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gekkou1992Uploaded by
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About this mod
Added animations for the player when activate to some object.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Address Library for SKSE Plugins Keyword Item Distributor (KID) EatingSleepingDrinking Modern Brawl Bug Fix EatingSleepingDrinking Open Animation Replacer Optional(Activation Animations all feature) Payload Interpreter Optional(Activation Animations : activate animations feature) powerofthree's Tweaks EatingSleepingDrinking. must set po3_Tweaks.ini : Load EditorIDs = true Project New Reign - Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine Or FNIS v7.6. FNIS is not supported when using activate animations. Quick Loot RE Optional(Activation Animations : QuickLoot RE Animations) SkyUI XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes SKSE For SE(2.0.20) The latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Need X64 in the page Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes EatingSleepingDrinking - KuNeruNomu - Settings Loader gekkou1992 - HipBag - CBBE 3BAv2 Bodyslides Download Hipbag from optional files, run FNIS/Nemesis, build outfit and enjoy in game. QuickLoot IE patch for Activation Animations NG Toggle UI (SKSE Plugin) optional, support toggle it's UI - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are not allowed to modify my files, including creating bug fixes or improving on features under any circumstances
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
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- Changelogs
Version 2.3.1
- <<Activation Animations>> Fixed "loot purses" animation that was not played. The animation will be played with "loot miscs and keys" feature.
- How to update
- 1. Update files overwrite to the old files
- 2.Run nemesis
- 3. MCM -> Acitivation Animations -> 2nd pages -> turn OFF"loot miscs and keys"
- 4. Close MCM and menu mode
- 5. Open MCM > Acitivation Animations -> 2nd pages -> turn ON "loot miscs and keys"
- 6. enjoy
Version 2.3.0
- <<Activation Animations>> Added "loot miscs, keys" and "loot ingredient", "loot soulgems", "loot weapons", "loot armors", "loot ammos" feature
- <<Activation Animations>> Added multiple playback speed feature MCM first page. This relates to the above "new loot" feature.
Version 2.2.18
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed Convert "Empty Bottle feature" that was not invalid even if set to 0.
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed ESDDrinksDefinition_KID.ini issue that was not exist. Added required mod "Keyword Item Distributor (KID)" and "powerofthree's Tweaks". See requirements page.
Version 2.2.17
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Adjusted CTD issue with v1.6.1170 AE.
Version 2.2.16
- <<Activation Animations>> Added "Fix Angle" feature. See Activation Animations MCM first page
- <<Activation Animations>> Added "Fix Angle for QuickLoot" feature. See Activation Animations MCM first page
- <<Activation Animations>> Added the feature to play QuickLoot animations also while weapon drawn. See Activation Animations MCM first page
Version 2.2.15
- << Activation Animations >> Supported SE and AE both with one SKSE plugin
Version 2.2.14
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed inconsistencies with lever animations being played
- << EatingSLeepingDrinking >> Supported SE and AE both with one SKSE plugin
Version 2.2.13
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed "weaponspeedmult" issue that was slow swing speed when remove buff using ESDWeaponSpeedMultFix.esp.
- << Activation Animations >> Changed to play animation also while weapondrawn, and so added "Disable to play animation in weapondrawn" feature
Version 2.2.12
- << Activation Animations >> Fix invalid formID issue
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Tweaked "Sample feature"
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed getting CTD issue when drop portable bedrolls or mead barrels. This issue was taken from v2.2.11
- << Action Animations >> Supported SE and AE both with one SKSE plugin
Version 2.2.11revision2
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Tweaked "Sample feature"
Version 2.2.11
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed "Expression Index" value of expression feature issue that was not correctly
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked lever animation feature
- << Action Animations >> Fixed unequip armors feature that was not work
Version 2.2.10
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked door animation feature
- << Activation Animations >> Added "Forced change to 3rd person view" feature(Not QuickLoot animations). For "Improved Camera SE"
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed playbackspeed feature issue that was not work before I knew it
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Added a mead(water) barrel(Same as LE). logs * 1, nails * 1, iron ingot * 1 requiped, it creates on the smithing forge. KNOW ISSUE : Redraw misc mead barrel when NPC was picked-up the barrel(It may have been delete and disable flag removed).
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> The PC will close eyes, when interaction the shrine while expression feature is turned ON
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed thirst(fatigue? I forgot which one) value issue that was initialized before you knew it
- << Action Animations >> Added "Drink Water From Barrel" feature. An animation will be played when activate a ESD mead barrel.
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> , << Action Animations >> Fixed SKSE plugin bug for reading xml(If there are not enough elements, an exception will be thrown and the operation will stop reading xml)
Version 2.2.7
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked door animation feature
- << Activation Animations >> Added Harvest Animation Options Feature. See images
Version 2.2.6
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked door animation feature
Version 2.2.5
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed issue that door(and cage) direction and animation were inconsistent
Version 2.2.4
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed issue that door direction and animation were inconsistent
- << Activation Animations >> Added "Locked Door Animation" feature. See the MCM "Activation Animations" page(bottom of the left column).
Version 2.2.3
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked activation animation feature. Run nemesis again. Animation will cancel when press the weapon ready key(For vanilla, [R] key). The door opening/closing animation cannot be canceled.
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed skse plugin code issue that was wrong
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed to open(close) gate door animation in the Riften issue that was not played
Version 2.2.2
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked activation animation feature. Run nemesis again.
Version 2.2.0
- << Activation Animations >> Remade interaction animations and scripts, SKSE plugin code. All animations are supported only Nemesis. "Payload Interpreter" new required.
<========> How to update <========>
1. Open MCM
2. Disable all activation animations(QuickLoot Animations feature does not require any configuration changes)
3. Save game
4. Replace Activation Animations Mod files
5. Run Nemesis with check "ESD Activation Animations" and "ESD QuickLoot Animations" in nemesis patch list as needed
6. enjoy
- << Activation Animations >> Remade interaction animations and scripts, SKSE plugin code. All animations are supported only Nemesis. "Payload Interpreter" new required.
Version 2.1.2
- << Action Animations >> Fixed meal animation issue that was not work
Version 2.1.1
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed QuickLoot container animation issue that was not work
- << Hip Bag >> Fixed v2.1.0 "_HipBagHotkey.pex" script issue that would infinite loop. Sorry new game please.
- << Action Animations >> Fixed meal animation issue that was not work
Version 2.1.0
- << EatingSLeepingDrinking >> Added "ESD WeaponSpeedMult Fix" to optional file
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Added peeping animation feature(It was in LE version)
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed few SKSE plugin issue, but forgot the details
- << Action Animations >> Added peeping animation (washing animation)
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked SKSE plugin behavior on QuickLoot animations code
- << Activation Animations >> Forgot to add new esp file. Reupload
- << Hip Bag >> Changed hotkey behavior. Adding armor to the form list will now be treated as a hipbag. Use "FormList Manipulator - FLM". FormList = 0x80F~HipBag.esp|0xXXXXXX(Armor)~NiceBackPack.esp
Version 2.0.1
- << Activation Animations >> Tweaked "QuickLoot" animation SKSE plugin code
- << Activation Animations >> Fixed gamepad users issue that was forgot on the "QuickLoot" animations SKSE plugin code
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed buff and debuff issue that was not work correctly from v2.0.0
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed empty and water bottle issue that was not work correctly from v2.0.0
- << ======= Possible things with "convenience hotkey" ====== >>
- 1. Drink water from the river, pond etc. Condition is "in the water" but not swimming and drifting.
- 2. Collect the portable-bedroll( of Furniture). Target HUD to the bedroll and press hotkey.
- 3. Absorb dragon soul from dead dragon who not automatic absorb dragon soul. Target HUD to the dragon and press hotkey.
- 4. Possible to fill water bottle from the river, pond etc. Condition is same as 1, and carrying one or some empty-bottle of potion(not misc empty bottle) with not thirsty.
Version 2.0.0
- << Hip Bag >> Converted to ESPFE. If you update, required New Game.
- << Action Animations >> Converted to ESPFE. If you update, required New Game.
- << Action Animations >> Fixed empty MCM issue
- << Activation Animations >> Converted to ESPFE. If you update, required New Game.
- << Activation animation >> Fixed MCM translation text without changing version
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Converted to ESPFE. If you update, required New Game.
- <<EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed empty MCM issue
- <<EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed issue "Convenience Hotkeys" that was not work unless "Meal Hotkeys" was enabled
- <<EatingSleepingDrinking >> Edited vanilla record(because for buff)
- << EatingSleepingDrinking >> Fixed empty and water bottle issue that was not work correctly from v2.0.0
Version 1.2.4
- <<Activation Animations>> Tweaked SKSE plugin behavior while QuickLoot sneaking animations
Version 1.2.3
- <<Activation Animations>> Tweaked behavior file for QuickLoot animations
Version 1.2.2
- <<Activation Animations>> Fixed empty MCM issue
If you already update to v1.2.1, v1.2.2 just overwrite to the v1.2.1. If not v1.2.1, v1.2.2 just overwrite to the v1.2.1, and Run Nemesis.
- <<Activation Animations>> Fixed empty MCM issue
Version 1.2.1
- <<Activation Animations>> Added animations similar to the previous version for QuickLoot Animations. Run Nemesis. CHECK "ESD QuickLoot Animations" Nemesis patch list when run Nemesis patch. SEE IMAGES TAB "NEMESIS PATCH".
Requiered :
"QuickLoot Animations" : Nemesis and SKSE and Open Animation Replacer
"Activate Animations" : FNIS or Nemesis and SKSE
- <<Activation Animations>> Added animations similar to the previous version for QuickLoot Animations. Run Nemesis. CHECK "ESD QuickLoot Animations" Nemesis patch list when run Nemesis patch. SEE IMAGES TAB "NEMESIS PATCH".
Version 1.2.0Beta
- <<Activation Animations>> Reverted QuickLoot animations to pre-v1.1.0 style. v1.2.0 QuickLoot animations does not support FNIS. CHECK "ESD QuickLoot Animations" Nemesis patch list when run Nemesis patch. SEE IMAGES TAB "NEMESIS PATCH". Added feature Quickloot animation playback speed in the MCM.
Requiered :
"QuickLoot Animations" : Nemesis and SKSE
"Activate Animations" : FNIS or Nemesis and SKSE
- <<Activation Animations>> Reverted QuickLoot animations to pre-v1.1.0 style. v1.2.0 QuickLoot animations does not support FNIS. CHECK "ESD QuickLoot Animations" Nemesis patch list when run Nemesis patch. SEE IMAGES TAB "NEMESIS PATCH". Added feature Quickloot animation playback speed in the MCM.
Version 1.1.2
- <<Action Animations>> Fixed books and notes animation issue that was not correctly play.
Version 1.1.1
- <<Action Animations>> Fixed 1.1.0 animation issue again. Yah it wasn't fixed.
- <<Action Animations>> Fixed missing eating-animation AnimObject Issue(Steak, Skeever, Mammoth Cheese, Baked Potatoes etc).
- <<Action Animations>> Hide ESD MCM Page when ESD is not installed.
- <<Action Animations>> Fixed vanilla (idle state) drinking animation that was never finished. Made the default (standing-)drinking new animation. This vanilla animation had the issue of getting big hands.
Version 1.1.0
- <<Action Animations>>Fixed part of eating and drinking animation issue that wasn't played.
- <<Activation Animations>> QuickLoot EE
- <<Activation Animations>> Changed the specifications of QuickLoot RE animations. You need to increase this mod animations priority according to your OAR usage.
Version 1.0.2
- <<EatingSLeepingDrinking>> Fixed wrong skse plugin code but there is no problem with the game.
- <<Activation Animations>> Fixed Quick Loot RE jumping loot issue that does not finish.
Version 1.0.1
- <<Activation Animations>> Fixed lever animation issue.
- <<Activation Animations>> Fixed "QuickLoot RE" animation issue that was played when the container has been locked.
- <<Activation Animations>> Fixed "Harvest coin purse" issue.
- <<Activation Animations>> Adjusted QuickLootRE ainmation feature
- <<EatingSleepingDrinking>> Fixed widget issue that continue to hide when the container menu opened.
- <<EatingSleepingDrinking>> Fixed knitting needles issue that couldn't create.
- <<EatingSleepingDrinking>> Fixed buff script stack issue
- <<EatingSLeepingDrinking>> Fixed well balanced meals feature issue that was not work.
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
Basic Needs Feature
Added concept of hunger, thirst, exhaustion, body health to the player. When the player good condition, take good buff. But, when not good condition, will be removed the buff. Set to 0 in MCM, buff's effective is disabled. Almost the same as the LE latest version.
<<Difference from the LE version>>
Headtracking Feature : nothing. Recommend "True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay".
Go to bed animation Feature : nothing. Super recommend "Go to bed Lite".
Part of animations Feature : I don't feel like debug them.
Action Animation Feature
1 .Eating foods and drinking drinks animations
There are no rules for xml filenames in the SKSE \ Plugins \ ActionAnimations \ AlchemyItems folder. Don't put except xml to the folder. SKSE\Plugins\ActionAnimations\AlchemyItemsフォルダに突っ込むxmlのファイル名に規則はありません。xmlファイル以外入れないでください。
2. Reading books animations
3. ESD animations
- Drink water from water source(river, pond etc) animations
- Fill water bottle animations
- Washing body animations
- Setting bedroll animations
4. ESD bathing animations
Activation Animation Feature
1. Play animation when the player activate a flora, insect, sharne, door, door bolt, trap-trigger, pazzle-pillar, pazzle-wheel, pull-bar, pull-chain, cage, lever, dwemer button. Enable animation which you need in MCM.
2. Play animation when use Quick Loot RE. Enable animation which you need in MCM.
How to install
SKSE team for SKSE.
meh321 for Address Library for SKSE Plugins.
Ryan-rsm-McKenzi for CommonLibSSE
Added concept of hunger, thirst, exhaustion, body health to the player. When the player good condition, take good buff. But, when not good condition, will be removed the buff. Set to 0 in MCM, buff's effective is disabled. Almost the same as the LE latest version.
<<Difference from the LE version>>
Headtracking Feature : nothing. Recommend "True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay".
Go to bed animation Feature : nothing. Super recommend "Go to bed Lite".
Part of animations Feature : I don't feel like debug them.
Action Animation Feature
1 .Eating foods and drinking drinks animations
There are no rules for xml filenames in the SKSE \ Plugins \ ActionAnimations \ AlchemyItems folder. Don't put except xml to the folder. SKSE\Plugins\ActionAnimations\AlchemyItemsフォルダに突っ込むxmlのファイル名に規則はありません。xmlファイル以外入れないでください。
2. Reading books animations
3. ESD animations
- Drink water from water source(river, pond etc) animations
- Fill water bottle animations
- Washing body animations
- Setting bedroll animations
4. ESD bathing animations
Activation Animation Feature
1. Play animation when the player activate a flora, insect, sharne, door, door bolt, trap-trigger, pazzle-pillar, pazzle-wheel, pull-bar, pull-chain, cage, lever, dwemer button. Enable animation which you need in MCM.
2. Play animation when use Quick Loot RE. Enable animation which you need in MCM.
How to install
- install this mod
- Run Nemesis or FNIS
- Set the MCM settings
SKSE team for SKSE.
meh321 for Address Library for SKSE Plugins.
Ryan-rsm-McKenzi for CommonLibSSE