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About this mod

Just sets the magic effect description for restoring hunger to blank. Made to avoid having "restores 6 hunger" on food's tooltips. Made to be used with sunhelm but will work with any mod that spoofs survival mode (ESL Flagged)

Permissions and credits
Small mod I made for myself because I got annoyed seeing the line on a lot of the food in my game. Decided to share incase others disliked it as well. 

Sets the magic effect description for restoring hunger to blank, that way the effect is still there incase a mod needs it, but it just won't show up on the food's effects when hovering over it in your inventory.

Made for Sunhelm, but will work with any other mod that spoofs survival mode to do it's thing.

From Sunhelm's mod page:
  • SunHelm uses the survival spoof if you have the cold system turned on. If you don't know what this means:

Skyrim has a few things built into the base game that are meant for Survival Mode. SunHelm makes use of some of this built in functionality.

This includes arrow weight, sleep to level up, and warmth ratings in the UI among other things. Check Survival Control Panel's modpage for more details.

Note: This does NOT require survival mode to work. Will work with AE and SE. ESL Flagged