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About this mod

This mod adds some more Thalmor Dossiers on prominent characters in Skyrim.

Permissions and credits
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While DM'ing a game of D&D, I made special Dossiers on each of the players and important NPCs. One of my players told me: "Hey, that's like the Thalmor Dossiers in Skyrim, but they only have three for some reason." This inspired me to make this mod.

Dossiers on the following people and organisations have been added in this mod:


  • Maven Black-Briar
  • Thonar Silver-Blood
  • General Tullius
  • Savos Aren
  • Fultheim
  • Vittoria Vici
  • The Player (Will change name dynamically based on the players name.)
  • Elisif the Fair
  • High-King Torygg
  • Cicero
  • Clan Gray-Mane
  • The Companions (5 dossiers)
  • Heimskr
  • Baldor Iron-Shaper (Hold by Ancarion.)
  • "Status on Baldor" (Can be found on one of the Thalmor near the abandonned lodge on Solstheim.)
  • Jarl Skald the Elder
  • Madena
  • Silus Vesuius
  • Jarl Siddgeir
  • Dengeir of Stuhn
  • Runil
  • Jarl Igmund
  • Calcelmo
  • Kleppr
  • Madanach
  • Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone
  • Falion
  • Wylandriah
  • Grelod the Kind
  • Commander Maro
  • Viarmo
  • Nelkir
  • Jouane Manette
  • Rorik
  • Drelas
  • Rolff Stone-Fist
  • Jarl Korir
  • Sinderion
  • Greybeards
  • Keeper Carcette
  • Isran
  • Clan Volkihar
  • Clan Battle-Born
  • Clan Shatter-Shield
  • Clan Snow-Shod
  • Clan Silver Blood
  • Nepos’ Kins
  • Clan Maiden-Loom
  • Clan Cruel-Sea
  • Clan Black-Briar
  • Mythic Dawn
  • Brynjolf
  • Ysolda
  • Belethor
  • Astrid
  • Nazir
  • Babette
  • Arnbjorn
  • The Night Mother
  • Veezara
  • Gabriella
  • Festus Krex
  • Vonos
  • Lord Valkyn Methats
  • Norion the Undying
  • Brina Merilis
  • Laila Law-Giver
  • Bryling
  • Brunwulf Free-Winter
  • Wuunferth the Unliving
  • Sybille Stentor
  • Farengar Secret-Fire
  • Ainethach
  • Khajiit Caravans
  • Psijic Order
  • Fasendil
  • Minorne
  • Dexion Evicus
  • Interesting NPCs Patch: S'vashni
  • Helgen Reborn Patch: Valerius Tiberius Artoria
  • Legacy of the Dragonborn (LotD) Patch: Auryen Morellus
  • BUVARP Patch: Clan Deep-Heart
  • Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch: Adius Vilius, Desilus Carvain, Aera the Devout, Cadius Venucius, Neremus Agrecian
  • Lucien Patch: Lucien
  • M'rissi Patch: M'rissi
  • Undeath Patch: Antioch, Wynestra, Selonius, Gundar and The Broker
  • Dwemertech Patch: Cuomac Kvazumh and Rkunhanch Kagren

Other Changes

I turned the "chest" into a actual bookcase and move a few objects a tiny bit to make room. This bookcase will contain the player's dossier and 10 random ones (can be duplicates).

All dossiers (except the three Vanilla ones and the one for the player) can randomly appear on Thalmor Soldiers (5% chance).

Each dossier now has a cover with a unique texture, which shows the name of the person(s) at the side of the cover.

Future Plans

To further encourage collecting the dossiers, I might make an LotD patch for this mod in the future.

I'm also considering making a patch for Book Covers, to give each dossier it's own unique cover, but unfortunately, I lack the skill to make any unique textures. If anyone wants to attempt this, or even better instruct me how to do this, by all means, feel free to do so! As of v1.15, each dossier now has a cover with a unique texture, which shows the name of the person(s) at the side of the cover.


1. There will likely be some requests for more dossiers to be added for
certain NPCs. If you have such a suggestion, please use this template:

Status: <For instance: "Asset, Passive, Emissary Level Approval>

Description: <For instance: Female, Nord, 50s>

Background:<Include a bit on information on the person. preferably a few lines. Imagine
you're introducing this person for the first time. For instance: Nazeem
is a Redguard that lives in Whiterun. He claims to visit the Cloud
District often and he often found acting like he's superior to the local

Operational Notes:
<How would the Thalmor approach them? For instance: "Avoid any direct contact.">

Any suggestions for new NPCs that don't follow this format will be ignored.

2. If you find any spelling, grammatical or narrative mistakes in the mod, please let me know. English isn't my native language, so there are
bound to be mistakes like that.

3. Suggestions about adding extra content (like adding a new quest tied to a dossier), will be considered, if I personally like the idea myself.


Q: What's the color, font and text size for the covers?
Font type: Centaur
Color: FFFC75
Font size: 20

Q: How does the dossier on the player (Dragonborn) work? Will it change when you do things in game?
A: Unfortunately, it's a static dossier, as it would require to make seperate dossiers for each quest they complete, item they find, etc. As the list of possible combinations of what the player can do in game is endless, it's not feasible to make a dossier for each possible combination.

A: Yes.

Q: Does installing/updating/uninstalling on an existing save work?
A: As far as I know, it should. However, it's good practice to keep a backup save prior to doing this, just in case.

Q: Is this compatible with <insert mod>?
A: I don't know by heart. You might need to check yourself.

Q: Will you make a patch for <insert mod>?
A: Only if it's a mod I use myself or plan on using, I have enough time and I actually like the idea. Otherwise, feel free to do it yourself. (see permissions)

Q: I have a suggestion to improve the mod. Can you do it?
A: Maybe, if I have time and I like the idea, I'll consider it.

Q: Will you port this to <insert platform>?
A: No, I myself only support the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If someone else wants to port it, feel free. (see permission) If you decide to port it, you yourself take full responsibility to offer support to said port. I will not provide no support for any ports by third parties.

Q: I use a ported version of this mod on <insert platform> and I have a problem. Can you help?
A: I don't provide any support for third party ports on other platforms than the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If you have issues, you should adress the person that ported it.

Q: Does this work on Skyrim 1.6+, aka "Anniversary Edition"?
A: Yes, it should.

Q: Why don't your mods use MCMs and instead use this janky console command system to set globals?
A: I am not a fan of MCMs. You can set the globals by making a patch in xEdit. I have no plans of changing this. If you want to add an MCM, feel free. (see permissions)

Q: Why don't you use FOMODs?
A: That would require reuploading the entire mod, in question, even if I only make a small change. My internet is limited and reuploading the files each time will take a huge chunk of my monthly volume.