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Groovtma Skulltyrant XP32 and Bethesda

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About this mod

This skeleton minimizes the size difference when unequip and equip weapons and shields. And, like the shield, theskeleton was changed so that the 1hand(sword only) can also be eqiup on the back.

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The xpmsse's skeleton is unequipable, ​with larger weapons and shields than when equipping it. This skeleton minimizes the size difference when unequip and equip weapons and shields. And, like the shield, theskeleton was changed so that the 1hand(sword only) can also be eqiup on the back. The same goes for two-handed weapons. When eqiup, the size of the twohand weapon becomes larger than when unequipping. This skeleton minimizes the size difference when unequip and equip 2hand Unfortunately, this skeleton does not apply to males and Argonian Khajit. only possible Female.