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Version 2.0.0
Implemented a new method for adding the additional damage, tested as working on a new game, may require dropping and picking up items on existing saves.
ESIF Patch - Updated for V2.0.0 of the main mod.
Version 1.3.0
Added support for Inventory Interface Information Injector. This is based on the mod's keywords so any derivatives using them will automatically benefit.
Version 1.2.0
Added optional SPID distribution to NPCs so any NPC with Brawling Gauntlets will also benefit from the effects.
Fixed the assigned keywords in the ESIF patch.
Added optional addon for the Stormcloak Officer Gauntlets. This also serves as an example of how to do patchless compatibility.
Version 1.1.0
Injected the unarmed boost keywords to make them accessible to other mods without dependancy, details in the mod description. This might mess with saves where the mod is already installed, so I recommend not updating until you restart the game.
Functional Fearsome Fists adds a perk when equipping any of the Fearsome Fists gauntlets that boosts your unarmed damage based on the gauntlets' material.
Changes made:
- The boost is added via perk and therefore allows you to enchant the gauntlets at your leisure (this includes adding an unarmed increasing enchantment). It will stack with any other unarmed increasing perks, such as the vanilla Fists of Steel perk or Khajiit Claws, but does not scale as you level (there is no unarmed skill).
- The crafted and distributed fists are now all the same type, coming without any enchantment due to the built in boost.
- The names of the Fearsome Fists gauntlets have been changed from their original "Brawler's <Material> Gauntlets" to "<Material> Brawling Gauntlets" so they show next to the rest of that material's equipment.
- Also adds the same perk boost to the Gauntlets of the Pugilist, which are also changed to look like the Fur Brawling Gauntlets.
Taken from raw numbers alone, these may seem high, however, when you factor in the lack of a skill line boosting your damage output as you grow, these aren't actually as strong as they might seem in a vacuum.
Tier 1 - 10 Damage - Fur, Hide and Iron (Includes Gloves of the Pugilist)
Tier 2 - 12 Damage - Leather and Steel
Tier 3 - 14 Damage - Elven, Orcish and Dwemer (Without Ancient Knowledge)
Tier 4 - 16 Damage - Scaled and Steel Plate
Tier 5 - 18 Damage - Glass, Ebony and Dwemer (With Ancient Knowledge)
Tier 6 - 20 Damage - Dragonscale, Dragonplate and Daedric
Injected Keyword Support:
03FFF000 - Tier 1 03FFF001 - Tier 2 03FFF002 - Tier 3 03FFF003 - Tier 4 03FFF004 - Tier 5 03FFF005 - Tier 6 03FFF006 - Applies the Ancient Knowledge boost when combined with Tier 1 to Tier 4 keyword.