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Maleficus and Everglaid

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About this mod

This mod utilizes the EVG Animated Traversal framework to add parkourable areas into the major hold capitals.

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Everglaid, the big-brained genius, just recently released EVG Animated Traversal, which is a framework that allows mod authors to place markers in the world which will enable players to climb, vault, drop, et cetera in locations of their choice. This mod adds a bunch of those markers in and around the cities of Whiterun, Windhelm, Markarth, Solitude, and Riften. This will allow the player to take some shortcuts around the cities and do so with style!

Whiterun is the place with the most new markers, both inside the city and outside its walls. The player will be able to vault over pretty much any fence in specific locations in the farmland, and there's a very nice shortcut over the wall into the city. Additionally, there will be several places to vault and climb within the city.

Markarth has a few climb markers within the city's worldspace, some outside of the city's walls, and some within Understone Keep and even the Dwemer Museum/Calcemo's Lab and quarters.

In Riften, I added the ability to vault over the market walls, a speedy getaway from the Jarl's quarters from the balcony, a ladder to get over some of the walls around properties, and the ability to climb over the wall of the Black-Briar estate's backyard. Most other properties' walls had very uncomfortable looking spikes at the tops of them. Made my job a bit harder. Almost like Bethesda designed Riften with security from prospective thieves in mind. :)

In Solitude, you can now traverse those ledges behind the inn and alchemy shop, so you no longer need to sneak down the middle of the street if you're trying to not be seen. There are a few additional areas at which you can climb walls both inside and outside the city (in the docks area mainly for outside).

Windhelm utilizes a couple climbing spots and a squeeze spot inside of the city and several vault markers for fences outside of the city as well as one of the railings at the docks, which will land you "safely" on some ice, so you can go across country to Winterhold.

Available Patches:

-JK's Skyrim - Maleficus' Traversal Patch - by Kuroishitam
-Unrelated to my mod, but I suggest you download Caine's Roof Access for JK's Skyrim (EVGAT) by CaineGaming with that patch. It is mentioned on the mod page that it is compatible with my mod, and Caine's mod is really cool, so I'd love it if you could enjoy his mod too!
-Gradden's Open Cities Patches - by Gradden
-Tiny But Useful - Yet Another Patch Hub - by Oaristys (Patch for Markarth Outskirts available here)


-Is this mod still useful now that SkyClimb has been released?
Whilst there is some feature overlap in the sense that you can use SkyClimb to climb up many of the same buildings and ledges I placed my markers at, and now SkyClimb does vaulting too, this mod is still useful for some of the other EVGAT markers I have used. My mod also allows vaulting in areas where SkyClimb seemingly doesn't.

-Did you use the indicators added into the mod framework to show where these markers are?
I placed a lot of markers in the world, so the worldspace would be rather cluttered with the floating indicators if they were just always present. To compromise, I placed the markers, and I set them to be initially disabled. I also made an MCM, which allows you to set a hotkey, and this hotkey will toggle the visibility of these indicators.

-I want to make my own patches for other traversal mods to have your MCM/hotkey functionality, how can I do that?
I included an extra formlist (formlist 5), which is empty. Add any indicators you wanna patch in there. Most other traversal mods will not have placed their markers so that they are disabled by default. My hotkey function uses a boolean to enable/disable respectively. If you patch any mod, press the hotkey to enable the markers after loading your game, then press it again to disable the markers. With the disable press, the patched markers should be disabled too, then enabled normally with subsequent presses.

-You mentioned Solitude! Is it compatible with Legacy of the Dragonborn?
I intentionally did not touch the part of Solitude that the Dragonborn Gallery would appear in if you have LotD installed, so it should be compatible.

-Is this compatible with (insert city mod here)?
Maybe, but probably not. Things that move around buildings, clutter, and geometry within the cities are liable to block markers or cause markers to become useless. I was planning on making patches for the various city mods, but I want to move on to other projects now. My permissions are 100% open, so feel free to make and upload patches yourself, as long as you credit me on the mod page. Once I become aware of a patch you make, I will add it to the available patches list above the FAQ.

-What do you mean open permissions?
You're free to modify my mod, use its assets, upload said modifications, and earn donation points off of them; you don't need to ask. I just ask that you credit Everglaid (for the framework) in your mod's description as well as me for this mod if you're directly modifying this mod/using its assets.

-Why didn't you cover the smaller hold capitals like Falkreath, Dawnstar, et cetera?
Because they really don't have a lot going on in them, so it felt less important to get done.

-As a mod author, how could I make a similar MCM?
I made this framework for this exact reason :)

-Can you make a non-MCM version with markers enabled?

-Why not?
Because I said so.