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About this mod

Implements handmade Markarth paper map in Map Menu.

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Markarth Paper Map by Mirhayasu for FWMF

It is a first paper map for Markarth, drawn by Mirhayasu. Hope it will help you to navigate here and will add little bit of immersion. Mod continues series of paper maps for a Flat World Map Framework (FWMF).

Some things to know about this one:

  • Markarth is tiny comparing to its worldspace, so camera control in Map Menu for this area may be oversensitive. If it bothers you, use careful edge-panning with mouse or lower either fMapWorldMaxPanSpeed or fMapMoveKeyboardSpeed in FWMF config ini file, that will reduce pan speed for KB/mouse (but keep in mind those values are global, so it slows panning on Skyrim map).
  • Since Markarth with all its markers are in his own worldspace now, I've added global markers for fast-traveling from/to the city.
  • Plugin is ESP flagged as ESL this time.

Flat World Map Framework uses mainly vertical look at map, but allows limited inclination and rotation with held right button as well.
INI file with comments included in FWMF allows to tune map control (keyboard, mouse and gamepad), possible angles and blur.

The archive is mod manager compatible.

Install FWMF FOMOD first (Fantasy Paper Maps package preferable). Make sure FMWF is the last in plugins list (only weather fixes or FWMF various patches may be lower), then install this mod normally and place it BEFORE FWMF patches and fixes (WENB, Lux, lighting patch) plugins in your plugin load order (mod has added marker which uses Skyrim parent entry cells, patches and fixes needs Skyrim parent entry as well).

Make sure Flat Map Markers config file (FlatMapMarkersSSE.json) has this part:

"name": "Markarth",
"editorID": "MarkarthWorld",
"markerHeight": 180000,
"enabled": true

Compatible - SE/AE/GOG  (1.6.640 including), but be sure to pick your exact Skyrim version during FWMF FOMOD installation.
Not compatible - any map mods except FMWF.
Mods that modify Markarth worldspace may possibly cause conflicts too.

Recommended Mods
Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM works perfect and smaller markers make map more readable. Just be sure to put Atlas' .esp before FWMF in load order.

Get along with most UI overhauls. Dear Diary UI and its skins are highly recommended.

Known Issues
Oversensetive map camera control.

To Mirhayasu for original Markarth map.
To Bethesda for background image.
My thanks to RecedingMouse7 for testing the map.

Future Plans
Proper background with Markarth art.
Better camera control.
Isometric map for Markarth.