This mod adds the Thunderseal from Guilty Gear: Strive into Skyrim featuring a custom enchantment and proper glow maps. (There's also an unenchanted version if that's more your style.) This is my first major mod and the product of ~6 months of work. Not due to complexity, but because I had to take a crash course on how to model/paint in 3d with zero prior experience. Still, I think it was worth it in the end and I hope you do as well.
"An enchantment you say?"
Yup. I tried to mimic the way Ky's shock state debuff works in Strive. The idea being you'd mix melee attacks with lightning magic to make quick work of your opponents. In short:
- hitting an enemy puts them in shock state.
- enemies in shock state take more shock damage and move slower.
- shock state lasts 5 seconds.
Not 100% accurate, but close enough I'd say. Word of warning, you'll need to install Attack Speed Framework Plus or else the slow-movement effect won't work properly. It's not a hard requirement, but highly recommended.
"Sounds cool. How do I get it?"
1x Ebony Ingot
1x Quicksilver Ingot
1x Refined Moonstone
3x Leather Strips
Ebony Smithing
Or you could just spawn it in with the console, it's up to you.

Daisuke Ishiwatari and Arc System Works for making an amazing series of games.
Caenarvon for helping me during this project(check out his stuff, it's awesome).
You, for checking out this mod.