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About this mod

Adds a template companion Sofia to be freely edited for modders wanting to create a companion in Skyrim Special Edition without having to create one from scratch

Permissions and credits

Adds a bare bones template companion named Sofia who can be freely edited and changed by modders who want don't want to create a companion from scratch using the Skyrim SE Creation Kit. She can be used as a companion for non modded use since she is voiced but will work well for melee and ranged but no mage class.

► Notable Things:
  • Looks very similar to the female preset of the Dragonborn 👸
  • Is marked Essential and can't be killed by anything ⚔️
  • Is marked Doesn't effect stealth meter (Important feature as you don't want your companion breaking stealth) 🕵️‍♀️
  • She is voiced companion unlike the template companion Steve from Fallout 4 🗣️
  • Uses the follower VoiceType and sounds like Lydia 🎤
  • Has her own Class 📚
  • Her stats have all their vaults set to 1 📊
  • Wears a set housecarl armor 🛡️
  • Can be found near the gate entrance to Riverwood 🏞️
  • Has her inventory empty to allow adding of weapons in the Creation Kit 🧰

Installing: 💿
Vortex method is the easiest and fastest way to install the mod

Uninstalling: 🗑️
You can remove the mod using Vortex remove mod feature

Credits to Darkfox127 for the tutorial on Creation Kit (Detailed Followers Tutorial) using the Skyrim Creation Kit.