About this mod
Use to be Khajiit Followers Everywhere not Elsweyr.. So far, adds 12 Khajiit, 3 Orc, 3 Argonian, 3 Dark Elf, 2 High Elf, 1 Wood Elf to a few locations (Mainly Starter areas) to help you anytime you feel. I have 4 custom classes: Dual Wielders, Mages, Tanks and Rangers. Total Followers: 24
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

PLEASE GET RELATIONSHIP DIALOGUE OVERHAUL it allows pretty much all voice types to be followers. I was unaware female khajiit weren't vanilla followers and I have RDO so didn't do the research beforehand. It's pretty much an essential mod to have anyways IMO.
Use to be Khajiit Followers Everywhere not Elsweyr. So far, adds 12 Khajiit, 3 Orc, 3 Argonian, 3 Dark Elf, 2 High Elf, 1 Wood Elf to a few locations (Mainly Starter areas) to help you anytime you feel. I have 4 custom classes: Dual Wielders, Mages, Tanks and Rangers. (All followers can do anything as I have added at least 1 point per level to all stats and 2-3 for specialized stats.)
They level up with Player TOTAL FOLLOWERS: 24
Here is a current list of followers, classes and locations Female in Purple and Male in Orange: Uses Lore friendly names, except for Pickles and Basil.
All don't affect sneak, can marry them, essential, etc.
Vanla (Ranger)- Riften Stables
Taltima (Dual Wielder) - Morthal
Sinfer (2H Tank)- Falkreath
Pickles (Ranger) - Riverwood
Addia (Mage) - Riverwood Bridge
Rara and Mazaka (Dual Wielder) - Whiterun Stables
Nahasa (Sword and Shield Tank) Whiterun Stables
Khissi and Basil (Mage) -College of Winterhold
Amzah (2H Tank) - Outside of Solitude where Caravan shows
Jodari (Dual Wielder) - Outside of Solitude where Caravan shows
Updated new characters added: 1/14/2017
Arria(F) -Dual Wielding Dunmer (Windhelm Stables)
Eveesa(F) -Mage Dunmer (College of Winterhold Exterior)
Jaster(M) -Tank Dunmer (Riften Stables)
Piper(F) -Dual Wielding High Elf (Windhelm Stables)
Undine(F) -Tank High Elf (Windhelm Stables)
Oaks(M) -Mage Wood Elf (College of Winterhold Exterior)
Bastion Stokes-the-Flame(M) Mage Argonian (College of Winterhold Exterior)
Litta Hunts-the-Elk(F) Dual Wielding Argonian (Honningbrew Meadery Exterior "Near Whiterun")
Sasheem Speaks-to-Self(M) Dual Wielding Argonian (Honningbrew Meadery Exterior "Near Whiterun")
Grunt(M) Tank Orc (Riverwood)
Karma(F) Tank Orc (Dawnstar)
Marz(M) Mage Orc "Old" (College of Winterhold Exterior)
LET ME KNOW OF ISSUES. If you can't marry them, I'm sorry. Some races might still not work with RDO. Not sure.
I will expand on this if people like it.
I Highly suggest using Khajiit mods to make appearance better such as:
Feminine Khajiit Textures
Masculine Khajiit Textures

Pickles is a savage. Also, He was wearing this one time and something completely diff the next time, not sure how he did that, so dress him however you want.