About this mod
A simple, albeit unofficial, patch and fixes for LivTempleton's custom-voiced male follower, Kaidan 2; it includes adjustments and improvements to the original mod.
- Requirements
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This mod wishes to fix some issues and bugs present in the original Kaidan 2 mod by LiveTempleton as well as make improvements or patches for the vanilla-only mod. Though it is not my position to state this, but this could well be a good update for our crimson-tattooed-on-the-right-side-of-his-face custom-voiced follower. Perhaps it could serve as the new base format for it as well, adjust some core parts like the EditorID to a more organized manner. The initial release of this mod will considerably be in its unfinished state as I have not been working on this project for ages, but I do not wish to abandon it and just scrap it. I plan on getting back to this when I have the time, but please give your feedback in the Posts. Also, do note that I mentioned that this is in its early stage, and I want to point out that since the EditorID is altered and adjusted in a more organized fashion (see other changes below), it won't certainly be compatible with other mods that alter Kaidan's internal attributes. But I'm certain that this won't cause that many bugs to your game. Though, to be on the safe side, it is probably best to test this mod out on a new save.
Kaidan, the red-eyed mercenary as some might say, has wandered across Tamriel and seen most of it in 10 years than most do in their lives. One night of being sound asleep, camped in the nearby barrow south of Riverwood, he was ambushed and taken to a prison somewhere in Eastmarch by the Thalmor. Being interrogated by the Elves, he gave them no satisfaction... not that he actually had answers to their - and to his - questions anyway, as invasive they may be. While captive in the hands of the Thalmor, you are given the chance to save Kaidan, and he will appoint himself as a follower if you so desire until he's paid his debt to you. He is essential, so you won't have a problem with him dying. Not that he's prone to, for he is quite a formidable warrior, inclined in two-handed combat as he honors the art of heavy armor. He'll be your shield, if you mend his scratches. Of course, like other well-made custom follower mods out there, you can progress your friendship, or relationship, with him through his very own questline. Be the best of friends and get drunk drowning in ale, or be undercover lovers under the covers... in which you have a chance to ride on that love boat, or decide to take things slow; he's a gentleman on either. Coming back to Skyrim, he has his reasons, and that is to find out about his mother, and who she was, as well as trying to find out who he is in the world, with his only clue being his ōdachi to help him in battle, a greatsword that was once wielded by his mother as said by his late guardian who raised him and taught him a nomadic lifestyle.
Main File
- Corrected many subtitle errors.
- Fixed the muffled and scratchy recordings.
- Fixed the hairline issue with Kaidan's hair. VANILLA ONLY
- Rebalanced Kaidan's stats. (See below)
- Rebalanced Kaidan's equipment. (See below)
- Adjusted the price for buying Kiai. (1000 → 800 gold)
- Included the Autumnwatch Lodge and Dwarven Mail CC Patch.
- Higher resolution retexture for Kaidan's armor set.
- Changed the appearance of Kaidan's War Bow and renamed it to "Hunter's Roar".
- Block the sinister cave entrance after relevant quest. REMEMBER TO LOOT IMPORTANT ITEMS
- Overhaul for the other custom NPCs that exist within Kaidan 2.
Optional Files
- Enchanted version of Kaidan's equipment.
- Salt and Wind re-texture for Kaidan's hair.
- High-poly head and overhaul for Kaidan.
Stat Changes
- Kaidan
Health: 450 → 150
Magicka: unchanged (50)
Stamina: 850 → 200
Kaidan's Armor
Weight: unchanged (45)
Value: unchanged (400)
Armor Rating: 44 → 34
Kaidan's Boots
Weight: 2 → 10
Value: 20 → 85
Armor Rating: 10 → 13
Kaidan's Bracers
Weight: 2 → 8
Value: 20 → 85
Armor Rating: 10 → 13
Kaidan's Nodachi
Weight: 22 → 10
Value: 2000 → 1200
Damage: 24 → 19 | 16 (enchanted)
Kaidan's Warbow
Weight: 12 → 10
Value: unchanged (270)
Damage: 25 → 22
Upon retiring indefinitely from the modding scene, Liv has opened permission to use her work and its assets AS LONG AS she is credited where credit is due, and if you link her original mod that's been used (refer to the screenshot below). I will try to maintain this mod as much as I can. There may have been other errors and bugs that I have missed that are from the original mod, though I'll have to study and learn about them, so patience please.

It looks like I also need to clarify some things. All used assets from external sources are either properly asked for permission to use from their respective owners, or that the mod authors have stated that they do NOT need users to ask for permission and that said users can use their assets freely as long as they are given credited as well as linking their original work.