About this mod
This mod add the same colors as H.U.E Vanilla but now as a standalone for all races and genders. The textures are all handmade and focused in a lore friendly experience. All files are from 4k to 512px.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
Vanilla Replacer: Skyrim, SE, FO4.
Vanilla Colors Standalone: Skyrim, SE.
Vampire Eyes Replacer: Skyrim, SE.
Vampire Glow Fix: Skyrim, SE.
Witcher Eyes Standalone: Skyrim, SE, FO4.
Ghoul Eyes: FO4.
Genshin Eyes: Skyrim, SE.
Goaty (demon like goat pupils): Skyrim, SE.
The Sims 4:
H.U.E.: TS4.
Genshin Eyes: TS4.
Goaty: TS4.
More Colors: Pack 1.
Heterochromia: Pack 1.
Starry (star shaped pupils): Pack 1.
Flame Atronach: Skyrim, SE.
Spriggan Sprussy: Skyrim, SE.
Wispmommy: Skyrim, SE.
Old versions of H.U.E you can find here: Skyrim, SE and FO4.

♦ Description
This mod adds a standalone version of the H.U.E - Vanilla Replacer, with eyes of all races and genders. The textures are all handmade and focused in a lore friendly experience. All files are from 4k to 512px.
♦ Suggestion/Requests
If you want to give your suggestion or make a request look at this topic in the forum:

♦ Installation
Download with Vortex or Mod Organizer.
You know the rest, follow the wizard!
I don't recommend the manual installation, but if you want to (Assuming you know what are you doing) copy the content of the file into the Data paste, that's it.
♦ Uninstallation
If you installed with my lovely setup using Vortex or Mod Organizer just uncheck/uninstall it in the Mods Tab.
For manual installers remove the files starting with the name "eye******.dds" from the folders:
"..\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\textures\actors\character\eyes\HUE_Standalone_2"
search for the esp in "..\Skyrim Special Edition\Data"
But why would you uninstall it anyway? TwT

Q: What programs you used to make the textures?
A: Basicly: Gimp, Photoshop, Lightroom, Corel Draw and MsPaint.
Q: Can you make customs eyes for my beautiful character?
A: No! I think... Well... Maybe? Hm... WHY THE HECK NOT?
Q: Are you an "Ohhhhhh it's a GLORIOS FEMALE GAMER GUUUURL"?
A: Nah... Just an alien...
Q: PC or Console?

♦ Created by
KOALYNHA (former Eltya)
♥ I would love to see how my mod works in different specs so don't be shy, send me images of your babies ♥
♦ Detailed Changelog
Version 1.0.0:
- Vanilla Colors Standalone created.
Copyrights Details - You have the following rights and obligations:
Upload permission:
You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances as the files created by me is hosted exclusively in NexusMods, Steam Workshop and its related pages.
Distribution permission:
You are allowed to link this mod and use the images for divulgations in your website/page if you redirect the download link to NexusMods and crediting me as the author.
Conversion permission:
You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances.
Modification permission:
You're not allowed to improve or change anything.
Asset use permission:
You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file.
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold:
You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold for money, on Steam Workshop or hosting websites to earn money or other platforms.