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About this mod

Adds more options when dealing with containers.
With permission from the original author, gigantibyte, I present you the converted and fixed version of Container Magic.

Permissions and credits
Container Magic gives you automatic sorting power over any container!

Usage Scenario:

 -  You want to sell all ingredients you have more than 200 pieces. Put ALL ingredients in a container, then REMOVE all items (or ingredients) over the number you want to keep. Go to your favorite merchant to sell all ingredients in your inventory.

-  You want to put all armor in a specific container, but keep quest items and equipped armor (you'll have to re-equip)

-  You want to put all Books in a separate container. Then remove duplicates to sell them.

- You want to store ALL your inventory in a container, because of some strange bug.

100% magic! No containers were harmed in the making of this mod. Meaning, no default (vanilla) game forms are modified, resulting in maximum compatibility with other mods. All game effects are scripted within the spell itself. Container Magic will work on any normal container, but will not work with pseudo-containers of the ACTI (activator) kind.

Uninstalling Container Magic will not affect the containers you have used it on, although uninstalling ANY mod isn't advisable in an ongoing game!

Installation & instructions

This mods requires SKSE.

Use the mod manager of your choice or extract the archive contents into your Skyrim folder, then activate.

The Container Magic spell will be added to you the first time you load a game with the mod enabled.

Simply cast Container Magic on yourself and open the container of your choice (the trigger is the key E, so other key will not work). The Container Magic main menu will appear with all its options.

Transfer times will vary depending on how many items are in inventory. During transfer, player controls are temporarily disabled, but the status of the sorting is shown in the upper left corner.


- Store EVERYTHING, including quest items. Be careful!

- various store all unequipped item options

Featured sorting on both Store and Take Menus:

- all weapons or separate out arrows

- all apparel or separate out armor, clothing, and jewelry.

- all ingredients

- all food

- all potions or attempt to sort out medicine or poison potions

- all items placed in miscellaneous

- all literature or separate out books & notes, scrolls, and spell tomes

- all items used in crafting or separate out animal parts, metals, and precious gems

- all keys or dragon claws

- all soul gems

- duplicates or copies of all the above


[V] - Transfer type selector, choose between:

- All - All items in a category

- Unequipped - All items in a category that are not equipped. Acts as 'All' where not applicable or if Quest Item Safety is on.

- Duplicates - All extra copies in a category are stored or taken.

- Copies - Up to a certain number of copies in a category are stored or taken if available.

[1 / 2] - Select between the 2 main menus.

[Store / Take] - Select between Store and Take options

[M / S / O] - Select between main menu, sub menus if available, and options.

[Safety] - Toggles Quest Item Safety on or off. With Safety on, 'Unequipped' option acts as 'All'.

[Sort Genie] - don't use for the SE version.

[+ Copies] - Raises the number of copies.

[- Copies] - Lowers the number of copies.

[Reset to 1] - Resets the number of copies to 1.


Container Magic will store quest items.
Use the Quest Item Safety toggle in options to avoid storing quest items, unless storing quest items is what you want to do.

Other issues:

- Unequipped options now stores copies of the equipped item, but equipped items become unequipped.

- Separating filled and unfilled soul gems is not (yet) operational.

- No way to separate out player enchanted items

- menu flow may need tweaking, but 200+ options are difficult to change



My other mods:
Levelers Tower Trainers
Levelers Tower even more Trainers
Levelers Tower 10 Enchantments
Levelers Tower Texture Replacer Fix
Levelers Tower Enhanced Lights and FX (ELFX) Patch
Levelers Tower LUX patch
Levelers Tower plantable plots
Levelers Tower Persistent Nocturnal
Alchemy Analyzer for Levelers Tower
Mystic Condenser for Levelers Tower
Levelers Tower - Mystic Condenser and Alchemy Analyzer integration

Rigmor of Bruma - Obscure's College of Winterhold fix
Rigmor of Bruma - Darkface Bugfix
Container Magic SE - Sorted Storage and retrieval
Wintersun - Artifacts of Skyrim RE Patch
Wintersun - Moon and Star Patch
Real Unlimited Training
Solitude Men's Clubs Expanded LOTD patch
Sidequests of Skyrim - Experience patch

Arods Alchemy Analyzer and Tomes for SE