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About this mod

Part of it is inspired by ELDEN RING, and the other part is my own idea

Permissions and credits
Specially written for a part of the Chinese players to see, if you are an ordinary player, this content you do not need to know what I am talking about, please check the bottom of the English MODS introduction directly:


不得转载到9DM 3DM等论坛,除非我授权,火锅味原子旋旋沙耶、吟殇,这五人以及各位收费包奸商都不得使用我现在和以后制作的任何东西我也不会给这五人授权,另外追加一个人,5X整合也禁止使用我制作的任何东西,看得到我的声明还明知故犯把我的MOD添加进自己的整合,完全没有一丝尊重作者的意思,你凭啥用我的东西?现在列入和5大奸商齐名,最后对你9DM论坛的几个老鼠屎再通报一次,别给老子玩侵删,抓到一个挂一个



B站用户C1Z12(用户ID 612414153)


MODS Introduction:

Special attacks(NEED ELDEN RIM):

Press and hold the sprint button + attack to enter the swing

Press attack while swinging, keep swinging

If you press the power attack will stop the swing

This is one of the basic animations I made for all weapons, trying to keep it as simple as possible (fancy special attacks are reserved for special weapon animations, I don't want the bandits to use some too powerful animations)

Next month I will upload a collection of animations, which will contain the basic animations of all weapons and the dual-wielding animations of four one-handed weapons (these dual-wielding animations will have their own style instead of sharing a set)

If you want to support me:

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