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About this mod

Billyro's Outlandish Stalhrim stand-alone version

Permissions and credits
This is Ice Stalhrim, a stand alone version of Outlandish Stalhrim which adds White Stalhrim equipment to the land of Skyrim.

==How to craft==
First, you must have at least 1 Stalhrim Note in your inventory for the new recipes to show up (it can be crafted with a filled grand soul gem and a piece of stalhrim at the forge). And then, you will need original Stalhrim items, slap them together with filled grand soul gems at a forge and you will have Ice Stalhrim equipments, ready to serve you in battle.

This mod also fully incorporates Stalhrim Extra Crating and Stalhrim Helmet Replacer as well, so please disable the Stalhrim Extra Crafting esp file if you have it.

You need to download original textures and meshes from Billyro's Outlandish Stalhrim (please use the blue cubemap as my mod contain his white cubemap).
You need Dragonborn DLC to use this mod.

This mod is fully compatible with Complete Crafting Overhaul and Weapons and Armors Fixes, with all keywords and recipes (I have not updated to the newest version but I think some basic functions from CCO will work just fine with this mod)

Bethesda: for providing Creation Kit.
Billyro:  for creating Outlandish Stalhrim
lautasantenni: for Stalhrim Extra Crafting
Arcticia: for Stalhrim Helmet Replacer