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Created by

mach1991 and Unavi

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About this mod

<br />Unaviss FFX Final Aeon Sword Resurrected Skyrim Version
<br />-----------------------------------
<br />
<br />This is a mod which adds a retextured and mesh tweaked Version of the Jecht Sword (Unavi) from Oblivion to Skyrim SE.
<br />Please endorese

Permissions and credits
Unavis FFX Final Aeon Sword Resurrected Skyrim se Version

This is a mod which adds a retextured and mesh tweaked Version of the Jecht Sword (Unavi) from Oblivion to Skyrim se.
Please endorese the original author from this mod and my version ;-) .

Just Skyrim se (No DLC required)

--- !!! Important !!! ---
Please endorese the original author, Unavi, from the sword at:

FFX Jecht Sword

Just install it manually or use the Nexus-Mod-Manager.

The Sword is only craftable and ready to be tempered.

To craft it you need at least
10 Steel Ingot and one Pelagius Hip Bone

The Mind of Madness Quest must be completed to craft this Greatsword.

Only Craftable at the Skyforge and you can only craft one Sword.

This Sword has an unremoveable enchantment that needs no soulgem refill.

Only Temperable with the Arcane Blacksmith Perk.

Enchantment drains enemys health and stamina.

Not sellable.

To temper you need
3 Steel Ingot

Or you can just use the console.
Type in
Help "Final Aeon"

and add it to your inventory.

Enjoy!! and have fun !!

Should be compatible with all Skyrim Versions and Languages.

Thanks to Bethesda for the best games.
Thanks to Square Enix for FFX, one of the best games i have ever played.
and Thanks to Unavi that he gave generally permission to port this sword to Skyrim.

Knowing Issuise/Bugs
No bugs known jet.


version 1.0
- Initial release