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About this mod

Add a broken world tree for skyrim similar to the Erdtree inside the Eleden ring.

Permissions and credits

Add a broken world tree for skyrim similar to the Erdtree inside the Eleden ring. It is even much higher than Throat of the World!


Mod Manager / Manual Extraction to the Skyrim Data folder.

The model resources used are not from FromSoftware, but original models made by yayue.

Regarding 9DM/3DM usage:
You are not permitted to repost this mod to 9DM, nor are you allowed to include this in any 9DM modpacks without my permission.
For modpack sellers on 9DM: under no circumstances are you allowed to include my plugin in your modpack, in perpetuity, throughout the universe.
(For people with little clue what's going on on 9DM: 9DM is a Chinese Skyrim forum as well as a bureaucratic shithole, where people pack free mods into modpacks and sell them. 9DM officials even blatently support such behaviors and do ads business with them. I cannot and will not see my plugin on that site).

为何不允许转载9DM? -9DM是一个官僚主义的屎坑; 甚至连9DM官方都无耻地公然支持付费整合包销售者,我不会允许我的模组在这种贪腐的平台上出现。