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About this mod

The Conjuration school has more creatures for the player to summon.

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For thee Love of Talos Please Read All Before Downloading!
Remember to back up your saves before downloading any new MOD!


Are you happy with the creatures you can summon in the Conjuration school? No? Well, neither am I.

Compared to the previous Elder Scrolls games –Morrowind and Oblivion- the creatures you can summon in Skyrim’s school of Conjuration are downright sad.

Heck, you cannot even summon such simple creatures as a ghost or even a skeleton.

Thus, I set out to make a MOD to allow the player to summon more creatures. This way Conjuration creature summoning feels more fun and less dull.

You’ll be able to summon creatures from the ridiculous – a chicken – to something powerful – a Dragon Priest or perhaps something cool – a Frost Giant.

Interested? Good.

Because there is more. So, keep reading.


The summoning spells are based on your Conjuration level.

So, if you are Apprentice level you cannot purchase books for Master level until you reach the appropriate level.

The magic cost for each of these creatures goes from low to high. Thus, it will take a small amount of magic to summon a Novice creature while summoning a Master creature will cost more.

If you've invested in the perk(s) to decreased the amount of magic used in a level of Conjuration,then those numbers will apply.


If a perk point is not spent in Novice Conjuration then you will pay the full magic cost.

If a perk point is spent in Novice Conjuration, then the cost to summon will be decreased by half.

When summoned, all creatures will follow you and help in battle (the chicken is hilarious in combat).

However, I strongly advise you ascertain the layout before you summon.

Larger creatures may have pathing/clipping issues in small places.

Thus, summoning a Frost Giant inside a small house or cave probably wouldn’t be a good idea.

If a creature does get stuck, simply summon something else.


Level: Novice (00)

Duration: 1 minute


Ghost Warrior





Level: Apprentice (25)

Duration: 2 minutes



*Sabre Cat



*Riekling Scout

Level: Adept (50)

Duration: 3 minutes

Death Hound

Dwarven Spider

Draugr Wight

*Chaurus Reaper


Ice Wraith


Level: Expert (75)

Duration: 4mins

*Spriggan Matron

*Falmer Nightprowler



Dwarven Sphere


Level: Master (100)

Duration: Remain until their death

Dwarven Centurion Master

Wisp Mother

Draugr Death Overlord

Dragon Priest

Frost Giant

Forsworn Briarheart



The spell books (for the above creatures) cannot be found in any chest, barrel, crate etc.

These books must be purchased.

Here are some merchants who are confirmed to sell the spell tomes:

Farengar Secret-Fire- who can be found in Dragonsreach

Phinis Gestor- who can be found in The College of Winterhold.

Calcelmo – who can be found in Markarth Understone Keep.

   (Phinis is the only person who will sell you the Master Spell Tomes).

File Versions:

Do Not Use Both Together. Pick One Version!

File A:

What you see in the video is what you will get.

File B: 

  A more immersive version.

The creatures listed above who have asterisks next to their name, will have Undead in their title and descriptions.


Undead Chicken, Undead Skeever etc.

The Dwarven creatures have been turned into ghosts.

                   (Know that if you uninstall File A and download File B, you will need to purchase the spell books again and vice versa).


How to Download:

Use Nexus Mod Manager for a quick and easy download.


Manually download the file, unzip and drop the files in your Main Skyrim S.E. Data Folder.

How to Uninstall:

Use Nexus Mod Manger to remove the file


Delete the file in your Main Skyrim S.E. Data Folder


Should be fine with anything.  

 However, if you encountered an issue with another MOD, please let me know.

Load Order:

Should not matter.

If you are concerned about it conflicting with another MOD (which it should not) put it at the bottom of your load order.

Questions and Answers:

Will you add “X” creature to summon in “X” magic level?

Maybe. And I do mean maybe.

Truth be told I am happy with the creatures and their spell casting level.

My overall goal was to try very hard to keep this as balanced as possible.

So, adding in another creature to a spell casting level could throw things out of balance.

I don’t like how this creature looks and/or how they have this spell. Can you change it?

All creatures keep their basic design and powers.

I did tweak some creatures to have less /more powerful spells and/or armor and

I’ve also added spells in the category a creature prefers using.

For example:

The Wisp Mother uses frost attacks, thus, I added in more frost attacks for her, including the ability to summon a Wisp.

This allows her to be more beneficial as a follower.

If you are unhappy with one or all areas, I need a clearer explanation as to why other than “I don’t like it.” 

This way I have more to work with and hopefully can come to some sort of happy medium.  

OMG! I found a bug! Can you fix it now please?

Breath. Your game is not going to magically disappear, nor is your computer going to implode.

First and foremost, you need to establish if it is indeed this Mod that is causing the issue.

If this Mod is causing the issue, please be as descriptive as possible; include screenshot(s)/video if necessary.

Giving me a cryptic description will not help matters.

I will do all I can to help solve and fix the problem.  

“X” creature is too powerful/under powered. Can you adjust this?

Keep in mind I found some of the base game summon creatures to be rather weak.

“Oh, look, I’m an Expert in Conjuration but my summoned creature just went down like a wet paper bag while fighting a Skeever!”

Summon creatures should be just as powerful as any free and/or coin bought follower.

True, most summon creatures have a timer, but who says they cannot kick major butt while they are “alive!?!”

My overall goal was to keep the above in mind but still ensure there was balance.

It’s a tricky thing finding the so-called “sweet spot.”

IF you feel the creature(s) is not properly balanced, please let me know your thoughts and suggestions.

I did so much research to ensure the balance was there, but sometimes it takes someone on the outside looking in to
help address the so-called “issue.” 

Did you change any of the base summon creatures?

No. I did not touch those and have no plans too.

This is not immersive! Can you make an immersive version?


The original version I felt was immersive enough. I assumed people would automatically realize the creatures you were summoning were dead.

But alas that was not the case.

But, I've went ahead and made an immersive version that adds in Undead at the beginning of the creature's name and tweaked the Dwemer creatures to be ghosts.

If this is still not immersive enough, well, I don't know what else to tell ya other then don't download it. 

If I uninstall will it cause my save game issues?

It is perfectly safe to uninstall.

IF you do encounter an issue it has to be another MOD.

I've uninstalled and installed this MOD many times and not once has it effected my save games.


There is currently a minor bug with the vampire – dark face bug.

This random problem occurs when you change the facial meshes.

I’ve tried to fix this bug with every possible solution that was suggested – to no avail.

The only thing I could do is change the skin color so it looks less off-putting.

Unless Bethesda gets off their butts to fix this random Creation Kit issue, it will remain.

My apologies.

I do hope it does not interfere or dissuade you from using this MOD.

A special thank you to my husband.

Who used his high-level Conjurer to help test this MOD.

Without his help, I am sure I would have gone insane and had far more swearing during its creation.

This MOD is not to be:

*Redistributed or Altered.

*Used in creation of another MOD

Permission must be asked.

If this MOD is shown elsewhere it is stolen!