyrim
- Konahrik Accoutrements
- Lanterns of Skyrim II
- Legacy of the Dragonborn
- Legacy of the Dragonborn Collectors and Vendors
- Leviathan Axe
- Morrowloot Miscellania Patch
- Morrowloot Ultimate
- Mystic Condenser
- Populated Cities and Towns
- Red Flame
- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
- Second Great War
- Skyrim Project Optimization
- Skyrim Sewers
- Skyrim Underground
- Skyrims Unique Treasures
- Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
- Solitude Skyway
- Tamrielic Culture
- Trees Addon
- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
- Ursine Armor Pack
- Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Armor and Clothing Expansion
- Zulfardin
Details of patches, links to individual mods:
AI Overhaul - Handles CR on a few references, shifts markers to match new combined interior. Last checked against version 1.6.6
Animated Armory - DAR Edition - Shifts placed spellbooks to match new interior. Last checked against version 2.3
Arcanum - Shifts references in order to fit in the new arcane enchanter. CR on navmesh. Load above any patch that deals with added doors (Holds, ICAIO). Last checked against version 4.0.1
Artwork Imports - Shifts or disables added references to match new interior layout. Last checked against version 1.0
Art of Magicka - Shifts around some furniture to fit in the new fonts. Last checked against version 1.0
BGCollectables - Shifts placement of placed fish. Last checked against version SE1
Cheesemod - Shifts placement of a few cheeses to not conflict/match new layout. Last checked against version 1.01
Enhanced Lights and FX - Redoes combined lighting to match ELFX aesthetics, or at least some reasonable facsimile thereof. Last checked against version 3.06
ELFX Enhancer - Cell settings only. Honestly, only included because PCE had a patch for it. Last checked against version 3.06
Embers XD - Cell settings only. Honestly, only included because the other ones have patches for it. Miiiiiight tweak things in the future because I want a different style pit than what the Embers XD-included patch does, but good enough for now :D Last checked against version 2.4.1 (a few updates got pushed while I was working on these. Changelog implies it should be fine)
Guards Armor Replacer - Shifts a few placed references to match new layout. Last checked against version 5.5a
Holds The City Overhaul - CR/tweaks on interior navmesh to tie in new door connections. Combo patch with ICAIO also included. Last checked against version 0.0.9
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Built off version 0.4. Conflict resolution to make the edits to the Enchanting tutorial work with new layout. Started with ICAIO navmesh and rebuilt navmesh with it as the basis. Shifts a couple lean/idle markers to match new interior. CR on a few chair/marker ownerships.
Konahrik's Accoutrements - Shifts a placed scroll to match new interior. Last checked against version 5.5.3
Leviathan Axe - Shifts a placed reference to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.0b
Legacy of the Dragonborn - CR on one reference, shifts a few playing cards to match new interior. Last checked against version 5.5.2
Mystic Condenser - CR on navmesh, alchemy bench. If using Holds or ICAIO, place this patch above those ones for navmesh conflict. Last checked against version 2.3
Populated Cities and Towns - Shifts one spawn point so it's not in the middle of a fire. Last checked against version 4.1
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - CR on the Enchanting tutorial quest. Last checked against version Final
Second Great War - CR on the COC marker, shifts one reference spawn to not be in furniture. Last checked against version 1.09
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - CR on some furniture, disable some references for conflicting paintings, etc. Last checked against version 2.0
Skyrims Unique Treasures - Shifts a placed reference to match new interior. Last checked against version 4.5
Tamrielic Culture - Shifts/disables a few references so all added items are accessible. Last checked against version V2
3DNPC - CR on some references, shifts some markers to match new interior. Shifts some furniture around to fit in new beds. Combo CR patch with SFCO exists. Last checked against version 4.4
AI Overhaul - Shifts some markers to match new interior layout. Last checked against version 1.6.6
Animated Armory - Dar Edition - Shifts some placed spell tomes to match new interior layout. Last checked against version 2.3
Arcanum - Shifts the new crafting object to match the new interior layout. Last checked against version 4.0.1
Artwork Imports - Shifts/disables placed references to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.0
Artifacts Revised - Shifts placed references to match new interior layout. Last checked against version 1.2
BGCollectables - Shifts a couple fishes to match new interior. Last checked against version SE1
Cheesemod - Shifts where some food is placed in order to match new layout. Last checked against version 1.01
Enhanced Lights and FX - Mostly CR from other ELFX patches. Astonishingly little else needed to be done aside from tweaking some light radii because of how many floors there are. Last checked against version 3.06
Enhanced Solitude - Shifts a few refs placed in the interior, navmesh conflict resolution in the exterior. Combo patches with LOTD and Solitude Skyway available. NO combo patch with JKs Skyrim, because the JKs Skyrim "patch" for enhanced solitude is actually an edited version of JK's Skyrim removing solitude from it, so you will never have the two of them together. Last checked against version 2.5
Holds The City Overhaul - Shifts newly placed areas to match new interior. CR on navmesh. Load after Mystic Condenser and Skyrim Sewers patches, if using either. Last checked against version 0.0.9
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - CR on some beds for ownership, and on one package pointing an NPC to the new bed that she owns (because PCE changes a different bed to someone else). Designed for version 0.4
Immersive Wenches - Shifts some markers to match new interior layout. Last checked against version 1.6 SE
JKs Skyrim - navmesh conflict resolution in the exterior. Combo patches with LOTD and Solitude Skyway available. NO combo patch with Enhanced Solitude, because the JKs Skyrim "patch" for enhanced solitude is actually an edited version of JK's Skyrim removing solitude from it, so you will never have the two of them together. Last checked against version 1.7
Legacy of the Dragonborn - No separate patch (there's one gem that might be slightly harder to find, but....come on). Combo patches with other exterior patches to tie together the navmesh. Last checked against version 5.5.2
Legacy of the Dragonborn Collectors - Shifts the Numatologist's spawn point to be inside the new interior. Last checked against version 0.1
Lanterns of Skyrim II - Tweaks the lights added outside the blue palace to match new exterior. Last checked against version 4
Mystic Condenser - Shifts to match new interior, CR on navmesh. Load before sewers or holds patches. Last checked against version 2.3
Red Flame - Shifts a placed book to match the new interior. Last checked against version 1.
Second Great War - CR on a single bench. All that's needed. Go fig. Last checked against version 1.09
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - Disables some placed paintings, CR on some references. Last checked against version 2.0
Skyrim Sewers - CR on navmesh, one door in the PCE dungeon to match new layout. Load after mystic condenser, but before Holds patch. Last checked against version 4.15
Solitude Skyway - Shifts a few doors to match new exterior, finalizes navmesh. Last checked against version 1.3
Skyrims Unique Treasures - Shifts a reference to match new interior. Last checked against version 4.5
Tamrielic Culture - Shifts the placement of some food to match new interior. Last checked against version V2
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Changes emittance to match USSEP, CR out the wazoo. Last checked against version 4.2.5beta
Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Armor and Clothing Extension - CR/fixing placement of some clothing. Last checked against version 1.2
3DNPC - Shifts a couple markers to match new interior. Last checked against version 4.4
AI Overhaul - Shifts a couple markers to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.6.6
Animated Armory - DAR Edition - Shifts a couple spell books to match new interior, and CRs touched references. Last checked against version 2.3
Artwork Imports - Shifts/disables a bunch of placed references to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.0
BGCollectables - Shifts a couple placed fish to match new interior. Last checked against version SE1
Cheesemod - CR on a few references to fit in cheese. Last checked against version 1.01
Enhanced Lights and FX - CR, attempts to do a reasonable facsimile of ELFX Lighting in the combo. Last checked against version 3.06
Embers XD - Tweaks a couple fires to better match the shape of Embers XD meshes. Last checked against version 2.4.1 (changelog implies this should be fine)
Holds The City Overhaul - CR on a toooooooooon of stuff, shifts an added door to match new interior, finalizes navmesh. Load after mystic condenser patch. Last checked against version 0.0.9
Immersive Wenches - Shifts some markers to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.6 SE
Mystic Condenser - Shifts condenser to match new interior, CR on navmesh. Load before Holds patch. Last checked against version 2.3
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - CR on some references, shifts placed art to match new interior. Last checked against version 2.0
Skyrims Unique Treasures - CR on one reference, shifts another to match new interior. Last checked against version 4.5
Tamrielic Culture - CR on a few references, shifts others to match new interior. Last checked against version V2
AI Overhaul - Restores original position of the bow marker from the PCE location. Last checked against version 1.6.6
Artwork Imports - Restores a number of disabled paintings from the PCE patch, shifts locations some, disables a wall mounting to prevent clipping. Last checked against version 1.0
BGCollectables - Shifts a fishbowl to match new interior. Last checked against version SE1
Cheesemod - Shifts a number of references to prevent conflicts. Last checked against version 1.01
Civil War Champions - Creation Club Patch. Reverts chest location to vanilla location, overriding the PCE patch. Disables crate
Cloaks - Shifts one cloak to prevent clipping. Last checked against version 1.2.1
EasierRiders Dungeon Pack - Shifts a placed book to prevent floating. Last checked against version 1.5
Enhanced Lights and FX - Attempts to perform ELFX-ification of the lighting in Palace of the Kings. Last checked against version 3.06
ELFX Enhancer - CR on a room marker that JKs touches too. Load below Holds patch if using. Last checked against version 3.06
ELFX Hardcore - CR on a room marker that JKs touches too. Load below Holds patch if using. Last checked against version 3.06
Embers XD - CR/placement tweaking of some fires to make them look a smidge better. Last checked against version 2.4.1 (changelog implies this should be fine)
Guards Armor Replacer - Places some tables and vastly rearranges placement of a bunch of armor and weapons to match new interior. Last checked against version 5.5a.
Holds The City Overhaul - A ton of CR with a bunch of stuff, reverting changes from the PCE Holds patch. Load after Skyrim Sewers and ICAIO if using either/both. Last checked against version 0.0.9
Holidays - Disables some of the holiday stuff, but gets the added tables to work well enough, and shifts the collision markers added by the PCE patch to match the new location. Last checked against version 2.14
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Designed for version 0.4. CR on a few cell settings and a few objects to forward ownership/base changes. Redoes navmesh to match new interior. If using Holds or Sewers, load before either.
Immersive Wenches - Shifts a couple markers to revert their locations from the PCE patch. Last checked against version 1.6 SE
Palaces and Castles Enhanced - Bears of the North Quickfix - CR, adjusts placement of status a smidge. Last checked against version 1.0
Populated Cities and Towns - Shifts a servant spawn so it doesn't happen in furniture. Last checked against version 4.1
Populated Skyrim HELL Edition - Shifts a servant spawn so it doesn't happen in furniture. Last checked against version 4.1
Second Great War - CR on a bunch of references, and shifting locations back to their original spot from the PCE patch. One banner change there wasn't any super good place to stick it so I made do. Last checked against version 1.09
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - A little bit of CR, and shifting some paintings. Last checked against version 2.0
Skyrim Sewers - CR to revert some changes from the PCE patch, navmesh conflict. Load between ICAIO and Holds if using all three. Last checked against version 4.15
Skyrim Project Optimization - Disables one plane marker to prevent occlusion. Last checked against version 1.4
Skyrims Unique Treasures - Shifts one placed object to match the new interior. Last checked against version 4.5
DX Ursine Armor Pack - Shifts a placed crafting manual to match the new interior. Last checked against version 2
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Adjusts an AI package added by USSEP to use a bed added by JKs. Last checked against version 4.2.5beta
3DNPC - Shifts some markers to match new interior. Last checked against version 4.4
Additional Hearthfire Dolls - Shifts a single placed doll to not be floating in the air. Last checked against version 3
AI Overhaul - Disables a sit ledge marker that would be clipping a fence. Last checked against version 1.6.6
Amulets of Skyrim - Shifts a couple amulets to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 4.061
Artwork Imports - CR on a bed, shifting some other art/tapestries to match the new interior. Last checked against version 1.0
Cheesemod - CR on some dishware, shifts some cheese to match new layout. Last checked against version 1.01
Enhanced Lights and FX - Attempts to apply ELFX aesthetics to the changes. Last checked against version 3.06
ELFX Fixes - CR on some new meshes which prevent rocks from flickering because they're STONKING HUGE. Last checked against version 5.7
ELFX Enhancer - CR on a couple room markers to match new lighting template. Last checked against version 3.06
Embers XD - Shifts a couple embers that look floating with new mesh shape. Last checked against version 2.4.1 (changelog implies this should be fine).
Guards Armor Replacer - Shifts a few shields to match new interior. Last checked against version 5.5a
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Shifts a couple furniture items, CR on a bed ownership. Load after USSEP patch if using both.
Immersive Wenches - Shifts a marker to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.6 SE
Leviathan Axe - Shifts a placed reference to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.0b
Morrowloot Ultimate - Shifts placement of <item redacted> to not be floating in the middle of the air. Last checked against version 1.57
Morrowloot Miscellania - Item Distribution - Shifts placement of <item redacted> to not be floating in the middle of the air. Last checked against version 1.3
Mystic Condenser - Shifts placement of condenser, CR on navmesh. Load before Zulfardin/Underground if using either. Last checked against version 2.3
Second Great War - Shifts a few markers to prevent spawning in walls. Last checked against version 1.09
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - Shifts placement/CR on some paintings and beds. I'd say load after Art Imports patch but seriously....don't use both those mods, their compatibility must be a nightmare. Last checked against version 2.0
Skyrim Underground - Shifts a trapdoor and a couple other objects around it to match new interior. Load after Mystic Condenser patch. Combo patch with Zulfardin available. Last checked against version 4.6.1
Tamrielic Culture - Shifts two placed objects to match new interior. Last checked against version V2
Trees addon - Resizes one tree, shifts an idle marker. Last checked against version 1.2.8.
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition - CR on ownership/placement of a few things. Load before ICAIO patch if using both. Last checked against version 4.5.2beta
Zulfardin - Finalizes navmesh to hook into new door. Combo patch with Skyrim Underground available. Load after Mystic Condenser patch. Last checked against version 2.2
3DNPC - CR on a few chairs. Last checked against version 4.4
Additional Hearthfire Dolls - Shifts two dolls to match new layout. Last checked against version 3
Alternate Start Live Another Life - reverts PCE patch. last checked against version 4.1.4
Animated Armory DAR Edition - CR on a few weapon racks and weapons, shifts new weapon placement. Last checked against version 2.3
Amulets of Skyrim - Shifts a couple amulets to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 4.061
Artwork Imports - Shifts one tapestry to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.0
Book Covers Skyrim - CR on a single book, last checked against version 4.2
CC - Dragon Plate - reverts PCE patch
CC - Lords Mail - reverts PCE patch
Cheesemod - Shifts placement of a number of cheeses to match new layout, CR. Last checked against version 1.01
Cloaks - Shifts a few cloaks to match new layout clipping. Last checked against version 1.2.1
Cutting Room Floor - Reproduces what's necessary to have the CRF changes in Castle Dour Tower included in the tower portion of JK's cell. Last checked against version 3.1.11
Do As You Say Redux - Disables all the player bed stuff from DAYS, shifts the other flavor stuff to match new interior. Specifically for the non-ESL version. Last checked against 1.07
EasierRider's Dungeon Pack - reverts PCE patch
Embers XD - reverts PCE patch
Enhanced Lights and FX - CR on a tooooooooon of stuff, modify the lights to match new interior, add smoke to all added candles/horns/etc. Last checked on version 3.06
ESO Imports - CR on a single book. Last checked against version 9.0
Faction Crossbows - Shifts an added book to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.1
Guards Armor Replacer - Shifts some placed armor to match new interior. Last checked against version 5.5a
Here There Be Monsters - Call of Cthulhu - Shifts a book to match new interior. Last checked against verison 8.49
Legacy of the Dragonborn -CR on a couple things, shift a couple more, one collision box added. Last checked against the version released 3/20/2022
Mystic Condenser - Shifts condenser to match new interior, CR on navmesh. Last checked against version 2.3
New Legion - Shifts some placed armors. Last checked against version 1.0
Off Limits - Resizes a couple of the zones to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.2
On A Crimson Trail - CR on one ref, shifts a few refs to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.1
RedBag's Solitude - Navmesh CR on the outside. Last checked against version 1.41
Second Great War - CR, shifts the banners to match new interior, adds new thalmor banners for added Imperial banners. Last checked against version 1.09
Skyrim Project Optimization - Shifts locations of some plane markers to match new interiors. Last checked against version 1.5
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - CR, SFCO-icize JK added stuff. Last checked against version 2.1
Sons of Skyrim - Now that it has solitude armors, CR/adaptation of placed statics to use new meshes. Last checked against version 1.5
Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE - Shifts a couple sound markers, places a ton more. Last checked against version 2.0.
Tamrielic Culture - Shifts a BUNCH of new refs to match new interior. Last checked against version 2.
The Brotherhood of Old - Reverts PCE patch
Undeath - Ties undeath changes into JK's navmesh. Last checked against version 1.7
Ursine Armor Pack - reverts PCE
Waking Nightmare - Shifts marker to match new interior. Last checked against version 2.0
Other patches available for these combos: Other patches that I'm aware of: Want more pictures for the Blue Palace?
Use a mod manager/organizer to install, or drop the loose files into your Skyrim data folder. Patches should have their appropriate masters set, and should be loaded after any mods which they are patching. Some of the fixes in question are on persistent objects, and may require a new save.
I don't believe this should introduce any incompatibilities beyond anything which may be present between base mods. All moved objects should have been moved to locations which are non-overlapping. Let me know if you hit anything.
Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition and the Creation Kit
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
JKrojmal for all the JK's Interiors: JK's Dragonsreach, JK's Blue Palace, JK's Palace of the Kings, JK's Mistveil Keepand JK's Understone Keep
SetteLisette for Palaces and Castles Enhanced
DrMonops for the Dragonsreach - PCE patch
Czasior for the Understone Keep - PCE Patch
Special thanks to Mopop and 12nebur27for alpha testing the Blue Palace patch and giving me their feedback :D
kelretu for Additional Hearthfire Dolls
mnikjom and SpiderAkiraC for AI Overhaul
UNI00SL for Amulets of Skyrim
NickaNak for Animated Armoury - DAR version
Kosorsomesaykosm and noptasis for Arcanum - A New Age of Magic
kryptoptyr for Armor and Clothing Extension
SentorPat for Skyrim Artwork Imports
HeirOfTheSeptims for Artifacts - Revised
Dar0ne_45 for Art of Magicka
BadGremlin for BadGremlin's Collection
aviform, EpicCrab, DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish, and Daniel Hodge for Cheesemod for EVERYONE
Nazenn for Cloaks of Skyrim
EasierRider for EasierRider's Dungeon Pack
mindflux for Embers XD
anamorfus for Enhanced Lights and FX
WiZKiD for ELFX Fixes and Lanterns of Skyrim II
kojak747 for Enhanced Solitude
Ababmer for Extravagant Interiors - Solitude and TitansBane for the patch
NordwarUA and DanielUA for Guards Armor Replacer
Galadil for Holds The City Overhaul
isoku for Holidays
Shurah for Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
lordkoz for Immersive Wenches
Kris Takahashi for Interesting NPCs
JKrojmal for JK's Skyrim
edhelsereg for Konahrik's Accoutrements
icecreamassassin and the LOTD team for Legacy of the Dragonborn
wankingSkeever for Legacy of the Dragonborn Collectors and Vendors
FunkyGandalfCat for Leviathan Axe - Dwemer Artifacts SE
evenshadefalling for Morrowloot Miscellania
ChocolateNoodle for Morrowloot Ultimate
Dave0523 for Mystic Condenser
The Nizorro for Palaces and Castles Enhanced - Bears of the North Quickfix and JPSteel2 for Bears of the North
the Sands of Time team for Populated Cities and Towns and Populated Skyrim HELL Edition
Adolon for Red Flame
cloudedtruth for Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Reath for Second Great War
prister5 for Skyrim Project Optimization
clintmich and icecreamassassin for Skyrims Unique Treasures
gutmaw for Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
viltuska for Skyrim Sewers
Urtho for Solitude Skyway
AncientKane for Skyrim Underground
watcherzero for Tamrielic Culture
winedave for Trees addon
Arthmoor and the Unofficial Patch Team for Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Project
DeserterX for Ursine Armor Pack
Slime Sire for Zulfardin