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About this mod

This adds backdoors from the Ragged Flagon, to the Docks, Honeyside, and Riften.

Permissions and credits
Thieves Guild Entrances

This is a simple mod that slightly extends the tunnels behind the ragged flagon, adding in three doors. One to the Docks, a trapdoor to Honeyside, and one to Riften, just behind Honeyside. Just to let you skip the Ratway and get to the Ragged Flagon with only one loading screen no matter where you are. There is a key on top of a barrel, in the hallway behind the tavern, meaning you need to do the Ratway once before skipping it.

  • Compatible with Opulent Thieves Guild.
  • Esl flagged.
  • A patch for Riften Docks Overhaul by agentw is available.