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About this mod
SNBCJ's Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings ( is one of the most comprehensive, immersive and IMHO essential overhauls of the Requiem religion system.
This is a big overhaul of his great base (with some bugfixes thrown in for good measure).
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Polish
- Changelogs
SNBCJ's Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings is one of the most comprehensive, immersive and IMHO essential overhauls of the Requiem religion system.
This is a big overhaul of his great base (with some bugfixes thrown in for good measure).
What is new to the mod?
I have set up a morality system based on Chilloutman's 5*5 Morality system posten on the Elderscrolls Reddit:
- With one change. Peryite (Social Impure instead of Social Evil) and Clavicus Vile (Social Evil instead of Social Impure) have exchanged places.
Following keywords have been added to the mod and appropriate artifacts, weapons, staffs, gear and armor:
Horizontal axis:
Lawful - Social - Neutral - Rebel - Chaotic
Vertical axis:
Good - Moral - Neutral - Impure - Evil
Aedric and Daedric artifacts from the different deities have been give keywords based on where they are in the morality matrix.
Blessings (Mostly Aedric) have been reworked and the three keywords Daedric Artifact, Daedric Armor, Daedric Weaponmaterial have that triggered the conditional curses from the daedra have been replaced with the morality keyword that match the (D)Aedra in question.
This cleared up unintentional bugs that were in IDB:
- Auri-els Bow and Shield had keywords daedric weapon and daedric armor. Which triggered a curse from Auri-el himself (and nearly all other Aedra) on the player if they also worshipped him. Now only Kyne/Kynareth will hate you if you have Auri-el's artifacts and have her blessing running.
- Keywords given are Lawful Good. This can in a later update trigger some interesting effects from Daedra, but not for now.
- Meridia is now Lawful Neutral. And so is Dawnbreaker and Meridia's Beacon. This means that Aedra's will accept that you have and use Dawnbreaker. Including Arkay.
- Lawful Good and Moral Aedra still do not accept any crime. (No change from Requiem)
- But Neutral accepts small transgressions (Mara, Zenithar) (50 gold bounty. It was all probably an accident).
- While rebel moral (Julianos) and Chaotic Good (Dibella) accept a bounty up to 300 before you lose their favor. A life of crime is not accepted (not changed limit of total lifetime bounty of 3000 or 10000 with painful remorse perk), it is just that misunderstandings can happen.
- Zenithar still hates thieves. It is just that accidental click on a random tomatoe, that will not trigger his displeasure. But if you have stolen 3 tomatoes, then prepare to start feeling his disapproval.
- Neutral Daedra is thus tolerated by Aedras. Except for Stendarr, Auri-El and Akatosh who do NOT like chaotic (D)Aedras. So Dibella, Azura and Sanguine are a big no no to these (L)awful deities. (Impure and Evil is already smited).
- Mara is Neutral Good. Neutral Good are those annoying people who understand everything and love you almost no matter what kind of shenanigans you are up to. Thankfully she do not tolerate Evil. Impure are tolerated with silent motherly disapproval. But Necromancers amulet (Neutral Impure) is still a no no.
- Julianos, Dibella and to some extend Kynareth are the most tolerant in some senses. As they accept impure (Try preaching purity to Dibella. Good luck) due to their own reasons.
Dibella as a fertility goddess that want you to make babies (but let Mara take care of all the children). And "impurity" in the name of good fun is fine in her book.
And Julianos is like the white hat hacker. You have to delve into the dark to learn more.
But downright evil is a big no no.
- Azura's star now have two alignments based on what you the player choose to do. If you keep it white, it will be set to Moral Chaotic and most Aedra will be totally fine with it (Stendarr will still smite you). But if you turn it Black, then it will be set to Impure Chaotic and most Aedra will smite you.
Of the bugfixes, Julianos now accepts that you do 12 or MORE Mage Quests. You will no longer lose his favor just because you are an overachiever and do more than the maximum amount of set quests in classic IDB (Equal is changed to Equal or Greater than).
Regarding bugs. Please report any that you find in the forum. IDB have A LOT of records. I am certain that there are things that I have missed, or unintentional bugs that I have introduced. Only playtesting can help. But if you report issues, I endeavour to fix them.
Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings Plotinuz Update
Requiem for the indifferent
Remember to Reqtify
Have fun