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DX Cassandra Frost Witch Outfit - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics) to each high level warrock at 10% chance.
The variety is increased compared to the UNP version, so there is more variation in the enemies.
Supplementary information.
If you want to put esl on, you need to work with SSEEdit yourself.
Load the file 'Cassandra Frost Witch - CBBE - SPID.esp' in SSEEdit.
The "Cassandra Frost Witch.esp" will then load in tandem.
Right-click on the "Cassandra Frost Witch.esp" esp and select "Compact FormID for ESL".
Attach the esl flag to 'Cassandra Frost Witch.esp'.
The 'Cassandra Frost Witch - CBBE - SPID.esp' will then also change its FormID reference in conjunction with it.
Save both and you are done.
I'm sorry. I'm not willing to take requests. Because there is no end to it. I might quit tomorrow. So I am writing down how to do it. You guys can now use your SPID to distribute clothes and items of your choice to NPCs. How to distribute in SPID documant https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65451